►Nesphome | Implementation of SPI Controller mode |
►Na01nyub | |
CA01nyubComponent | |
►Na02yyuw | |
CA02yyuwComponent | |
►Na4988 | |
CA4988 | |
►Nabsolute_humidity | |
CAbsoluteHumidityComponent | This class implements calculation of absolute humidity from temperature and relative humidity |
►Nac_dimmer | |
CAcDimmer | |
CAcDimmerDataStore | |
►Nadalight | |
CAdalightLightEffect | |
►Nadc | |
CADCSensor | |
CAggregator | |
►Nadc128s102 | |
CADC128S102 | |
CADC128S102Sensor | |
►Naddressable_light | |
CAddressableLightDisplay | |
►Nade7880 | |
CADE7880 | |
CADE7880Store | |
CNeutralChannel | |
CPowerChannel | |
►Nade7953_base | |
CADE7953 | |
►Nade7953_i2c | |
CAdE7953I2c | |
►Nade7953_spi | |
CAdE7953Spi | |
►Nads1115 | |
CADS1115Component | |
CADS1115Sensor | Internal holder class that is in instance of Sensor so that the hub can create individual sensors |
►Nads1118 | |
CADS1118 | |
CADS1118Sensor | |
►Nags10 | |
CAGS10Component | |
CAGS10NewI2cAddressAction | |
CAGS10SetZeroPointAction | |
►Naht10 | |
CAHT10Component | |
►Naic3204 | |
CAIC3204 | |
CSetAutoMuteAction | |
►Nairthings_ble | |
CAirthingsListener | |
►Nairthings_wave_base | |
►CAirthingsWaveBase | |
CAccessControlPointResponse | |
►Nairthings_wave_mini | |
►CAirthingsWaveMini | |
CWaveMiniReadings | |
►Nairthings_wave_plus | |
►CAirthingsWavePlus | |
CWavePlusReadings | |
►Nalarm_control_panel | |
CAlarmControlPanel | |
CAlarmControlPanelCall | |
CAlarmControlPanelCondition | |
CArmAwayAction | |
CArmedAwayTrigger | |
CArmedHomeTrigger | |
CArmedNightTrigger | |
CArmHomeAction | |
CArmingTrigger | |
CArmNightAction | |
CChimeTrigger | |
CClearedTrigger | |
CDisarmAction | |
CDisarmedTrigger | |
CPendingAction | |
CPendingTrigger | |
CReadyTrigger | |
CStateTrigger | |
CTriggeredAction | |
CTriggeredTrigger | |
►Nalpha3 | |
CAlpha3 | |
►Nam2315c | |
CAM2315C | |
►Nam2320 | |
CAM2320Component | |
►Nam43 | |
CAm43 | |
CAm43Component | |
CAm43Decoder | |
CAm43Encoder | |
CAm43Packet | |
►Nanalog_threshold | |
CAnalogThresholdBinarySensor | |
►Nanimation | |
CAnimation | |
CAnimationNextFrameAction | |
CAnimationPrevFrameAction | |
CAnimationSetFrameAction | |
►Nanova | |
CAnova | |
CAnovaCodec | |
CAnovaPacket | |
►Napds9306 | |
CAPDS9306 | |
►Napds9960 | |
CAPDS9960 | |
►Napi | |
CAlarmControlPanelCommandRequest | |
CAlarmControlPanelStateResponse | |
CAPIConnectedCondition | |
CAPIConnection | |
CAPIFrameHelper | |
CAPINoiseContext | |
►CAPINoiseFrameHelper | |
CParsedFrame | |
►CAPIPlaintextFrameHelper | |
CParsedFrame | |
►CAPIServer | |
CHomeAssistantStateSubscription | |
CAPIServerConnection | |
CAPIServerConnectionBase | |
CBinarySensorStateResponse | |
CBluetoothConnectionsFreeResponse | |
CBluetoothDeviceClearCacheResponse | |
CBluetoothDeviceConnectionResponse | |
CBluetoothDevicePairingResponse | |
CBluetoothDeviceRequest | |
CBluetoothDeviceUnpairingResponse | |
CBluetoothGATTCharacteristic | |
CBluetoothGATTDescriptor | |
CBluetoothGATTErrorResponse | |
CBluetoothGATTGetServicesDoneResponse | |
CBluetoothGATTGetServicesRequest | |
CBluetoothGATTGetServicesResponse | |
CBluetoothGATTNotifyDataResponse | |
CBluetoothGATTNotifyRequest | |
CBluetoothGATTNotifyResponse | |
CBluetoothGATTReadDescriptorRequest | |
CBluetoothGATTReadRequest | |
CBluetoothGATTReadResponse | |
CBluetoothGATTService | |
CBluetoothGATTWriteDescriptorRequest | |
CBluetoothGATTWriteRequest | |
CBluetoothGATTWriteResponse | |
CBluetoothLEAdvertisementResponse | |
CBluetoothLERawAdvertisement | |
CBluetoothLERawAdvertisementsResponse | |
CBluetoothServiceData | |
CButtonCommandRequest | |
CCameraImageRequest | |
CCameraImageResponse | |
CClimateCommandRequest | |
CClimateStateResponse | |
CConnectRequest | |
CConnectResponse | |
CCoverCommandRequest | |
CCoverStateResponse | |
CCustomAPIDevice | |
CCustomAPIDeviceService | |
CDateCommandRequest | |
CDateStateResponse | |
CDateTimeCommandRequest | |
CDateTimeStateResponse | |
CDeviceInfoRequest | |
CDeviceInfoResponse | |
CDisconnectRequest | |
CDisconnectResponse | |
CEventResponse | |
CExecuteServiceArgument | |
CExecuteServiceRequest | |
CFanCommandRequest | |
CFanStateResponse | |
CGetTimeRequest | |
CGetTimeResponse | |
CHelloRequest | |
CHelloResponse | |
CHomeAssistantServiceCallAction | |
CHomeassistantServiceMap | |
CHomeassistantServiceResponse | |
CHomeAssistantStateResponse | |
CInitialStateIterator | |
CLightCommandRequest | |
CLightStateResponse | |
CListEntitiesAlarmControlPanelResponse | |
CListEntitiesBinarySensorResponse | |
CListEntitiesButtonResponse | |
CListEntitiesCameraResponse | |
CListEntitiesClimateResponse | |
CListEntitiesCoverResponse | |
CListEntitiesDateResponse | |
CListEntitiesDateTimeResponse | |
CListEntitiesDoneResponse | |
CListEntitiesEventResponse | |
CListEntitiesFanResponse | |
CListEntitiesIterator | |
CListEntitiesLightResponse | |
CListEntitiesLockResponse | |
CListEntitiesMediaPlayerResponse | |
CListEntitiesNumberResponse | |
CListEntitiesRequest | |
CListEntitiesSelectResponse | |
CListEntitiesSensorResponse | |
CListEntitiesServicesArgument | |
CListEntitiesServicesResponse | |
CListEntitiesSwitchResponse | |
CListEntitiesTextResponse | |
CListEntitiesTextSensorResponse | |
CListEntitiesTimeResponse | |
CListEntitiesUpdateResponse | |
CListEntitiesValveResponse | |
CLockCommandRequest | |
CLockStateResponse | |
CMediaPlayerCommandRequest | |
CMediaPlayerStateResponse | |
CMediaPlayerSupportedFormat | |
CNumberCommandRequest | |
CNumberStateResponse | |
CPacketBuffer | |
CPingRequest | |
CPingResponse | |
CProto32Bit | |
CProto64Bit | |
CProtoLengthDelimited | |
CProtoMessage | |
CProtoService | |
CProtoVarInt | Representation of a VarInt - in ProtoBuf should be 64bit but we only use 32bit |
CProtoWriteBuffer | |
CReadPacketBuffer | |
CSelectCommandRequest | |
CSelectStateResponse | |
CSensorStateResponse | |
CSubscribeBluetoothConnectionsFreeRequest | |
CSubscribeBluetoothLEAdvertisementsRequest | |
CSubscribeHomeassistantServicesRequest | |
CSubscribeHomeAssistantStateResponse | |
CSubscribeHomeAssistantStatesRequest | |
CSubscribeLogsRequest | |
CSubscribeLogsResponse | |
CSubscribeStatesRequest | |
CSubscribeVoiceAssistantRequest | |
CSwitchCommandRequest | |
CSwitchStateResponse | |
CTemplatableKeyValuePair | |
CTemplatableStringValue | |
CTextCommandRequest | |
CTextSensorStateResponse | |
CTextStateResponse | |
CTimeCommandRequest | |
CTimeStateResponse | |
CUnsubscribeBluetoothLEAdvertisementsRequest | |
CUpdateCommandRequest | |
CUpdateStateResponse | |
CUserServiceBase | |
CUserServiceDescriptor | |
CUserServiceTrigger | |
CValveCommandRequest | |
CValveStateResponse | |
CVoiceAssistantAnnounceFinished | |
CVoiceAssistantAnnounceRequest | |
CVoiceAssistantAudio | |
CVoiceAssistantAudioSettings | |
CVoiceAssistantConfigurationRequest | |
CVoiceAssistantConfigurationResponse | |
CVoiceAssistantEventData | |
CVoiceAssistantEventResponse | |
CVoiceAssistantRequest | |
CVoiceAssistantResponse | |
CVoiceAssistantSetConfiguration | |
CVoiceAssistantTimerEventResponse | |
CVoiceAssistantWakeWord | |
►Nas3935 | |
CAS3935Component | |
►Nas3935_i2c | |
CI2CAS3935Component | |
►Nas3935_spi | |
CSPIAS3935Component | |
►Nas5600 | |
CAS5600Component | |
CAS5600Sensor | |
►Nas7341 | |
CAS7341Component | |
►Nat581x | |
CAT581XComponent | |
CAT581XResetAction | |
CAT581XSettingsAction | |
CRFSwitch | |
►Natc_mithermometer | |
CATCMiThermometer | |
CParseResult | |
►Natm90e26 | |
CATM90E26Component | |
►Natm90e32 | |
CATM90E32CalibrationButton | |
CATM90E32ClearCalibrationButton | |
►CATM90E32Component | |
CATM90E32Phase | |
CCalibration | |
►Naudio | |
CAudioDecoder | |
CAudioFile | |
CAudioReader | |
CAudioResampler | |
CAudioSinkTransferBuffer | |
CAudioSourceTransferBuffer | |
CAudioStreamInfo | |
CAudioTransferBuffer | |
►Naudio_adc | |
CAudioAdc | |
CSetMicGainAction | |
►Naudio_dac | |
CAudioDac | |
CMuteOffAction | |
CMuteOnAction | |
CSetVolumeAction | |
►Naxs15231 | |
CAXS15231Touchscreen | |
►Nb_parasite | |
CBParasite | |
►Nballu | |
CBalluClimate | |
►Nbang_bang | |
CBangBangClimate | |
CBangBangClimateTargetTempConfig | |
►Nbedjet | |
CBedJetClient | |
CBedJetClimate | |
CBedjetCodec | This class is responsible for encoding command packets and decoding status packets |
CBedJetFan | |
CBedJetHub | Hub component connecting to the BedJet device over Bluetooth |
CBedjetPacket | |
CBedjetSensor | |
CBedjetStatusPacket | The format of a BedJet V3 status packet |
►Nbeken_spi_led_strip | |
CBekenSPILEDStripLightOutput | |
►Nbh1750 | |
CBH1750Sensor | This class implements support for the i2c-based BH1750 ambient light sensor |
►Nbinary | |
CBinaryFan | |
CBinaryLightOutput | |
►Nbinary_sensor | |
CAutorepeatFilter | |
CAutorepeatFilterTiming | |
CBinarySensor | Base class for all binary_sensor-type classes |
CBinarySensorCondition | |
CBinarySensorInitiallyOff | |
CBinarySensorPublishAction | |
CClickTrigger | |
CDelayedOffFilter | |
CDelayedOnFilter | |
CDelayedOnOffFilter | |
CDoubleClickTrigger | |
CFilter | |
CInvertFilter | |
CLambdaFilter | |
CMultiClickTrigger | |
CMultiClickTriggerEvent | |
CPressTrigger | |
CReleaseTrigger | |
CSettleFilter | |
CStateTrigger | |
►Nbinary_sensor_map | |
