ESPHome  2025.2.2
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
esphome::fujitsu_general::FujitsuGeneralClimate Class Reference

``` turn on temp mode fan swing More...

#include <fujitsu_general.h>

Inheritance diagram for esphome::fujitsu_general::FujitsuGeneralClimate:
esphome::climate_ir::ClimateIR esphome::Component esphome::climate::Climate esphome::remote_base::RemoteReceiverListener esphome::remote_base::RemoteTransmittable esphome::EntityBase

Public Member Functions

 FujitsuGeneralClimate ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from esphome::climate_ir::ClimateIR
 ClimateIR (float minimum_temperature, float maximum_temperature, float temperature_step=1.0f, bool supports_dry=false, bool supports_fan_only=false, std::set< climate::ClimateFanMode > fan_modes={}, std::set< climate::ClimateSwingMode > swing_modes={}, std::set< climate::ClimatePreset > presets={})
void setup () override
void dump_config () override
void set_supports_cool (bool supports_cool)
void set_supports_heat (bool supports_heat)
void set_sensor (sensor::Sensor *sensor)
- Public Member Functions inherited from esphome::Component
virtual void loop ()
 This method will be called repeatedly. More...
virtual float get_setup_priority () const
 priority of setup(). More...
float get_actual_setup_priority () const
void set_setup_priority (float priority)
virtual float get_loop_priority () const
 priority of loop(). More...
void call ()
virtual void on_shutdown ()
virtual void on_safe_shutdown ()
uint32_t get_component_state () const
virtual void mark_failed ()
 Mark this component as failed. More...
bool is_failed () const
bool is_ready () const
virtual bool can_proceed ()
bool status_has_warning () const
bool status_has_error () const
void status_set_warning (const char *message="unspecified")
void status_set_error (const char *message="unspecified")
void status_clear_warning ()
void status_clear_error ()
void status_momentary_warning (const std::string &name, uint32_t length=5000)
void status_momentary_error (const std::string &name, uint32_t length=5000)
bool has_overridden_loop () const
void set_component_source (const char *source)
 Set where this component was loaded from for some debug messages. More...
const char * get_component_source () const
 Get the integration where this component was declared as a string. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from esphome::climate::Climate
 Climate ()
void add_on_state_callback (std::function< void(Climate &)> &&callback)
 Add a callback for the climate device state, each time the state of the climate device is updated (using publish_state), this callback will be called. More...
void add_on_control_callback (std::function< void(ClimateCall &)> &&callback)
 Add a callback for the climate device configuration; each time the configuration parameters of a climate device is updated (using perform() of a ClimateCall), this callback will be called, before any on_state callback. More...
ClimateCall make_call ()
 Make a climate device control call, this is used to control the climate device, see the ClimateCall description for more info. More...
void publish_state ()
 Publish the state of the climate device, to be called from integrations. More...
ClimateTraits get_traits ()
 Get the traits of this climate device with all overrides applied. More...
void set_visual_min_temperature_override (float visual_min_temperature_override)
void set_visual_max_temperature_override (float visual_max_temperature_override)
void set_visual_temperature_step_override (float target, float current)
void set_visual_min_humidity_override (float visual_min_humidity_override)
void set_visual_max_humidity_override (float visual_max_humidity_override)
- Public Member Functions inherited from esphome::EntityBase
const StringRefget_name () const
void set_name (const char *name)
bool has_own_name () const
std::string get_object_id () const
void set_object_id (const char *object_id)
uint32_t get_object_id_hash ()
bool is_internal () const
void set_internal (bool internal)
bool is_disabled_by_default () const
void set_disabled_by_default (bool disabled_by_default)
EntityCategory get_entity_category () const
void set_entity_category (EntityCategory entity_category)
std::string get_icon () const
void set_icon (const char *icon)
- Public Member Functions inherited from esphome::remote_base::RemoteTransmittable
 RemoteTransmittable ()
 RemoteTransmittable (RemoteTransmitterBase *transmitter)
void set_transmitter (RemoteTransmitterBase *transmitter)

Protected Member Functions

void transmit_state () override
 Transmit via IR the state of this climate controller. More...
void transmit_off_ ()
 Transmit via IR power off command. More...
bool on_receive (remote_base::RemoteReceiveData data) override
 Parse incoming message. More...
void transmit_ (uint8_t const *message, uint8_t length)
 Transmit message as IR pulses. More...
uint8_t checksum_state_ (uint8_t const *message)
 Calculate checksum for a state message. More...
