ESPHome  2025.2.2
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
esphome::remote_base Namespace Reference

Data Structures

class  ABBWelcomeAction
class  ABBWelcomeBinarySensor
class  ABBWelcomeData
class  ABBWelcomeProtocol
struct  AEHAData
class  AEHAProtocol
struct  ByronSXData
class  ByronSXProtocol
class  CanalSatBaseProtocol
struct  CanalSatData
struct  CanalSatLDData
class  CanalSatLDProtocol
class  CanalSatProtocol
struct  CoolixData
class  CoolixProtocol
struct  DishData
class  DishProtocol
struct  DooyaData
class  DooyaProtocol
struct  DraytonData
class  DraytonProtocol
struct  HaierData
class  HaierProtocol
struct  JVCData
class  JVCProtocol
struct  KeeloqData
class  KeeloqProtocol
struct  LGData
class  LGProtocol
struct  MagiQuestData
class  MagiQuestProtocol
class  MideaData
class  MideaProtocol
struct  MirageData
class  MirageProtocol
struct  NECData
class  NECProtocol
struct  NexaData
class  NexaProtocol
struct  PanasonicData
class  PanasonicProtocol
struct  PioneerData
class  PioneerProtocol
struct  ProntoData
class  ProntoProtocol
class  RawAction
class  RawBinarySensor
class  RawDumper
class  RawTrigger
struct  RC5Data
class  RC5Protocol
struct  RC6Data
class  RC6Protocol
class  RCSwitchBase
struct  RCSwitchData
class  RCSwitchDumper
class  RCSwitchRawAction
class  RCSwitchRawReceiver
class  RCSwitchTypeAAction
class  RCSwitchTypeBAction
class  RCSwitchTypeCAction
class  RCSwitchTypeDAction
class  RemoteComponentBase
class  RemoteProtocol
class  RemoteReceiveData
class  RemoteReceiverBase
class  RemoteReceiverBinarySensor
class  RemoteReceiverBinarySensorBase
class  RemoteReceiverDumper
class  RemoteReceiverDumperBase
class  RemoteReceiverListener
class  RemoteReceiverTrigger
class  RemoteRMTChannel
class  RemoteTransmitData
class  RemoteTransmittable
class  RemoteTransmitterActionBase
class  RemoteTransmitterBase
struct  RoombaData
class  RoombaProtocol
struct  Samsung36Data
class  Samsung36Protocol
struct  SamsungData
class  SamsungProtocol
struct  SonyData
class  SonyProtocol
struct  ToshibaAcData
class  ToshibaAcProtocol
struct  TotoData
class  TotoProtocol


using ABBWelcomeTrigger = RemoteReceiverTrigger< ABBWelcomeProtocol >
using ABBWelcomeDumper = RemoteReceiverDumper< ABBWelcomeProtocol >
using RCSwitchTrigger = RemoteReceiverTrigger< RCSwitchBase >
using RawTimings = std::vector< int32_t >


enum  ToleranceMode : uint8_t { TOLERANCE_MODE_PERCENTAGE = 0, TOLERANCE_MODE_TIME = 1 }


 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (AEHA) template< typename... Ts > class AEHAAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (ByronSX) template< typename... Ts > class ByronSXAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (CanalSat) template< typename... Ts > class CanalSatAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (CanalSatLD) template< typename... Ts > class CanalSatLDAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Coolix) template< typename... Ts > class CoolixAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Dish) template< typename... Ts > class DishAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Dooya) template< typename... Ts > class DooyaAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Drayton) template< typename... Ts > class DraytonAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Haier) template< typename... Ts > class HaierAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (JVC) template< typename... Ts > class JVCAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Keeloq) template< typename... Ts > class KeeloqAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (LG) template< typename... Ts > class LGAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (MagiQuest) template< typename... Ts > class MagiQuestAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Midea) template< typename... Ts > class MideaAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Mirage) template< typename... Ts > class MirageAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (NEC) template< typename... Ts > class NECAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Nexa) template< typename... Ts > class NexaAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Panasonic) template< typename... Ts > class PanasonicAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Pioneer) template< typename... Ts > class PioneerAction
std::vector< uint16_t > encode_pronto (const std::string &str)
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Pronto) template< typename... Ts > class ProntoAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (RC5) template< typename... Ts > class RC5Action
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (RC6) template< typename... Ts > class RC6Action
uint64_t decode_binary_string (const std::string &data)
uint64_t decode_binary_string_mask (const std::string &data)
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Roomba) template< typename... Ts > class RoombaAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Samsung36) template< typename... Ts > class Samsung36Action
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Samsung) template< typename... Ts > class SamsungAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Sony) template< typename... Ts > class SonyAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (ToshibaAc) template< typename... Ts > class ToshibaAcAction
 DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL (Toto) template< typename... Ts > class TotoAction


constexpr unsigned int HAIER_IR_PACKET_BIT_SIZE = 112
constexpr unsigned int MIRAGE_IR_PACKET_BIT_SIZE = 120
const RCSwitchBase RC_SWITCH_PROTOCOLS [9]