CBinarySensorMap | Class to map one or more binary_sensors to one Sensor |
CBinarySensorMapChannel | |
►Nbl0906 | |
CBL0906 | |
CDataPacket | |
CResetEnergyAction | |
Csbe24_t | |
Cube24_t | |
►Nbl0939 | |
CBL0939 | |
CDataPacket | |
Csbe24_t | |
Cube16_t | |
Cube24_t | |
►Nbl0940 | |
CBL0940 | |
CDataPacket | |
Csbe24_t | |
Cube16_t | |
Cube24_t | |
►Nbl0942 | |
CBL0942 | |
CDataPacket | |
►Nble_client | |
CAutomation | |
CBLEBinaryOutput | |
CBLEClient | |
CBLEClientConnectAction | |
CBLEClientConnectTrigger | |
CBLEClientDisconnectAction | |
CBLEClientDisconnectTrigger | |
CBLEClientNode | |
CBLEClientNumericComparisonReplyAction | |
CBLEClientNumericComparisonRequestTrigger | |
CBLEClientPasskeyNotificationTrigger | |
CBLEClientPasskeyReplyAction | |
CBLEClientPasskeyRequestTrigger | |
CBLEClientRemoveBondAction | |
CBLEClientRSSISensor | |
CBLEClientSwitch | |
CBLEClientWriteAction | |
CBLESensor | |
CBLESensorNotifyTrigger | |
CBLETextSensor | |
CBLETextSensorNotifyTrigger | |
►Nble_presence | |
CBLEPresenceDevice | |
►Nble_rssi | |
CBLERSSISensor | |
►Nble_scanner | |
CBLEScanner | |
►Nbluetooth_proxy | |
CBluetoothConnection | |
CBluetoothProxy | |
►Nbme280_base | |
CBME280CalibrationData | Internal struct storing the calibration values of an BME280 |
CBME280Component | This class implements support for the BME280 Temperature+Pressure+Humidity sensor |
►Nbme280_i2c | |
CBME280I2CComponent | |
►Nbme280_spi | |
CBME280SPIComponent | |
►Nbme680 | |
CBME680CalibrationData | Struct for storing calibration data for the BME680 |
CBME680Component | |
►Nbme680_bsec | |
CBME680BSECComponent | |
►Nbme68x_bsec2 | |
CBME68xBSEC2Component | |
►Nbme68x_bsec2_i2c | |
CBME68xBSEC2I2CComponent | |
►Nbmi160 | |
CBMI160Component | |
►Nbmp085 | |
►CBMP085Component | |
CCalibrationData | |
►Nbmp280_base | |
CBMP280CalibrationData | Internal struct storing the calibration values of an BMP280 |
CBMP280Component | This class implements support for the BMP280 Temperature+Pressure sensor |
►Nbmp280_i2c | |
CBMP280I2CComponent | This class implements support for the BMP280 Temperature+Pressure i2c sensor |
►Nbmp280_spi | |
CBMP280SPIComponent | |
►Nbmp3xx_base | |
►CBMP3XXComponent | This class implements support for the BMP3XX Temperature+Pressure sensor |
CFloatParams | |
►Nbmp3xx_i2c | |
CBMP3XXI2CComponent | |
►Nbmp3xx_spi | |
CBMP3XXSPIComponent | |
►Nbmp581 | |
CBMP581Component | |
►Nbp1658cj | |
►CBP1658CJ | |
CChannel | |
►Nbp5758d | |
►CBP5758D | |
CChannel | |
►Nbutton | |
CButton | Base class for all buttons |
CButtonPressTrigger | |
CPressAction | |
►Nbytebuffer | |
CByteBuffer | A class modelled on the Java ByteBuffer class |
►Ncanbus | |
CCanbus | |
CCanbusSendAction | |
CCanbusTrigger | |
CCanFrame | |
►Ncap1188 | |
CCAP1188Channel | |
CCAP1188Component | |
►Ncaptive_portal | |
CCaptivePortal | |
►Nccs811 | |
CCCS811Component | |
►Ncd74hc4067 | |
CCD74HC4067Component | |
CCD74HC4067Sensor | |
►Nch422g | |
CCH422GComponent | |
CCH422GGPIOPin | Helper class to expose a CH422G pin as a GPIO pin |
►Nclimate | |
CClimate | ClimateDevice - This is the base class for all climate integrations |
CClimateCall | This class is used to encode all control actions on a climate device |
CClimateDeviceRestoreState | Struct used to save the state of the climate device in restore memory |
CClimateTraits | This class contains all static data for climate devices |
CControlAction | |
CControlTrigger | |
CStateTrigger | |
►Nclimate_ir | |
CClimateIR | |
►Nclimate_ir_lg | |
CLgIrClimate | |
►Ncolor_temperature | |
CCTLightOutput | |
►Ncombination | |
CCombinationComponent | |
CCombinationNoParameterComponent | Base class for operations that do not require an extra parameter to compute the combination |
CCombinationOneParameterComponent | |
CKalmanCombinationComponent | |
CLinearCombinationComponent | |
CMaximumCombinationComponent | |
CMeanCombinationComponent | |
CMedianCombinationComponent | |
CMinimumCombinationComponent | |
CMostRecentCombinationComponent | |
CRangeCombinationComponent | |
CSumCombinationComponent | |
►Ncoolix | |
CCoolixClimate | |
►Ncopy | |
CCopyBinarySensor | |
CCopyButton | |
CCopyCover | |
CCopyFan | |
CCopyLock | |
CCopyNumber | |
CCopySelect | |
CCopySensor | |
CCopySwitch | |
CCopyText | |
CCopyTextSensor | |
►Ncover | |
CCloseAction | |
CControlAction | |
CCover | Base class for all cover devices |
CCoverCall | |
CCoverClosedTrigger | |
CCoverIsClosedCondition | |
CCoverIsOpenCondition | |
CCoverOpenTrigger | |
CCoverPublishAction | |
CCoverRestoreState | Struct used to store the restored state of a cover |
CCoverTraits | |
COpenAction | |
CStopAction | |
CToggleAction | |
►Ncs5460a | |
CCS5460AComponent | |
CCS5460ARestartAction | |
►Ncse7761 | |
CCSE7761Component | This class implements support for the CSE7761 UART power sensor |
CCSE7761DataStruct | |
►Ncse7766 | |
CCSE7766Component | |
►Ncst226 | |
CCST226Touchscreen | |
►Ncst816 | |
CCST816Button | |
CCST816ButtonListener | |
CCST816Touchscreen | |
►Nct_clamp | |
CCTClampSensor | |
►Ncurrent_based | |
CCurrentBasedCover | |
►Ncwww | |
CCWWWLightOutput | |
►Ndac7678 | |
CDAC7678Channel | |
CDAC7678Output | DAC7678 float output component |
►Ndaikin | |
CDaikinClimate | |
►Ndaikin_arc | |
CDaikinArcClimate | |
►Ndaikin_brc | |
CDaikinBrcClimate | |
►Ndallas_temp | |
CDallasTemperatureSensor | |
►Ndaly_bms | |
CDalyBmsComponent | |
►Ndatetime | |
CDateCall | |
CDateEntity | |
CDateEntityRestoreState | |
CDateSetAction | |
CDateTimeBase | |
CDateTimeCall | |
CDateTimeEntity | |
CDateTimeEntityRestoreState | |
CDateTimeSetAction | |
CDateTimeStateTrigger | |
COnDateTimeTrigger | |
COnTimeTrigger | |
CTimeCall | |
CTimeEntity | |
CTimeEntityRestoreState | |
CTimeSetAction | |
►Ndebug | |
CDebugComponent | |
►Ndeep_sleep | |
CAllowDeepSleepAction | |
CDeepSleepComponent | This component allows setting up the node to go into deep sleep mode to conserve battery |
CEnterDeepSleepAction | |
CExt1Wakeup | |
CPreventDeepSleepAction | |
CWakeupCauseToRunDuration | |
►Ndelonghi | |
CDelonghiClimate | |
►Ndemo | |
CDemoBinarySensor | |
CDemoClimate | |
CDemoCover | |
CDemoFan | |
CDemoLight | |
CDemoNumber | |
CDemoSensor | |
CDemoSwitch | |
CDemoTextSensor | |
►Ndfplayer | |
CDFPlayer | |
CDFPlayerFinishedPlaybackTrigger | |
CDFPlayerIsPlayingCondition | |
CPlayFileAction | |
CPlayFolderAction | |
CPlayMp3Action | |
CSetDeviceAction | |
CSetEqAction | |
CSetVolumeAction | |
►Ndfrobot_sen0395 | |
CCircularCommandQueue | |
CCommand | |
CDetRangeCfgCommand | |
CDfrobotSen0395Component | |
CDfrobotSen0395ResetAction | |
CDfrobotSen0395SettingsAction | |
CDfrobotSen0395Switch | |
CFactoryResetCommand | |
CLedModeCommand | |
CPowerCommand | |
CReadStateCommand | |
CResetSystemCommand | |
CSaveCfgCommand | |
CSen0395LedSwitch | |
CSen0395PowerSwitch | |
CSen0395StartAfterBootSwitch | |
CSen0395UartPresenceSwitch | |
CSensitivityCommand | |
CSensorCfgStartCommand | |
CSetLatencyCommand | |
CUartOutputCommand | |
►Ndht | |
CDHT | Component for reading temperature/humidity measurements from DHT11/DHT22 sensors |
►Ndht12 | |
CDHT12Component | |
►Ndisplay | |
CBaseFont | |
CBaseImage | |
CColorUtil | |
CDisplay | |
CDisplayBuffer | |
CDisplayIsDisplayingPageCondition | |
CDisplayOnPageChangeTrigger | |
CDisplayPage | |
CDisplayPageShowAction | |
CDisplayPageShowNextAction | |
CDisplayPageShowPrevAction | |
CRect | |
►Ndisplay_menu_base | |
CDisplayMenuComponent | Class to display a hierarchical menu |
CDisplayMenuOnEnterTrigger | |
CDisplayMenuOnLeaveTrigger | |
CDisplayMenuOnNextTrigger | |
CDisplayMenuOnPrevTrigger | |
CDisplayMenuOnValueTrigger | |
CDownAction | |
CEnterAction | |
CHideAction | |
CIsActiveCondition | |
CLeftAction | |
CMenuItem | |
CMenuItemCommand | |
CMenuItemCustom | |
CMenuItemEditable | |
CMenuItemMenu | |
CMenuItemNumber | |
CMenuItemSelect | |
CMenuItemSwitch | |
CRightAction | |
CShowAction | |
CShowMainAction | |
CUpAction | |
►Ndps310 | |
CDPS310Component | |
►Nds1307 | |
►CDS1307Component | |
CDS1307Reg | |
CReadAction | |
CWriteAction | |
►Ndsmr | |
CDsmr | |
►Nduty_cycle | |
CDutyCycleSensor | |
CDutyCycleSensorStore | Store data in a class that doesn't use multiple-inheritance (vtables in flash) |
►Nduty_time_sensor | |
CBaseAction | |
CDutyTimeSensor | |
CResetAction | |
CRunningCondition | |
CStartAction | |
CStopAction | |
►Ne131 | |
CE131AddressableLightEffect | |
CE131Component | |
CE131Packet | |
►Nee895 | |
CEE895Component | This class implements support for the ee895 of temperature i2c sensors |
►Nektf2232 | |
CEKTF2232Touchscreen | |
►Nemc2101 | |
CEmc2101Component | This class includes support for the EMC2101 i2c fan controller |
CEMC2101Output | This class allows to control the EMC2101 output |
CEMC2101Sensor | This class exposes the EMC2101 sensors |
►Nemmeti | |
CEmmetiClimate | |
CEmmetiState | |
►Nendstop | |
CEndstopCover | |
►Nens160_base | |
CENS160Component | |
►Nens160_i2c | |
CENS160I2CComponent | |
►Nens160_spi | |
CENS160SPIComponent | |
►Nens210 | |
CENS210Component | This class implements support for the ENS210 relative humidity and temperature i2c sensor |
►Nes7210 | |
CES7210 | |
CES7210Coefficient | |
►Nes7243e | |
CES7243E | |
►Nes8156 | |
CES8156 | |
►Nes8311 | |
CES8311 | |
CES8311Coefficient | |
►Nesp32 | |
CESP32InternalGPIOPin | |
►Nesp32_ble | |
CBLEAdvertising | |
CBLEDisableAction | |
CBLEEnableAction | |
CBLEEnabledCondition | |
CBLEEvent | |
CBLEStatusEventHandler | |
Cconn_status_t | |
CGAPEventHandler | |
CGATTcEventHandler | |
CGATTsEventHandler | |
CQueue | |
►Nesp32_ble_beacon | |
CESP32BLEBeacon | |
►Nesp32_ble_client | |
CBLECharacteristic | |
CBLEClientBase | |
CBLEDescriptor | |
CBLEService | |
►Nesp32_ble_server | |
►Nesp32_ble_server_automations | |
CBLECharacteristicNotifyAction | |
CBLECharacteristicSetValueAction | |
CBLECharacteristicSetValueActionManager | |
CBLEDescriptorSetValueAction | |
CBLETriggers | |
CBLE2902 | |
CBLECharacteristic | |
CBLEDescriptor | |
CBLEServer | |
CBLEService | |
►Nesp32_ble_tracker | |
CBLEEndOfScanTrigger | |
CBLEManufacturerDataAdvertiseTrigger | |
CBLEServiceDataAdvertiseTrigger | |
CESP32BLEStartScanAction | |
CESP32BLEStopScanAction | |
CESP32BLETracker | |
CESPBLEiBeacon | |
CESPBTAdvertiseTrigger | |
CESPBTClient | |
CESPBTDevice | |
CESPBTDeviceListener | |
CServiceData | |
►Nesp32_camera | |
CCameraImage | |
CCameraImageData | |
CCameraImageReader | |
CESP32Camera | |
CESP32CameraImageTrigger | |
CESP32CameraStreamStartTrigger | |
CESP32CameraStreamStopTrigger | |
►Nesp32_camera_web_server | |
CCameraWebServer | |
►Nesp32_can | |
CESP32Can | |
►Nesp32_dac | |
►Nesp32_hall | |
CESP32HallSensor | |
►Nesp32_improv | |
CESP32ImprovComponent | |
CESP32ImprovProvisionedTrigger | |
CESP32ImprovProvisioningTrigger | |
CESP32ImprovStartTrigger | |
CESP32ImprovStateTrigger | |
CESP32ImprovStoppedTrigger | |
►Nesp32_rmt_led_strip | |
CESP32RMTLEDStripLightOutput | |
►Nesp32_touch | |
CESP32TouchBinarySensor | Simple helper class to expose a touch pad value as a binary sensor |
CESP32TouchComponent | |
►Nesp8266 | |
CESP8266GPIOPin | |
►Nesp8266_pwm | |
CESP8266PWM | |
CSetFrequencyAction | |
►Nethernet | |
CEthernetComponent | |
CManualIP | |
CPHYRegister | |
►Nethernet_info | |
CDNSAddressEthernetInfo | |
CIPAddressEthernetInfo | |
CMACAddressEthernetInfo | |
►Nevent | |
CEvent | |
CEventTrigger | |
CTriggerEventAction | |
►Nevent_emitter | |
CEventEmitter | |
►Nexposure_notifications | |
CExposureNotification | |
CExposureNotificationTrigger | |
►Nezo | |
CCalibrationTrigger | |
CCustomTrigger | |
CDeviceInformationTrigger | |
CEzoCommand | |
CEZOSensor | This class implements support for the EZO circuits in i2c mode |
CLedTrigger | |
CSlopeTrigger | |
CTTrigger | |
►Nezo_pmp | |
CEzoPMP | |
CEzoPMPArbitraryCommandAction | |
CEzoPMPChangeI2CAddressAction | |
CEzoPMPClearCalibrationAction | |
CEzoPMPClearTotalVolumeDispensedAction | |
CEzoPMPDoseContinuouslyAction | |
CEzoPMPDoseVolumeAction | |
CEzoPMPDoseVolumeOverTimeAction | |
CEzoPMPDoseWithConstantFlowRateAction | |
CEzoPMPFindAction | |
CEzoPMPPauseDosingAction | |
CEzoPMPSetCalibrationVolumeAction | |
CEzoPMPStopDosingAction | |
►Nfactory_reset | |
CFactoryResetButton | |
CFactoryResetSwitch | |
►Nfan | |
CCycleSpeedAction | |
CFan | |
CFanCall | |
CFanDirectionSetTrigger | |
CFanIsOffCondition | |
CFanIsOnCondition | |
CFanOscillatingSetTrigger | |
CFanPresetSetTrigger | |
CFanRestoreState | |
CFanSpeedSetTrigger | |
CFanStateTrigger | |
CFanTraits | |
CFanTurnOffTrigger | |
CFanTurnOnTrigger | |
CToggleAction | |
CTurnOffAction | |
CTurnOnAction | |
►Nfastled_base | |
CFastLEDLightOutput | |
►Nfeedback | |
CFeedbackCover | |
►Nfingerprint_grow | |
CAuraLEDControlAction | |
CCancelEnrollmentAction | |
CDeleteAction | |
CDeleteAllAction | |
CEnrollmentAction | |
CEnrollmentDoneTrigger | |
CEnrollmentFailedTrigger | |
CEnrollmentScanTrigger | |
CFingerprintGrowComponent | |
CFingerScanInvalidTrigger | |
CFingerScanMatchedTrigger | |
CFingerScanMisplacedTrigger | |
CFingerScanStartTrigger | |
CFingerScanUnmatchedTrigger | |
CLEDControlAction | |
►Nfont | |
CGlyph | |
CGlyphData | |
►Nfs3000 | |
CFS3000Component | |
►Nft5x06 | |
CFT5x06Touchscreen | |
►Nft63x6 | |
CFT63X6Touchscreen | |
►Nfujitsu_general | |
CFujitsuGeneralClimate | ``` turn on temp mode fan swing |
►Ngcja5 | |
CGCJA5Component | |
►Ngdk101 | |
CGDK101Component | |
►Nglobals | |
CGlobalsComponent | |
CGlobalVarSetAction | |
CRestoringGlobalsComponent | |
CRestoringGlobalStringComponent | |
►Ngp2y1010au0f | |
CGP2Y1010AU0FSensor | |
►Ngp8403 | |
CGP8403 | |
CGP8403Output | |
►Ngpio | |
CFlagsHelper | |
CGPIOBinaryOutput | |
CGPIOBinarySensor | |
CGPIOOneWireBus | |
CGPIOSwitch | |
►Ngpio_expander | |
CCachedGpioExpander | A class to cache the read state of a GPIO expander |
►Ngps | |
CGPS | |
CGPSListener | |
CGPSTime | |
►Ngraph | |
CGraph | |
CGraphLegend | |
CGraphTrace | |
CHistoryData | |
►Ngraphical_display_menu | |
CGraphicalDisplayMenu | |
CGraphicalDisplayMenuOnRedrawTrigger | |
CMenuItemValueArguments | |
►Ngree | |
CGreeClimate | |
►Ngrove_gas_mc_v2 | |
CGroveGasMultichannelV2Component | |
►Ngrove_tb6612fng | |
CGroveMotorDriveTB6612FNG | |
CGROVETB6612FNGMotorBrakeAction | |
CGROVETB6612FNGMotorChangeAddressAction | |
CGROVETB6612FNGMotorNoStandbyAction | |
CGROVETB6612FNGMotorRunAction | |
CGROVETB6612FNGMotorStandbyAction | |
CGROVETB6612FNGMotorStopAction | |
►Ngrowatt_solar | |
►CGrowattSolar | |
CGrowattPhase | |
CGrowattPV | |
►Ngt911 | |
CGT911Button | |
CGT911ButtonListener | |
CGT911Touchscreen | |
►Nhaier | |
►Nhon_protocol | |
CDeviceVersionAnswer | |
CHaierPacketBigData | |
CHaierPacketControl | |
CHaierPacketSensors | |
►Nsmartair2_protocol | |
CHaierPacketControl | |
CHaierStatus | |
CBeeperOffAction | |
CBeeperOnAction | |
CBeeperSwitch | |
CDisplayOffAction | |
CDisplayOnAction | |
CDisplaySwitch | |
CHaierAlarmEndTrigger | |
CHaierAlarmStartTrigger | |
CHaierBaseSettings | |
►CHaierClimateBase | |
CHvacSettings | |
CPendingAction | |
CHealthModeSwitch | |
CHealthOffAction | |
CHealthOnAction | |
►CHonClimate | |
CHardwareInfo | |
CHonSettings | |
CHorizontalAirflowAction | |
CPowerOffAction | |
CPowerOnAction | |
CPowerToggleAction | |
CQuietModeSwitch | |
CSelfCleaningButton | |
CSmartair2Climate | |
CStartSelfCleaningAction | |
CStartSteriCleaningAction | |
CStatusMessageTrigger | |
CSteriCleaningButton | |
CVerticalAirflowAction | |
►Nhavells_solar | |
►CHavellsSolar | |
►Nhbridge | |
CBrakeAction | |
CHBridgeFan | |
CHBridgeLightOutput | |
CHBridgeSwitch | |
►Nhdc1080 | |
CHDC1080Component | |
►Nhe60r | |
CHE60rCover | |
►Nheatpumpir | |
CHeatpumpIRClimate | |
CIRSenderESPHome | |
►Nhitachi_ac344 | |
CHitachiClimate | |
►Nhitachi_ac424 | |
CHitachiClimate | |
►Nhlw8012 | |
CHLW8012Component | |
►Nhm3301 | |
CAbstractAQICalculator | |
CAQICalculator | |
CAQICalculatorFactory | |
CCAQICalculator | |
CHM3301Component | |
►Nhmac_md5 | |
CHmacMD5 | |
►Nhmc5883l | |
CHMC5883LComponent | |
►Nhomeassistant | |
CHomeassistantBinarySensor | |
CHomeassistantNumber | |
CHomeassistantSensor | |
CHomeassistantSwitch | |
CHomeassistantTextSensor | |
CHomeassistantTime | |
►Nhoneywell_hih_i2c | |
CHoneywellHIComponent | |
►Nhoneywellabp | |
►Nhoneywellabp2_i2c | |
►Nhost | |
CHostGPIOPin | |
CHostPreferenceBackend | |
CHostPreferences | |
CHostTime | |
►Nhrxl_maxsonar_wr | |
CHrxlMaxsonarWrComponent | |
►Nhte501 | |
CHTE501Component | This class implements support for the hte501 of temperature i2c sensors |
►Nhttp_request | |
CHeader | |
CHttpContainer | |
CHttpContainerArduino | |
CHttpContainerIDF | |
CHttpRequestArduino | |
CHttpRequestComponent | |
CHttpRequestIDF | |
CHttpRequestResponseTrigger | |
CHttpRequestSendAction | |
CHttpRequestUpdate | |
COtaHttpRequestComponent | |
COtaHttpRequestComponentFlashAction | |
►Nhtu21d | |
CHTU21DComponent | |
CSetHeaterAction | |
CSetHeaterLevelAction | |
►Nhtu31d | |
CHTU31DComponent | |
►Nhx711 | |
CHX711Sensor | |
►Nhydreon_rgxx | |
CHydreonRGxxBinaryComponent | |
CHydreonRGxxComponent | |
►Nhyt271 | |
CHYT271Component | |
►Ni2c | |
CArduinoI2CBus | |
CI2CBus | This Class provides the methods to read and write bytes from an I2CBus |
CI2CDevice | This Class provides the methods to read/write bytes from/to an i2c device |
CI2CRegister | This class is used to create I2CRegister objects that act as proxies to read/write internal registers on an I2C device |
CI2CRegister16 | This class is used to create I2CRegister16 objects that act as proxies to read/write internal registers (specified with a 16 bit address) on an I2C device |
CIDFI2CBus | |
CReadBuffer | ReadBuffer structure stores a pointer to a read buffer and its length |
CWriteBuffer | WriteBuffer structure stores a pointer to a write buffer and its length |
►Ni2c_device | |
CI2CDeviceComponent | |
►Ni2s_audio | |
CI2SAudioBase | |
CI2SAudioComponent | |
CI2SAudioIn | |
CI2SAudioMediaPlayer | |
CI2SAudioMicrophone | |
CI2SAudioOut | |
CI2SAudioSpeaker | |
►Niaqcore | |
CIAQCore | |
►Nili9xxx | |
CILI9XXXDisplay | |
CILI9XXXILI948118 | |
CILI9XXXM5Stack | |
CILI9XXXS3BoxLite | |
CILI9XXXST7735 | |
CILI9XXXST7796 | |
►Nimage | |
CImage | |
►Nimprov_base | |
CImprovBase | |
►Nimprov_serial | |
CImprovSerialComponent | |
►Nina219 | |
CINA219Component | |
►Nina226 | |
CConfigurationRegister | |
CINA226Component | |
►Nina260 | |
CINA260Component | |
►Nina2xx_base | |
CAdcConfigurationRegister | |
CConfigurationRegister | |