Typedef Documentation

◆ ABBWelcomeDumper

Definition at line 213 of file abbwelcome_protocol.h.

◆ ABBWelcomeTrigger

Definition at line 212 of file abbwelcome_protocol.h.

◆ RawTimings

using esphome::remote_base::RawTimings = typedef std::vector<int32_t>

Definition at line 23 of file remote_base.h.

◆ RCSwitchTrigger

Definition at line 218 of file rc_switch_protocol.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ToleranceMode


Definition at line 18 of file remote_base.h.

Function Documentation


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Roomba  )

Definition at line 21 of file roomba_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Pioneer  )

Definition at line 22 of file pioneer_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Dish  )

Definition at line 22 of file dish_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Samsung  )

Definition at line 23 of file samsung_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( ToshibaAc  )

Definition at line 23 of file toshiba_ac_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( NEC  )

Definition at line 23 of file nec_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( RC5  )

Definition at line 23 of file rc5_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( JVC  )

Definition at line 23 of file jvc_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( RC6  )

Definition at line 24 of file rc6_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Samsung36  )

Definition at line 25 of file samsung36_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Toto  )

Definition at line 25 of file toto_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Sony  )

Definition at line 25 of file sony_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Haier  )

Definition at line 25 of file haier_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Mirage  )

Definition at line 25 of file mirage_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Panasonic  )

Definition at line 25 of file panasonic_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( LG  )

Definition at line 25 of file lg_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( AEHA  )

Definition at line 27 of file aeha_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Drayton  )

Definition at line 28 of file drayton_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Dooya  )

Definition at line 29 of file dooya_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( ByronSX  )

Definition at line 30 of file byronsx_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Coolix  )

Definition at line 30 of file coolix_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Nexa  )

Definition at line 33 of file nexa_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Keeloq  )

Definition at line 33 of file keeloq_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( MagiQuest  )

Definition at line 36 of file magiquest_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Pronto  )

Definition at line 39 of file pronto_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( CanalSat  )

Definition at line 43 of file canalsat_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( CanalSatLD  )

Definition at line 60 of file canalsat_protocol.h.


esphome::remote_base::DECLARE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL ( Midea  )

Definition at line 70 of file midea_protocol.h.

◆ decode_binary_string()

uint64_t esphome::remote_base::decode_binary_string ( const std::string &  data)

Definition at line 223 of file rc_switch_protocol.cpp.

◆ decode_binary_string_mask()

uint64_t esphome::remote_base::decode_binary_string_mask ( const std::string &  data)

Definition at line 232 of file rc_switch_protocol.cpp.

◆ encode_pronto()

std::vector< uint16_t > esphome::remote_base::encode_pronto ( const std::string &  str)

Definition at line 130 of file pronto_protocol.cpp.

Variable Documentation


constexpr unsigned int esphome::remote_base::HAIER_IR_PACKET_BIT_SIZE = 112

Definition at line 14 of file haier_protocol.cpp.


constexpr unsigned int esphome::remote_base::MIRAGE_IR_PACKET_BIT_SIZE = 120

Definition at line 15 of file mirage_protocol.cpp.


const RCSwitchBase esphome::remote_base::RC_SWITCH_PROTOCOLS
Initial value:
= {RCSwitchBase(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false),
RCSwitchBase(350, 10850, 350, 1050, 1050, 350, false),
RCSwitchBase(650, 6500, 650, 1300, 1300, 650, false),
RCSwitchBase(3000, 7100, 400, 1100, 900, 600, false),
RCSwitchBase(380, 2280, 380, 1140, 1140, 380, false),
RCSwitchBase(3000, 7000, 500, 1000, 1000, 500, false),
RCSwitchBase(10350, 450, 450, 900, 900, 450, true),
RCSwitchBase(300, 9300, 150, 900, 900, 150, false),
RCSwitchBase(250, 2500, 250, 1250, 250, 250, false)}

Definition at line 9 of file rc_switch_protocol.cpp.