CDiagnosticRegister | |
CTempCompensationRegister | |
►Nina2xx_i2c | |
►Nina2xx_spi | |
►Nina3221 | |
►CINA3221Component | |
CINA3221Channel | |
►Ninkbird_ibsth1_mini | |
CInkbirdIbstH1Mini | |
►Ninkplate6 | |
CInkplate6 | |
►Nintegration | |
CIntegrationSensor | |
CResetAction | |
►Ninternal | |
CBigEndianLayout | Wrapper class for memory using big endian data layout, transparently converting it to native order |
CLittleEndianLayout | Wrapper class for memory using big endian data layout, transparently converting it to native order |
►Ninternal_temperature | |
CInternalTemperatureSensor | |
►Ninterval | |
CIntervalTrigger | |
►Njsn_sr04t | |
CJsnsr04tComponent | |
►Nkamstrup_kmp | |
CKamstrupKMPComponent | |
►Nkey_collector | |
CKeyCollector | |
►Nkey_provider | |
CKeyProvider | Interface for components that provide keypresses |
►Nkmeteriso | |
CKMeterISOComponent | This class implements support for the KMeterISO thermocouple sensor |
►Nkuntze | |
CKuntze | |
►Nlcd_base | |
CLCDDisplay | |
►Nlcd_gpio | |
CGPIOLCDDisplay | |
►Nlcd_menu | |
CLCDCharacterMenuComponent | Class to display a hierarchical menu |
►Nlcd_pcf8574 | |
CPCF8574LCDDisplay | |
►Nld2410 | |
CBaudRateSelect | |
CBluetoothPasswordSetAction | |
CBluetoothSwitch | |
CDistanceResolutionSelect | |
CEngineeringModeSwitch | |
CGateThresholdNumber | |
CLD2410Component | |
CLightOutControlSelect | |
CLightThresholdNumber | |
CMaxDistanceTimeoutNumber | |
CQueryButton | |
CResetButton | |
CRestartButton | |
►Nld2420 | |
CLD2420ApplyConfigButton | |
CLD2420BinarySensor | |
►CLD2420Component | |
CCmdFrameT | |
CCmdReplyT | |
CRegConfigT | |
CLD2420FactoryResetButton | |
CLD2420GateSelectNumber | |
CLD2420Listener | |
CLD2420MaxDistanceNumber | |
CLD2420MinDistanceNumber | |
CLD2420MoveSensFactorNumber | |
CLD2420MoveThresholdNumbers | |
CLD2420RestartModuleButton | |
CLD2420RevertConfigButton | |
CLD2420Select | |
CLD2420Sensor | |
CLD2420StillSensFactorNumber | |
CLD2420StillThresholdNumbers | |
CLD2420TextSensor | |
CLD2420TimeoutNumber | |
►Nledc | |
CLEDCOutput | |
CSetFrequencyAction | |
►Nlibretiny | |
CArduinoInternalGPIOPin | |
CLTComponent | |
►Nlibretiny_pwm | |
CLibreTinyPWM | |
CSetFrequencyAction | |
►Nlight | |
CAddressableColorWipeEffect | |
CAddressableColorWipeEffectColor | |
CAddressableFireworksEffect | |
CAddressableFlickerEffect | |
CAddressableLambdaLightEffect | |
CAddressableLight | |
CAddressableLightEffect | |
CAddressableLightState | Use a custom state class for addressable lights, to allow type system to discriminate between addressable and non-addressable lights |
CAddressableLightTransformer | |
CAddressableLightWrapper | |
CAddressableRainbowLightEffect | |
CAddressableRandomTwinkleEffect | |
CAddressableScanEffect | |
CAddressableSet | |
CAddressableTwinkleEffect | |
CAutomationLightEffect | |
CColorCapabilityHelper | Helper class to allow bitwise operations on ColorCapability |
CColorModeHelper | Helper class to allow bitwise operations on ColorMode with ColorCapability |
CDimRelativeAction | |
CESPColorCorrection | |
CESPColorSettable | |
CESPColorView | |
CESPHSVColor | |
CESPRangeIterator | |
CESPRangeView | A half-open range of LEDs, inclusive of the begin index and exclusive of the end index, using zero-based numbering |
CFlickerLightEffect | |
CLambdaLightEffect | |
CLightCall | This class represents a requested change in a light state |
CLightColorValues | This class represents the color state for a light object |
CLightControlAction | |
CLightEffect | |
CLightFlashTransformer | |
CLightIsOffCondition | |
CLightIsOnCondition | |
CLightJSONSchema | |
CLightOutput | Interface to write LightStates to hardware |
CLightState | This class represents the communication layer between the front-end MQTT layer and the hardware output layer |
CLightStateRTCState | |
CLightStateTrigger | |
CLightTraits | This class is used to represent the capabilities of a light |
CLightTransformer | Base class for all light color transformers, such as transitions or flashes |
CLightTransitionTransformer | |
CLightTurnOffTrigger | |
CLightTurnOnTrigger | |
CPulseLightEffect | Pulse effect |
CRandomLightEffect | Random effect. Sets random colors every 10 seconds and slowly transitions between them |
CStrobeLightEffect | |
CStrobeLightEffectColor | |
CToggleAction | |
►Nlightwaverf | |
CLightWaveRF | |
CLwRx | |
CLwTx | |
CSendRawAction | |
►Nlilygo_t5_47 | |
CLilygoT547Touchscreen | |
►Nlock | |
CLock | Base class for all locks |
CLockAction | |
CLockCall | This class is used to encode all control actions on a lock device |
CLockCondition | |
CLockLockTrigger | |
CLockPublishAction | |
CLockTraits | |
CLockUnlockTrigger | |
COpenAction | |
CUnlockAction | |
►Nlogger | |
CLogger | |
CLoggerLevelSelect | |
CLoggerMessageTrigger | |
►Nltr390 | |
CLTR390Component | |
►Nltr501 | |
CAlsControlRegister501 | |
CAlsPsStatusRegister | |
CInterruptPersistRegister | |
CInterruptRegister | |
►CLTRAlsPs501Component | |
CAlsReadings | |
CLTRPsHighTrigger | |
CLTRPsLowTrigger | |
CMeasurementRateRegister501 | |
CPartIdRegister | |
CPsControlRegister501 | |
CPsData1Register | |
CPsLedRegister | |
CPsMeasurementRateRegister | |
CPsNPulsesRegister501 | |
►Nltr_als_ps | |
CAlsControlRegister | |
CAlsPsStatusRegister | |
CInterruptPersistRegister | |
CInterruptRegister | |
►CLTRAlsPsComponent | |
CAlsReadings | |
CLTRPsHighTrigger | |
CLTRPsLowTrigger | |
CMeasurementRateRegister | |
CPartIdRegister | |
CPsControlRegister | |
CPsData1Register | |
CPsLedRegister | |
CPsMeasurementRateRegister | |
CPsNPulsesRegister | |
►Nlvgl | |
CFontEngine | |
CIdleTrigger | |
CLvButtonMatrixType | |
CLvCompound | |
CLvDropdownType | |
CLVEncoderListener | |
CLvglAction | |
CLvglComponent | Component for rendering LVGL |
CLvglCondition | |
CLVGLNumber | |
CLVGLSelect | |
CLVGLSwitch | |
CLVGLText | |
CLvKeyboardType | |
CLVLight | |
CLvPageType | |
CLvRollerType | |
CLvSelectable | |
CLVTouchListener | |
CObjUpdateAction | |
CPauseTrigger | |
►Nm5stack_8angle | |
CM5Stack8AngleComponent | |
CM5Stack8AngleKnobSensor | |
CM5Stack8AngleLightOutput | |
CM5Stack8AngleSwitchBinarySensor | |
►Nmatrix_keypad | |
CMatrixKeypad | |
CMatrixKeypadBinarySensor | |
CMatrixKeypadListener | |
CMatrixKeyTrigger | |
►Nmax17043 | |
CMAX17043Component | |
CSleepAction | |
►Nmax31855 | |
CMAX31855Sensor | |
►Nmax31856 | |
CMAX31856Sensor | |
►Nmax31865 | |
CMAX31865Sensor | |
►Nmax44009 | |
CMAX44009Sensor | This class implements support for the MAX44009 Illuminance i2c sensor |
►Nmax6675 | |
CMAX6675Sensor | |
►Nmax6956 | |
CMAX6956 | |
CMAX6956GPIOPin | |
CMAX6956LedChannel | |
CSetCurrentGlobalAction | |
CSetCurrentModeAction | |
►Nmax7219 | |
CMAX7219Component | |
►Nmax7219digit | |
CMAX7219Component | |
►Nmax9611 | |
CMAX9611Component | |
►Nmcp23008 | |
CMCP23008 | |
►Nmcp23016 | |
CMCP23016 | |
CMCP23016GPIOPin | |
►Nmcp23017 | |
CMCP23017 | |
►Nmcp23s08 | |
CMCP23S08 | |
►Nmcp23s17 | |
CMCP23S17 | |
►Nmcp23x08_base | |
CMCP23X08Base | |
►Nmcp23x17_base | |
CMCP23X17Base | |
►Nmcp23xxx_base | |
CMCP23XXXBase | |
►Nmcp3008 | |
CMCP3008 | |
CMCP3008Sensor | |
►Nmcp3204 | |
CMCP3204 | |
CMCP3204Sensor | |
►Nmcp4725 | |
CMCP4725 | |
►Nmcp4728 | |
CDACInputData | |
CMCP4728Channel | |
CMCP4728Component | MCP4728 float output component |
►Nmcp47a1 | |
CMCP47A1 | |
►Nmcp9600 | |
CMCP9600Component | |
►Nmcp9808 | |
CMCP9808Sensor | |
►Nmd5 | |
CMD5Digest | |
►Nmdns | |
CMDNSComponent | |
CMDNSService | |
CMDNSTXTRecord | |
►Nmedia_player | |
CIsAnnouncingCondition | |
CIsIdleCondition | |
CIsPausedCondition | |
CIsPlayingCondition | |
CMediaPlayer | |
CMediaPlayerCall | |
CMediaPlayerCommandAction | |
CMediaPlayerStateTrigger | |
CMediaPlayerSupportedFormat | |
CMediaPlayerTraits | |
CPlayMediaAction | |
CStateTrigger | |
CVolumeSetAction | |
►Nmhz19 | |
CMHZ19ABCDisableAction | |
CMHZ19ABCEnableAction | |
CMHZ19CalibrateZeroAction | |
CMHZ19Component | |
►Nmicro_wake_word | |
CIsRunningCondition | |
CMicroWakeWord | |
CStartAction | |
CStopAction | |
CStreamingModel | |
CVADModel | |
CWakeWordModel | |
►Nmicronova | |
►CMicroNova | |
CMicroNovaSerialTransmission | |
CMicroNovaBaseListener | |
CMicroNovaButton | |
CMicroNovaButtonListener | |
CMicroNovaNumber | |
CMicroNovaNumberListener | |
CMicroNovaSensor | |
CMicroNovaSensorListener | |
CMicroNovaSwitch | |
CMicroNovaSwitchListener | |
CMicroNovaTextSensor | |
►Nmicrophone | |
CCaptureAction | |
CDataTrigger | |
CIsCapturingCondition | |
CMicrophone | |
CStopCaptureAction | |
►Nmics_4514 | |
CMICS4514Component | |
►Nmidea | |
►Nac | |
CAirConditioner | |
CBeeperOffAction | |
CBeeperOnAction | |
CConstants | |
CConverters | |
CDisplayToggleAction | |
CFollowMeAction | |
CMideaActionBase | |
CPowerOffAction | |
CPowerOnAction | |
CPowerToggleAction | |
CSwingStepAction | |
CApplianceBase | |
CIrFollowMeData | |
CIrSpecialData | |
CIrTransmitter | |
CUARTStream | |
►Nmidea_ir | |
CControlData | |
CFollowMeData | |
CMideaIR | |
CSpecialData | |
►Nmitsubishi | |
CMitsubishiClimate | |
►Nmixer_speaker | |
CDuckingApplyAction | |
CMixerSpeaker | |
CSourceSpeaker | |
►Nmlx90393 | |
CMLX90393Cls | |
►Nmlx90614 | |
CMLX90614Component | |
►Nmmc5603 | |
CMMC5603Component | |
►Nmmc5983 | |
CMMC5983Component | |
►Nmodbus | |
CModbus | |
CModbusDevice | |
►Nmodbus_controller | |
CModbusBinaryOutput | |
CModbusBinarySensor | |
CModbusCommandItem | |
CModbusCommandSentTrigger | |
CModbusController | Modbus controller class |
CModbusFloatOutput | |
CModbusNumber | |
CModbusOfflineTrigger | |
CModbusOnlineTrigger | |
CModbusSelect | |
CModbusSensor | |
CModbusSwitch | |
CModbusTextSensor | |
CRegisterRange | |
CSensorItem | |
CSensorItemsComparator | |
CServerRegister | |
►Nmonochromatic | |
CMonochromaticLightOutput | |
►Nmopeka_ble | |
CMopekaListener | |
►Nmopeka_pro_check | |
CMopekaProCheck | |
►Nmopeka_std_check | |
Cmopeka_std_package | |
Cmopeka_std_values | |
CMopekaStdCheck | |
►Nmpl3115a2 | |
CMPL3115A2Component | |
►Nmpr121 | |
CMPR121BinarySensor | |
CMPR121Channel | |
CMPR121Component | |
CMPR121GPIOPin | Helper class to expose a MPR121 pin as an internal input GPIO pin |
►Nmpu6050 | |
CMPU6050Component | |
►Nmpu6886 | |
CMPU6886Component | |
►Nmqtt | |
CAvailability | Simple data struct for Home Assistant component availability |
CCustomMQTTDevice | This class is a helper class for custom components that communicate using MQTT |
CEvent | |
CMQTTAlarmControlPanelComponent | |
CMQTTBackend | |
►CMQTTBackendESP32 | |
CMqttClientDeleter | |
CMQTTBackendESP8266 | |
CMQTTBackendLibreTiny | |
CMQTTBinarySensorComponent | |
CMQTTButtonComponent | |
CMQTTClientComponent | |
CMQTTClimateComponent | |
CMQTTComponent | MQTTComponent is the base class for all components that interact with MQTT to expose certain functionality or data from actuators or sensors to clients |
CMQTTConnectedCondition | |
CMQTTConnectTrigger | |
CMQTTCoverComponent | |
CMQTTCredentials | Internal struct for MQTT credentials |
CMQTTDateComponent | |
CMQTTDateTimeComponent | |
CMQTTDisableAction | |
CMQTTDisconnectTrigger | |
CMQTTDiscoveryInfo | Internal struct for MQTT Home Assistant discovery |
CMQTTEnableAction | |
CMQTTEventComponent | |
CMQTTFanComponent | |
CMQTTJSONLightComponent | |
CMQTTJsonMessageTrigger | |
CMQTTLockComponent | |
CMQTTMessage | Internal struct for MQTT messages |
CMQTTMessageTrigger | |
CMQTTNumberComponent | |
CMQTTPublishAction | |
CMQTTPublishJsonAction | |
CMQTTSelectComponent | |
CMQTTSensorComponent | |
CMQTTSubscription | Internal struct for MQTT subscriptions |
CMQTTSwitchComponent | |
CMQTTTextComponent | |
CMQTTTextSensor | |
CMQTTTimeComponent | |
CMQTTUpdateComponent | |
CMQTTValveComponent | |
CSendDiscoveryConfig | Simple Helper struct used for Home Assistant MQTT send_discovery() |
►Nmqtt_subscribe | |
CMQTTSubscribeSensor | |
CMQTTSubscribeTextSensor | |
►Nms5611 | |
CMS5611Component | |
►Nms8607 | |
►CMS8607Component | Temperature, pressure, and humidity sensor |
CCalibrationValues | This device's pressure & temperature calibration values, read from PROM |
CMS8607HumidityDevice | Class for I2CDevice used to communicate with the Humidity sensor on the chip |
►Nmy9231 | |
►CMY9231OutputComponent | MY9231 float output component |
CChannel | |
►Nnau7802 | |
CNAU7802CalbrateExternalOffsetAction | |
CNAU7802CalbrateGainAction | |
CNAU7802CalbrateInternalOffsetAction | |
CNAU7802Sensor | |
►Nneopixelbus | |
CNeoPixelBusLightOutputBase | |
CNeoPixelRGBLightOutput | |
CNeoPixelRGBWLightOutput | |
►Nnetwork | |
CIPAddress | |
►Nnextion | |
CBufferOverflowTrigger | |
CNextion | |
CNextionBase | |
CNextionBinarySensor | |
CNextionComponent | |
CNextionComponentBase | |
CNextionPublishBoolAction | |
CNextionPublishFloatAction | |
CNextionPublishTextAction | |
CNextionQueue | |
CNextionSensor | |
CNextionSetBrightnessAction | |
CNextionSwitch | |
CNextionTextSensor | |
CPageTrigger | |
CSetupTrigger | |
CSleepTrigger | |
CTouchTrigger | |
CWakeTrigger | |
►Nnfc | |
CNciMessage | |
CNdefMessage | |
CNdefRecord | |
CNdefRecordText | |
CNdefRecordUri | |
CNfcc | |
CNfcOnTagTrigger | |
CNfcTag | |
CNfcTagBinarySensor | |
CNfcTagListener | |
►Nnoblex | |
CNoblexClimate | |
►Nnpi19 | |
CNPI19Component | This class implements support for the npi19 pressure and temperature i2c sensors |
►Nntc | |
CNTC | |
►Nnumber | |
CNumber | Base-class for all numbers |
CNumberCall | |
CNumberInRangeCondition | |
CNumberOperationAction | |
CNumberSetAction | |
CNumberStateTrigger | |
CNumberTraits | |
CValueRangeTrigger | |
►None_wire | |
COneWireBus | |
COneWireDevice | |
►Nonline_image | |
CBmpDecoder | Image decoder specialization for PNG images |
CDownloadBuffer | |
CDownloadErrorTrigger | |
CDownloadFinishedTrigger | |
CImageDecoder | Class to abstract decoding different image formats |
CJpegDecoder | Image decoder specialization for JPEG images |
COnlineImage | Download an image from a given URL, and decode it using the specified decoder |
COnlineImageReleaseAction | |
COnlineImageSetUrlAction | |
CPngDecoder | Image decoder specialization for PNG images |
►Nopentherm | |
CBeforeProcessResponseTrigger | |
CBeforeSendTrigger | |
COpenTherm | Opentherm static class that supports either listening or sending Opentherm data packets in the same time |
COpenthermData | Structure to hold Opentherm data packet content |
COpenThermError | |
COpenthermHub | |
COpenthermInput | |
COpenthermNumber | |
COpenthermOutput | |
COpenthermSwitch | |
►Nota | |
CArduinoESP32OTABackend | |
CArduinoESP8266OTABackend | |
CArduinoLibreTinyOTABackend | |
CArduinoRP2040OTABackend | |
CIDFOTABackend | |
COTAAbortTrigger | |
COTABackend | |
COTAComponent | |
COTAEndTrigger | |
COTAErrorTrigger | |
COTAGlobalCallback | |
COTAProgressTrigger | |
COTAStartTrigger | |
COTAStateChangeTrigger | |
►Noutput | |
CBinaryOutput | |
CFloatOutput | Base class for all output components that can output a variable level, like PWM |
COutputButton | |
COutputLock | |
COutputSwitch | |
CSetLevelAction | |
CTurnOffAction | |
CTurnOnAction | |
►Npartition | |
CAddressableSegment | |
CPartitionLightOutput | |
►Npca6416a | |
CPCA6416AComponent | |
CPCA6416AGPIOPin | Helper class to expose a PCA6416A pin as an internal input GPIO pin |
►Npca9554 | |
CPCA9554Component | |
CPCA9554GPIOPin | Helper class to expose a PCA9554 pin as an internal input GPIO pin |
►Npca9685 | |
CPCA9685Channel | |
CPCA9685Output | PCA9685 float output component |
►Npcd8544 | |
CPCD8544 | |
►Npcf85063 | |
►CPCF85063Component | |
CPCF85063Reg | |
CReadAction | |
CWriteAction | |
►Npcf8563 | |
►CPCF8563Component | |
CPCF8563Reg | |
CReadAction | |
CWriteAction | |
►Npcf8574 | |
CPCF8574Component | |
CPCF8574GPIOPin | Helper class to expose a PCF8574 pin as an internal input GPIO pin |
►Npid | |
CPIDAutotuneAction | |
►CPIDAutotuner | |
COscillationAmplitudeDetector | |
COscillationFrequencyDetector | |
CPIDAutotuneResult | |
CPIDResult | |
CRelayFunction | |
CPIDClimate | |
CPIDClimateSensor | |
CPIDController | |
CPIDResetIntegralTermAction | |
CPIDSetControlParametersAction | |
CPIDSimulator | |
►Npipsolar | |
CPipsolar | |
CPipsolarOutput | |
CPipsolarSwitch | |
CPollingCommand | |
CSetOutputAction | |
►Npm1006 | |
CPM1006Component | |
►Npmsa003i | |
CPM25AQIData | ! Structure holding Plantower's standard packet |
CPMSA003IComponent | |
►Npmsx003 | |
CPMSX003Component | |
►Npmwcs3 | |
CPMWCS3AirCalibrationAction | |
CPMWCS3Component | |
CPMWCS3NewI2cAddressAction | |
CPMWCS3WaterCalibrationAction | |
►Npn532 | |
CPN532 | |
CPN532BinarySensor | |
CPN532IsWritingCondition | |
CPN532OnFinishedWriteTrigger | |
►Npn532_i2c | |
CPN532I2C | |
►Npn532_spi | |
CPN532Spi | |
►Npn7150 | |
CDiscoveredEndpoint | |
CEmulationOffAction | |
CEmulationOnAction | |
CPN7150 | |
CPN7150IsWritingCondition | |
CPN7150OnEmulatedTagScanTrigger | |
CPN7150OnFinishedWriteTrigger | |
CPollingOffAction | |
CPollingOnAction | |
CSetCleanModeAction | |
CSetEmulationMessageAction | |
CSetFormatModeAction | |
CSetReadModeAction | |
CSetWriteMessageAction | |
CSetWriteModeAction | |
►Npn7150_i2c | |
CPN7150I2C | |
►Npn7160 | |
CDiscoveredEndpoint | |
CEmulationOffAction | |
CEmulationOnAction | |
CPN7160 | |
CPN7160IsWritingCondition | |
CPN7160OnEmulatedTagScanTrigger | |
CPN7160OnFinishedWriteTrigger | |
CPollingOffAction | |
CPollingOnAction | |
CSetCleanModeAction | |
CSetEmulationMessageAction | |
CSetFormatModeAction | |
CSetReadModeAction | |
CSetWriteMessageAction | |
CSetWriteModeAction | |
►Npn7160_i2c | |
CPN7160I2C | |
►Npn7160_spi | |
CPN7160Spi | |
►Npower_supply | |
CPowerSupply | |
CPowerSupplyRequester | |
►Npreferences | |
CIntervalSyncer | |
►Nprometheus | |
CPrometheusHandler | |
►Npsram | |
CPsramComponent | |
►Npulse_counter | |
CBasicPulseCounterStorage | |
CHwPulseCounterStorage | |
CPulseCounterSensor | |
CPulseCounterStorageBase | |
CSetTotalPulsesAction | |
►Npulse_meter | |
►CPulseMeterSensor | |
CEdgeState | Filter state for edge mode |
CPulseState | Filter state for pulse mode |
CState | |
CSetTotalPulsesAction | |
►Npulse_width | |
CPulseWidthSensor | |
CPulseWidthSensorStore | Store data in a class that doesn't use multiple-inheritance (vtables in flash) |
►Npvvx_mithermometer | |
CParseResult | |
CPVVXDisplay | |
CPVVXMiThermometer | |
►Npylontech | |
CPylontechComponent | |
►CPylontechListener | |
CLineContents | |
CPylontechSensor | |
CPylontechTextSensor | |
►Npzem004t | |
CPZEM004T | |
►Npzemac | |
CResetEnergyAction | |
►Npzemdc | |
CResetEnergyAction | |
►Nqmc5883l | |
CQMC5883LComponent | |
►Nqmp6988 | |
CQMP6988Component | |
►Nqr_code | |
CQrCode | |
►Nqspi_dbi | |
CQspiDbi | |
►Nqwiic_pir | |
CQwiicPIRComponent | |
►Nradon_eye_ble | |
CRadonEyeListener | |
►Nradon_eye_rd200 | |
►CRadonEyeRD200 | |
CRadonValue | |
►Nrc522 | |
CRC522 | |
CRC522BinarySensor | |
CRC522Trigger | |
►Nrc522_i2c | |
CRC522I2C | |
►Nrc522_spi | Library based on https://github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid and adapted to ESPHome by |
CRC522Spi | |
►Nrdm6300 | |
CRDM6300BinarySensor | |
CRDM6300Component | |
CRDM6300Trigger | |
►Nremote_base | |
CABBWelcomeAction | |
CABBWelcomeBinarySensor | |
CABBWelcomeData | |
CABBWelcomeProtocol | |
CAEHAData | |
CAEHAProtocol | |
CByronSXData | |
CByronSXProtocol | |
CCanalSatBaseProtocol | |
CCanalSatData | |
CCanalSatLDData | |
CCanalSatLDProtocol | |
CCanalSatProtocol | |
CCoolixData | |
CCoolixProtocol | |
CDishData | |
CDishProtocol | |
CDooyaData | |
CDooyaProtocol | |
CDraytonData | |
CDraytonProtocol | |
CHaierData | |
CHaierProtocol | |
CJVCData | |
CJVCProtocol | |
CKeeloqData | |
CKeeloqProtocol | |
CLGData | |
CLGProtocol | |
CMagiQuestData | |
CMagiQuestProtocol | |
CMideaData | |
CMideaProtocol | |
CMirageData | |
CMirageProtocol | |
CNECData | |
CNECProtocol | |
CNexaData | |
CNexaProtocol | |
CPanasonicData | |
CPanasonicProtocol | |
CPioneerData | |
CPioneerProtocol | |
CProntoData | |
CProntoProtocol | |
CRawAction | |
CRawBinarySensor | |
CRawDumper | |
CRawTrigger | |
CRC5Data | |
CRC5Protocol | |
CRC6Data | |
CRC6Protocol | |
CRCSwitchBase | |
CRCSwitchData | |
CRCSwitchDumper | |
CRCSwitchRawAction | |
CRCSwitchRawReceiver | |
CRCSwitchTypeAAction | |
CRCSwitchTypeBAction | |
CRCSwitchTypeCAction | |
CRCSwitchTypeDAction | |
CRemoteComponentBase | |
CRemoteProtocol | |
CRemoteReceiveData | |
CRemoteReceiverBase | |
CRemoteReceiverBinarySensor | |
CRemoteReceiverBinarySensorBase | |
CRemoteReceiverDumper | |
CRemoteReceiverDumperBase | |
CRemoteReceiverListener | |
CRemoteReceiverTrigger | |
CRemoteRMTChannel | |
CRemoteTransmitData | |
CRemoteTransmittable | |
CRemoteTransmitterActionBase | |
►CRemoteTransmitterBase | |
CTransmitCall | |
CRoombaData | |
CRoombaProtocol | |
CSamsung36Data | |
CSamsung36Protocol | |
CSamsungData | |
CSamsungProtocol | |
CSonyData | |
CSonyProtocol | |
CToshibaAcData | |
CToshibaAcProtocol | |
CTotoData | |
CTotoProtocol | |
►Nremote_receiver | |
CRemoteReceiverComponent | |
CRemoteReceiverComponentStore | |
►Nremote_transmitter | |
CRemoteTransmitterComponent | |
►Nresampler | |
CResamplerSpeaker | |
►Nresistance | |
CResistanceSensor | |
►Nrestart | |
CRestartButton | |
CRestartSwitch | |
►Nrf_bridge | |
CRFBridgeAdvancedData | |
CRFBridgeBeepAction | |
CRFBridgeComponent | |
CRFBridgeData | |
CRFBridgeLearnAction | |
CRFBridgeReceivedAdvancedCodeTrigger | |
CRFBridgeReceivedCodeTrigger | |
CRFBridgeSendAdvancedCodeAction | |
CRFBridgeSendCodeAction | |
CRFBridgeSendRawAction | |
CRFBridgeStartAdvancedSniffingAction | |
CRFBridgeStartBucketSniffingAction | |
CRFBridgeStopAdvancedSniffingAction | |
►Nrgb | |
CRGBLightOutput | |
►Nrgbct | |
CRGBCTLightOutput | |
►Nrgbw | |
CRGBWLightOutput | |
►Nrgbww | |
CRGBWWLightOutput | |
►Nrotary_encoder | |
CRotaryEncoderAnticlockwiseTrigger | |
CRotaryEncoderClockwiseTrigger | |
CRotaryEncoderSensor | |
CRotaryEncoderSensorStore | |
CRotaryEncoderSetValueAction | |
►Nrp2040 | |
CRP2040GPIOPin | |
►Nrp2040_pio_led_strip | |
CRP2040PIOLEDStripLightOutput | |
►Nrp2040_pwm | |
CRP2040PWM | |
CSetFrequencyAction | |
►Nrpi_dpi_rgb | |
CRpiDpiRgb | |
►Nrtttl | |
CFinishedPlaybackTrigger | |
CIsPlayingCondition | |
CPlayAction | |
CRtttl | |
CSpeakerSample | |
CStopAction | |
►Nruuvi_ble | |
CRuuviListener | |
CRuuviParseResult | |
►Nruuvitag | |
CRuuviTag | |
►Nsafe_mode | |
CSafeModeButton | |
CSafeModeComponent | SafeModeComponent provides a safe way to recover from repeated boot failures |
CSafeModeSwitch | |
CSafeModeTrigger | |
►Nscd30 | |
CForceRecalibrationWithReference | |
CSCD30Component | This class implements support for the Sensirion scd30 i2c GAS (VOC and CO2eq) sensors |
►Nscd4x | |
CFactoryResetAction | |
CPerformForcedCalibrationAction | |
CSCD4XComponent | |
►Nscript | |
CIsRunningCondition | |
CParallelScript | A script type that executes new instances in parallel |
CQueueingScript | A script type that queues new instances that are created |
CRestartScript | A script type that restarts scripts from the beginning when a new instance is started |
CScript | The abstract base class for all script types |
CScriptExecuteAction | |
CScriptExecuteAction< Script< As... >, Ts... > | |
CScriptLogger | |
CScriptStopAction | |
CScriptWaitAction | |
CSingleScript | A script type for which only a single instance at a time is allowed |
►Nsdl | |
CSdl | |
CSdlTouchscreen | |
►Nsdm_meter | |
►CSDMMeter | |
CSDMPhase | |
►Nsdp3x | |
CSDP3XComponent | |
►Nsds011 | |
CSDS011Component | |
►Nseeed_mr24hpc1 | |
CCustomModeNumber | |
CCustomSetEndButton | |
CCustomUnmanTimeNumber | |
CExistenceBoundarySelect | |
CExistenceThresholdNumber | |
CMotionBoundarySelect | |
CMotionThresholdNumber | |
CMotionToRestTimeNumber | |
CMotionTriggerTimeNumber | |
CMR24HPC1Component | |
CRestartButton | |
CSceneModeSelect | |
CSensitivityNumber | |
CUnderlyOpenFunctionSwitch | |
CUnmanTimeSelect | |
►Nseeed_mr60bha2 | |
CMR60BHA2Component | |
►Nseeed_mr60fda2 | |
CGetRadarParametersButton | |
CHeightThresholdSelect | |
CInstallHeightSelect | |
CMR60FDA2Component | |
CResetRadarButton | |
CSensitivitySelect | |
►Nselec_meter | |
CSelecMeter | |
►Nselect | |
CSelect | Base-class for all selects |
CSelectCall | |
CSelectOperationAction | |
CSelectSetAction | |
CSelectSetIndexAction | |
CSelectStateTrigger | |
CSelectTraits | |
►Nsen0321_sensor | |
CSen0321Sensor | |
►Nsen21231_sensor | |
CSen21231Sensor | |
►Nsen5x | |
CGasTuning | |
CSen5xBaselines | |
CSEN5XComponent | |
CStartFanAction | |
CTemperatureCompensation | |
►Nsenseair | |
CSenseAirABCDisableAction | |
CSenseAirABCEnableAction | |
CSenseAirABCGetPeriodAction | |
CSenseAirBackgroundCalibrationAction | |
CSenseAirBackgroundCalibrationResultAction | |
CSenseAirComponent | |
►Nsensirion_common | |
CSensirionI2CDevice | Implementation of a i2c functions for Sensirion sensors Sensirion data requires crc checking |
►Nsensor | |
CCalibrateLinearFilter | |
CCalibratePolynomialFilter | |
CClampFilter | |
CDebounceFilter | |
CDeltaFilter | |
CExponentialMovingAverageFilter | Simple exponential moving average filter |
CFilter | Apply a filter to sensor values such as moving average |
CFilterOutValueFilter | A simple filter that only forwards the filter chain if it doesn't receive value_to_filter_out |
CHeartbeatFilter | |
CLambdaFilter | This class allows for creation of simple template filters |
CMaxFilter | Simple max filter |
CMedianFilter | Simple median filter |
CMinFilter | Simple min filter |
CMultiplyFilter | A simple filter that multiplies to each value it receives by multiplier |
COffsetFilter | A simple filter that adds offset to each value it receives |
►COrFilter | |
CPhiNode | |
CQuantileFilter | Simple quantile filter |
CRoundFilter | |
CRoundMultipleFilter | |
CSensor | Base-class for all sensors |
CSensorInRangeCondition | |
CSensorPublishAction | |
CSensorRawStateTrigger | |
CSensorStateTrigger | |
CSkipInitialFilter | Simple skip filter |
CSlidingWindowMovingAverageFilter | Simple sliding window moving average filter |
CThrottleAverageFilter | Simple throttle average filter |
CThrottleFilter | |
CTimeoutFilter | |
CValueRangeTrigger | |
►Nservo | |
CServo | |
CServoDetachAction | |
CServoWriteAction | |
►Nsfa30 | |
CSFA30Component | |
►Nsgp30 | |
CSGP30Baselines | |
CSGP30Component | This class implements support for the Sensirion SGP30 i2c GAS (VOC and CO2eq) sensors |
►Nsgp4x | |
CGasTuning | |
CSGP4xBaselines | |
CSGP4xComponent | This class implements support for the Sensirion sgp4x i2c GAS (VOC) sensors |
►Nshelly_dimmer | |
CShellyDimmer | |
CVarlenCmd | |
►Nsht3xd | |
CSHT3XDComponent | This class implements support for the SHT3x-DIS family of temperature+humidity i2c sensors |
►Nsht4x | |
CSHT4XComponent | |
►Nshtcx | |
CSHTCXComponent | This class implements support for the SHT3x-DIS family of temperature+humidity i2c sensors |
►Nshutdown | |
CShutdownButton | |
CShutdownSwitch | |
►Nsigma_delta_output | |
CSigmaDeltaOutput | |
►Nsim800l | |
CSim800LCallConnectedTrigger | |
CSim800LCallDisconnectedTrigger | |
CSim800LComponent | |
CSim800LConnectAction | |
CSim800LDialAction | |
CSim800LDisconnectAction | |
CSim800LIncomingCallTrigger | |
CSim800LReceivedMessageTrigger | |
CSim800LReceivedUssdTrigger | |
CSim800LSendSmsAction | |
CSim800LSendUssdAction | |
►Nslow_pwm | |
CSlowPWMOutput | |
►Nsm10bit_base | |
►CSm10BitBase | |
CChannel | |
►Nsm16716 | |
►CSM16716 | |
CChannel | |
►Nsm2135 | |
►CSM2135 | |
CChannel | |
►Nsm2235 | |
CSM2235 | |
►Nsm2335 | |
CSM2335 | |
►Nsm300d2 | |
CSM300D2Sensor | |
►Nsml | |
CDataTrigger | |
CObisInfo | |
CSml | |
CSmlFile | |
CSmlListener | |
CSmlNode | |
CSmlSensor | |
CSmlTextSensor | |
►Nsmt100 | |
CSMT100Component | |
►Nsn74hc165 | |
CSN74HC165Component | |
CSN74HC165GPIOPin | Helper class to expose a SC74HC165 pin as an internal input GPIO pin |
►Nsn74hc595 | |
CSN74HC595Component | |
CSN74HC595GPIOComponent | |
CSN74HC595GPIOPin | Helper class to expose a SC74HC595 pin as an internal output GPIO pin |
CSN74HC595SPIComponent | |
►Nsntp | |
CSNTPComponent | The SNTP component allows you to configure local timekeeping via Simple Network Time Protocol |
►Nsocket | |
CSocket | |
►Nsonoff_d1 | |
CSonoffD1Output | |
►Nspeaker | |
CAudioPipeline | |
CFinishAction | |
CInfoErrorEvent | |
CIsPlayingCondition | |
CIsStoppedCondition | |
CMediaCallCommand | |
CMuteOffAction | |
CMuteOnAction | |
CPlayAction | |
CPlaylistItem | |
CPlayOnDeviceMediaAction | |
CSpeaker | |
CSpeakerMediaPlayer | |
CStopAction | |
CVolumeRestoreState | |
CVolumeSetAction | |
►Nspeed | |
CSpeedFan | |
►Nspi | |
CNullPin | A pin to replace those that don't exist |
CSPIBus | |
CSPIClient | Base class for SPIDevice, un-templated |
CSPIComponent | |
CSPIDelegate | |
CSPIDelegateBitBash | An implementation of SPI that relies only on software toggling of pins |
CSPIDelegateDummy | A dummy SPIDelegate that complains if it's used |
CSPIDevice | The SPIDevice is what components using the SPI will create |
CUtility | |
►Nspi_device | |
CSPIDeviceComponent | |
►Nspi_led_strip | |
CSpiLedStrip | |
►Nsprinkler | |
CClearQueuedValvesAction | |
CNextValveAction | |
CPauseAction | |
CPreviousValveAction | |
CQueueValveAction | |
CResumeAction | |
CResumeOrStartAction | |
CSetDividerAction | |
CSetMultiplierAction | |
CSetRepeatAction | |
CSetRunDurationAction | |
CShutdownAction | |
CSprinkler | |
CSprinklerControllerNumber | |
CSprinklerControllerSwitch | |
CSprinklerQueueItem | |
CSprinklerSwitch | |
CSprinklerTimer | |
CSprinklerValve | |
CSprinklerValveOperator | |
CSprinklerValveRunRequest | |
CStartFromQueueAction | |
CStartFullCycleAction | |
CStartSingleValveAction | |
►Nsps30 | |
CSPS30Component | This class implements support for the Sensirion SPS30 i2c/UART Particulate Matter PM1.0, PM2.5, PM4, PM10 Air Quality sensors |
CStartFanAction | |
►Nssd1306_base | |
CSSD1306 | |
►Nssd1306_i2c | |
CI2CSSD1306 | |
►Nssd1306_spi | |
CSPISSD1306 | |
►Nssd1322_base | |
CSSD1322 | |
►Nssd1322_spi | |
CSPISSD1322 | |
►Nssd1325_base | |
CSSD1325 | |
►Nssd1325_spi | |
CSPISSD1325 | |
►Nssd1327_base | |
CSSD1327 | |
►Nssd1327_i2c | |
CI2CSSD1327 | |
►Nssd1327_spi | |
CSPISSD1327 | |
►Nssd1331_base | |
CSSD1331 | |
►Nssd1331_spi | |
CSPISSD1331 | |
►Nssd1351_base | |
CSSD1351 | |
►Nssd1351_spi | |
CSPISSD1351 | |
►Nst7567_base | |
CST7567 | |
►Nst7567_i2c | |
CI2CST7567 | |
►Nst7567_spi | |
CSPIST7567 | |
►Nst7701s | |
CST7701S | |
►Nst7735 | |
CST7735 | |
►Nst7789v | |
CST7789V | |
►Nst7920 | |
CST7920 | |
►Nstatsd | |
CStatsdComponent | |
►Nstatus | |
CStatusBinarySensor | |
►Nstatus_led | |
CStatusLED | |
CStatusLEDLightOutput | |
►Nstepper | |
CReportPositionAction | |
CSetAccelerationAction | |
CSetDecelerationAction | |
CSetSpeedAction | |
CSetTargetAction | |
CStepper | |
►Nsts3x | |
CSTS3XComponent | This class implements support for the ST3x-DIS family of temperature i2c sensors |
►Nsun | |
►Ninternal | |
CEquatorialCoordinate | |
CGeoLocation | |
CHorizontalCoordinate | |
CMoment | |
CSun | |
CSunCondition | |
CSunSensor | |
CSunTextSensor | |
CSunTrigger | |
►Nsun_gtil2 | |
CSunGTIL2 | |
►Nswitch_ | |
CSwitch | Base class for all switches |
CSwitchBinarySensor | |
CSwitchCondition | |
CSwitchPublishAction | |
CSwitchTurnOffTrigger | |
CSwitchTurnOnTrigger | |
CToggleAction | |
CTurnOffAction | |
CTurnOnAction | |
►Nsx1509 | Here you'll find the Arduino code used to interface with the SX1509 I2C 16 I/O expander |
CSX1509BinarySensor | |
CSX1509Component | |
CSX1509FloatOutputChannel | |
CSX1509GPIOPin | |
CSX1509Processor | |
►Nt6615 | |
CT6615Component | |
►Ntc74 | |
CTC74Component | |
►Ntca9548a | |
CTCA9548AChannel | |
CTCA9548AComponent | |
►Ntca9555 | |
CTCA9555Component | |
CTCA9555GPIOPin | Helper class to expose a TCA9555 pin as an internal input GPIO pin |
►Ntcl112 | |
CTcl112Climate | |
►Ntcs34725 | |
CTCS34725Component | |
►Ntee501 | |
CTEE501Component | This class implements support for the tee501 of temperature i2c sensors |
►Nteleinfo | |
CTeleInfo | |
CTeleInfoListener | |
CTeleInfoSensor | |
CTeleInfoTextSensor | |
►Ntem3200 | |
CTEM3200Component | This class implements support for the tem3200 pressure and temperature i2c sensors |
►Ntemplate_ | |
CSensorDataStore | |
CSensorInfo | |
CTemplateAlarmControlPanel | |
CTemplateBinaryOutput | |
CTemplateBinarySensor | |
CTemplateButton | |
CTemplateCover | |
CTemplateDate | |
CTemplateDateTime | |
CTemplateEvent | |
CTemplateFan | |
CTemplateFloatOutput | |
CTemplateLock | |
CTemplateNumber | |
CTemplateSelect | |
CTemplateSensor | |
CTemplateSwitch | |
CTemplateText | |
CTemplateTextSaverBase | |
CTemplateTextSensor | |
CTemplateTime | |
CTemplateValve | |
CTextSaver | |
►Ntext | |
CText | Base-class for all text inputs |
CTextCall | |
CTextSetAction | |
CTextStateTrigger | |
CTextTraits | |
►Ntext_sensor | |
CAppendFilter | A simple filter that adds a string to the end of another string |
CFilter | Apply a filter to text sensor values such as to_upper |
CLambdaFilter | This class allows for creation of simple template filters |
CMapFilter | A filter that maps values from one set to another |
CPrependFilter | A simple filter that adds a string to the start of another string |
CSubstituteFilter | A simple filter that replaces a substring with another substring |
CTextSensor | |
CTextSensorPublishAction | |
CTextSensorStateCondition | |
CTextSensorStateRawTrigger | |
CTextSensorStateTrigger | |
CToLowerFilter | A simple filter that converts all text to lowercase |
CToUpperFilter | A simple filter that converts all text to uppercase |
►Nthermostat | |
CThermostatClimate | |
CThermostatClimateTargetTempConfig | |
CThermostatClimateTimer | |
►Ntime | |
CCronTrigger | |
CRealTimeClock | Exposes common timekeeping functions via the device's local real-time clock |
CSyncTrigger | |
CTimeHasTimeCondition | |
►Ntime_based | |
CTimeBasedCover | |
►Ntlc59208f | |
CTLC59208FChannel | |
CTLC59208FOutput | TLC59208F float output component |
►Ntlc5947 | |
CTLC5947 | |
CTLC5947Channel | |
►Ntlc5971 | |
CTLC5971 | |
CTLC5971Channel | |
►Ntm1621 | |
CTM1621Display | |
►Ntm1637 | |
CTM1637Display | |
CTM1637Key | |
►Ntm1638 | |
CKeyListener | |
CTM1638Component | |
CTM1638Key | |
CTM1638OutputLed | |
CTM1638SwitchLed | |
►Ntm1651 | |
CSetBrightnessAction | |
CSetLevelAction | |
CSetLevelPercentAction | |
CTM1651Display | |
CTurnOffAction | |
CTurnOnAction | |
►Ntmp102 | |
CTMP102Component | |
►Ntmp1075 | |
CTMP1075Config | |
CTMP1075Sensor | |
►Ntmp117 | |
CTMP117Component | |
►Ntof10120 | |
CTOF10120Sensor | |
►Ntoshiba | |
CToshibaClimate | |
►Ntotal_daily_energy | |
CTotalDailyEnergy | |
►Ntouchscreen | |
CTouchListener | |
CTouchPoint | |
CTouchscreen | |
CTouchscreenBinarySensor | |
CTouchscreenInterrupt | |
►Ntsl2561 | |
CTSL2561Sensor | This class includes support for the TSL2561 i2c ambient light sensor |
►Ntsl2591 | |
CTSL2591Component | This class includes support for the TSL2591 i2c ambient light sensor |
►Ntt21100 | |
CTT21100Button | |
CTT21100ButtonListener | |
CTT21100Touchscreen | |
►Nttp229_bsf | |
CTTP229BSFChannel | |
CTTP229BSFComponent | |
►Nttp229_lsf | |
CTTP229Channel | |
CTTP229LSFComponent | |
►Ntuya | |
CTuya | |
CTuyaBinarySensor | |
CTuyaBitmaskDatapointUpdateTrigger | |
CTuyaBoolDatapointUpdateTrigger | |
CTuyaClimate | |
CTuyaCommand | |
CTuyaCover | |
CTuyaDatapoint | |
CTuyaDatapointListener | |
CTuyaDatapointUpdateTrigger | |
CTuyaEnumDatapointUpdateTrigger | |
CTuyaFan | |
CTuyaIntDatapointUpdateTrigger | |
CTuyaLight | |
CTuyaNumber | |
CTuyaRawDatapointUpdateTrigger | |
CTuyaSelect | |
CTuyaSensor | |
CTuyaStringDatapointUpdateTrigger | |
CTuyaSwitch | |
CTuyaTextSensor | |
CTuyaUIntDatapointUpdateTrigger | |
►Ntx20 | |
CTx20Component | This class implements support for the Tx20 Wind sensor |
CTx20ComponentStore | Store data in a class that doesn't use multiple-inheritance (vtables in flash) |
►Nuart | |
CESP32ArduinoUARTComponent | |
CESP8266SoftwareSerial | |
CESP8266UartComponent | |
CHostUartComponent | |
CIDFUARTComponent | |
CLibreTinyUARTComponent | |
CRP2040UartComponent | |
CUARTButton | |
CUARTComponent | |
CUARTDebug | This class contains some static methods, that can be used to easily create a logging action for the debugger |
CUARTDebugger | Adds debugging support to a UART bus |
CUARTDevice | |
CUARTDummyReceiver | This UARTDevice is used by the serial debugger to read data from a serial interface when the 'dummy_receiver' option is enabled |
CUARTSwitch | |
CUARTWriteAction | |
►Nudp | |
CBinarySensor | |
CProvider | |
CSensor | |
CUDPComponent | |
►Nufire_ec | |
CUFireECCalibrateProbeAction | |
CUFireECComponent | |
CUFireECResetAction | |
►Nufire_ise | |
CUFireISECalibrateProbeHighAction | |
CUFireISECalibrateProbeLowAction | |
CUFireISEComponent | |
CUFireISEResetAction | |
►Nuln2003 | |
CULN2003 | |
►Nultrasonic | |
CUltrasonicSensorComponent | |
►Nupdate | |
CIsAvailableCondition | |
CPerformAction | |
CUpdateEntity | |
CUpdateInfo | |
►Nuponor_smatrix | |
CUponorSmatrixClimate | |
CUponorSmatrixComponent | |
CUponorSmatrixData | |
CUponorSmatrixDevice | |
CUponorSmatrixSensor | |
►Nuptime | |
CUptimeSecondsSensor | |
CUptimeTextSensor | |
CUptimeTimestampSensor | |
►Nvalve | |
CCloseAction | |
CControlAction | |
COpenAction | |
CStopAction | |
CToggleAction | |
CValve | Base class for all valve devices |
CValveCall | |
CValveClosedTrigger | |
CValveIsClosedCondition | |
CValveIsOpenCondition | |
CValveOpenTrigger | |
CValvePublishAction | |
CValveRestoreState | Struct used to store the restored state of a valve |
CValveTraits | |
►Nvbus | |
CDeltaSolBS2009BSensor | |
CDeltaSolBS2009Sensor | |
CDeltaSolBSPlusBSensor | |
CDeltaSolBSPlusSensor | |
CDeltaSolCBSensor | |
CDeltaSolCS2BSensor | |
CDeltaSolCS2Sensor | |
CDeltaSolCSensor | |
CDeltaSolCSPlusBSensor | |
CDeltaSolCSPlusSensor | |
CVBus | |
CVBusCustomBSensor | |
CVBusCustomSensor | |
CVBusCustomSubBSensor | |
CVBusCustomSubSensor | |
CVBusListener | |
►Nveml3235 | |
CVEML3235Sensor | |
►Nveml7700 | |
CConfigurationRegister | |
CPSMRegister | |
►CVEML7700Component | |
CReadings | |
►Nversion | |
CVersionTextSensor | |
►Nvl53l0x | |
CSequenceStepEnables | |
CSequenceStepTimeouts | |
CVL53L0XSensor | |
►Nvoice_assistant | |
CConfiguration | |
CConnectedCondition | |
CIsRunningCondition | |
CStartAction | |
CStartContinuousAction | |
CStopAction | |
CTimer | |
CVoiceAssistant | |
CWakeWord | |
►Nvoltage_sampler | |
CVoltageSampler | Abstract interface for components to request voltage (usually ADC readings) |
►Nwake_on_lan | |
CWakeOnLanButton | |
►Nwatchdog | |
CWatchdogManager | |
►Nwaveshare_epaper | |
CGDEW0154M09 | |
CGDEW029T5 | |
CGDEY029T94 | |
CGDEY042T81 | |
CWaveshareEPaper | |
CWaveshareEPaper13P3InK | |
CWaveshareEPaper1P54InBV2 | |
CWaveshareEPaper2P13InDKE | |
CWaveshareEPaper2P13InV3 | |
CWaveshareEPaper2P7In | |
CWaveshareEPaper2P7InB | |
CWaveshareEPaper2P7InBV2 | |
CWaveshareEPaper2P7InV2 | |
CWaveshareEPaper2P9InB | |
CWaveshareEPaper2P9InBV3 | |
CWaveshareEPaper2P9InD | |
CWaveshareEPaper2P9InDKE | |
CWaveshareEPaper2P9InV2R2 | |
CWaveshareEPaper4P2In | |
CWaveshareEPaper4P2InBV2 | |
CWaveshareEPaper4P2InBV2BWR | |
CWaveshareEPaper5P8In | |
CWaveshareEPaper5P8InV2 | |
CWaveshareEPaper7C | |
CWaveshareEPaper7P3InF | |
CWaveshareEPaper7P5In | |
CWaveshareEPaper7P5InBC | |
CWaveshareEPaper7P5InBV2 | |
CWaveshareEPaper7P5InBV3 | |
CWaveshareEPaper7P5InBV3BWR | |
CWaveshareEPaper7P5InHDB | |
CWaveshareEPaper7P5InV2 | |
CWaveshareEPaper7P5InV2alt | |
CWaveshareEPaper7P5InV2P | |
CWaveshareEPaperBase | |
CWaveshareEPaperBWR | |
CWaveshareEPaperTypeA | |
►Nweb_server | |
CListEntitiesIterator | |
CSortingComponents | |
CSortingGroup | |
CUrlMatch | Internal helper struct that is used to parse incoming URLs |
CWebServer | This class allows users to create a web server with their ESP nodes |
►Nweb_server_base | |
►Ninternal | |
CAuthMiddlewareHandler | |
CCredentials | |
CMiddlewareHandler | |
COTARequestHandler | |
CWebServerBase | |
►Nweb_server_idf | |
CAsyncEventSource | |
CAsyncEventSourceResponse | |
CAsyncResponseStream | |
CAsyncWebHandler | |
CAsyncWebParameter | |
CAsyncWebServer | |
CAsyncWebServerRequest | |
CAsyncWebServerResponse | |
CAsyncWebServerResponseContent | |
CAsyncWebServerResponseEmpty | |
CAsyncWebServerResponseProgmem | |
CDefaultHeaders | |
►Nweikai | |
CWeikaiChannel | Used to implement all the virtual methods of the ESPHome uart::UARTComponent virtual class |
CWeikaiComponent | Stores the information global to the WeiKai component and provides methods to set/access this information |
CWeikaiGPIOPin | Helper class to expose a WeiKai family IO pin as an internal GPIO pin |
CWeikaiRegister | WeikaiRegister objects acts as proxies to access remote register independently of the bus type |
CWKRingBuffer | This is an helper class that provides a simple ring buffers that works as a FIFO |
►Nweikai_i2c | |
CWeikaiComponentI2C | Stores the information to the WeiKai component connected through an I2C bus |
CWeikaiRegisterI2C | WeikaiRegisterI2C objects acts as proxies to access remote register through an I2C Bus |
►Nweikai_spi | |
CWeikaiComponentSPI | Stores the information to the WeiKai component connected through an SPI bus |
CWeikaiRegisterSPI | WeikaiRegisterSPI objects acts as proxies to access remote register through an SPI Bus |
►Nwhirlpool | |
CWhirlpoolClimate | |
►Nwhynter | |
CWhynter | |
►Nwiegand | |
CWiegand | |
CWiegandKeyTrigger | |
CWiegandRawTrigger | |
CWiegandStore | |
CWiegandTagTrigger | |
►Nwifi | |
CEAPAuth | |
CManualIP | Struct for setting static IPs in WiFiComponent |
CSavedWifiFastConnectSettings | |
CSavedWifiSettings | |
CWiFiAP | |
CWiFiComponent | This component is responsible for managing the ESP WiFi interface |
CWiFiConfigureAction | |
CWiFiConnectedCondition | |
CWiFiDisableAction | |
CWiFiEnableAction | |
CWiFiEnabledCondition | |
CWiFiScanResult | |
CWiFiSTAPriority | |
►Nwifi_info | |
CBSSIDWiFiInfo | |
CDNSAddressWifiInfo | |
CIPAddressWiFiInfo | |
CMacAddressWifiInfo | |
CScanResultsWiFiInfo | |
CSSIDWiFiInfo | |
►Nwifi_signal | |
CWiFiSignalSensor | |
►Nwireguard | |
CWireguard | Main Wireguard component class |
CWireguardDisableAction | Action to disable Wireguard component |
CWireguardEnableAction | Action to enable Wireguard component |
CWireguardEnabledCondition | Condition to check if Wireguard component is enabled |
CWireguardPeerOnlineCondition | Condition to check if remote peer is online |
►Nwl_134 | |
►CWl134Component | |
CRfid134Reading | |
►Nwled | |
CWLEDLightEffect | |
►Nx9c | |
CX9cOutput | |
►Nxgzp68xx | |
CXGZP68XXComponent | |
►Nxiaomi_ble | |
CXiaomiAESVector | |
CXiaomiListener | |
CXiaomiParseResult | |
►Nxiaomi_cgd1 | |
CXiaomiCGD1 | |
►Nxiaomi_cgdk2 | |
CXiaomiCGDK2 | |
►Nxiaomi_cgg1 | |
CXiaomiCGG1 | |
►Nxiaomi_cgpr1 | |
CXiaomiCGPR1 | |
►Nxiaomi_gcls002 | |
CXiaomiGCLS002 | |
►Nxiaomi_hhccjcy01 | |
CXiaomiHHCCJCY01 | |
►Nxiaomi_hhccjcy10 | |
CXiaomiHHCCJCY10 | |
►Nxiaomi_hhccpot002 | |
CXiaomiHHCCPOT002 | |
►Nxiaomi_jqjcy01ym | |
CXiaomiJQJCY01YM | |
►Nxiaomi_lywsd02 | |
CXiaomiLYWSD02 | |
►Nxiaomi_lywsd02mmc | |
CXiaomiLYWSD02MMC | |
►Nxiaomi_lywsd03mmc | |
CXiaomiLYWSD03MMC | |
►Nxiaomi_lywsdcgq | |
►Nxiaomi_mhoc303 | |
CXiaomiMHOC303 | |
►Nxiaomi_mhoc401 | |
CXiaomiMHOC401 | |
►Nxiaomi_miscale | |
CParseResult | |
CXiaomiMiscale | |
►Nxiaomi_mjyd02yla | |
CXiaomiMJYD02YLA | |
►Nxiaomi_mue4094rt | |
CXiaomiMUE4094RT | |
►Nxiaomi_rtcgq02lm | |
CXiaomiRTCGQ02LM | |
►Nxiaomi_wx08zm | |
CXiaomiWX08ZM | |
►Nxl9535 | |
CXL9535Component | |
CXL9535GPIOPin | |
►Nxpt2046 | |
CXPT2046Component | |
►Nyashima | |
CYashimaClimate | |
►Nzhlt01 | |
CZHLT01Climate | |
►Nzio_ultrasonic | |
CZioUltrasonicComponent | |
►Nzyaura | |
CZaDataProcessor | |
CZaMessage | |
CZaSensorStore | |
CZyAuraSensor | Component for reading temperature/co2/humidity measurements from ZyAura sensors |
CAction | |
CActionList | |
CAndCondition | |
CApplication | |
CAutomation | |
CCallbackManager | |
CCallbackManager< void(Ts...)> | Helper class to allow having multiple subscribers to a callback |
CColor | |
CComponent | |
CComponentIterator | |
CCondition | Base class for all automation conditions |
CController | |
CDeduplicator | Helper class to deduplicate items in a series of values |
CDelayAction | |
CEntityBase | |
CEntityBase_DeviceClass | |
CEntityBase_UnitOfMeasurement | |
CESPHomeOTAComponent | ESPHomeOTAComponent provides a simple way to integrate Over-the-Air updates into your app using ArduinoOTA |
CESPPreferenceBackend | |
CESPPreferenceObject | |
CESPPreferences | |
CESPTime | A more user-friendly version of struct tm from time.h |
CForCondition | |
Cgens | |
Cgens< 0, S... > | |
CGPIOPin | |
CHighFrequencyLoopRequester | Helper class to request loop() to be called as fast as possible |
CIfAction | |
Cint24_t | 24-bit signed integer type, transparently converting to 32-bit |
CInternalGPIOPin | |
CInterruptLock | Helper class to disable interrupts |
Cis_invocable | |
Cis_trivially_copyable | |
CISRInternalGPIOPin | Copy of GPIOPin that is safe to use from ISRs (with no virtual functions) |
CLambdaAction | |
CLambdaCondition | |
CLockGuard | Helper class that wraps a mutex with a RAII-style API |
CLoopTrigger | |
CMutex | Mutex implementation, with API based on the unavailable std::mutex |
CNotCondition | |
►Cnullopt_t | |
Cinit | |
Coptional | |
COrCondition | |
CParented | Helper class to easily give an object a parent of type T |
CPollingComponent | This class simplifies creating components that periodically check a state |
CProjectUpdateTrigger | |
CRAMAllocator | An STL allocator that uses SPI or internal RAM |
CRepeatAction | |
CResumeComponentAction | |
CRingBuffer | |
►CScheduler | |
CSchedulerItem | |
Cseq | |
CShutdownTrigger | |
CStartupTrigger | |
CStringRef | StringRef is a reference to a string owned by something else |
CSuspendComponentAction | |
CTemplatableValue | |
CTrigger | |
Cuint24_t | 24-bit unsigned integer type, transparently converting to 32-bit |
CUpdateComponentAction | |
CWaitUntilAction | |
CWarnIfComponentBlockingGuard | |
CWhileAction | |
CXorCondition | |
Ciovec | |
Csockaddr | |
Csockaddr_in | |
Csockaddr_in6 | |
Csockaddr_storage | |