uint8_t checksum_util_ (uint8_t const *message)
 Calculate cecksum for a util message. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from esphome::climate_ir::ClimateIR
void control (const climate::ClimateCall &call) override
 Override control to change settings of the climate device. More...
climate::ClimateTraits traits () override
 Return the traits of this controller. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from esphome::Component
virtual void call_loop ()
virtual void call_setup ()
virtual void call_dump_config ()
void set_interval (const std::string &name, uint32_t interval, std::function< void()> &&f)
 Set an interval function with a unique name. More...
void set_interval (uint32_t interval, std::function< void()> &&f)
bool cancel_interval (const std::string &name)
 Cancel an interval function. More...
void set_retry (const std::string &name, uint32_t initial_wait_time, uint8_t max_attempts, std::function< RetryResult(uint8_t)> &&f, float backoff_increase_factor=1.0f)
 Set an retry function with a unique name. More...
void set_retry (uint32_t initial_wait_time, uint8_t max_attempts, std::function< RetryResult(uint8_t)> &&f, float backoff_increase_factor=1.0f)
bool cancel_retry (const std::string &name)
 Cancel a retry function. More...
void set_timeout (const std::string &name, uint32_t timeout, std::function< void()> &&f)
 Set a timeout function with a unique name. More...
void set_timeout (uint32_t timeout, std::function< void()> &&f)
bool cancel_timeout (const std::string &name)
 Cancel a timeout function. More...
void defer (const std::string &name, std::function< void()> &&f)
 Defer a callback to the next loop() call. More...
void defer (std::function< void()> &&f)
 Defer a callback to the next loop() call. More...
bool cancel_defer (const std::string &name)
 Cancel a defer callback using the specified name, name must not be empty. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from esphome::climate::Climate
bool set_fan_mode_ (ClimateFanMode mode)
 Set fan mode. Reset custom fan mode. Return true if fan mode has been changed. More...
bool set_custom_fan_mode_ (const std::string &mode)
 Set custom fan mode. Reset primary fan mode. Return true if fan mode has been changed. More...
bool set_preset_ (ClimatePreset preset)
 Set preset. Reset custom preset. Return true if preset has been changed. More...
bool set_custom_preset_ (const std::string &preset)
 Set custom preset. Reset primary preset. Return true if preset has been changed. More...
optional< ClimateDeviceRestoreStaterestore_state_ ()
 Restore the state of the climate device, call this from your setup() method. More...
void save_state_ ()
 Internal method to save the state of the climate device to recover memory. More...
void dump_traits_ (const char *tag)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from esphome::EntityBase
virtual uint32_t hash_base ()
 The hash_base() function has been deprecated. More...
void calc_object_id_ ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from esphome::remote_base::RemoteTransmittable
template<typename Protocol >
void transmit_ (const typename Protocol::ProtocolData &data, uint32_t send_times=1, uint32_t send_wait=0)

Protected Attributes

bool power_ {false}
- Protected Attributes inherited from esphome::climate_ir::ClimateIR
float minimum_temperature_
float maximum_temperature_
float temperature_step_
bool supports_cool_ {true}
bool supports_heat_ {true}
bool supports_dry_ {false}
bool supports_fan_only_ {false}
std::set< climate::ClimateFanModefan_modes_ = {}
std::set< climate::ClimateSwingModeswing_modes_ = {}
std::set< climate::ClimatePresetpresets_ = {}
sensor::Sensorsensor_ {nullptr}
- Protected Attributes inherited from esphome::Component
uint32_t component_state_ {0x0000}
 State of this component. More...
float setup_priority_override_ {NAN}
const char * component_source_ {nullptr}
- Protected Attributes inherited from esphome::climate::Climate
friend ClimateCall
CallbackManager< void(Climate &)> state_callback_ {}
CallbackManager< void(ClimateCall &)> control_callback_ {}
ESPPreferenceObject rtc_
optional< float > visual_min_temperature_override_ {}
optional< float > visual_max_temperature_override_ {}
optional< float > visual_target_temperature_step_override_ {}
optional< float > visual_current_temperature_step_override_ {}
optional< float > visual_min_humidity_override_ {}
optional< float > visual_max_humidity_override_ {}
- Protected Attributes inherited from esphome::EntityBase
StringRef name_
const char * object_id_c_str_ {nullptr}
const char * icon_c_str_ {nullptr}
uint32_t object_id_hash_
bool has_own_name_ {false}
bool internal_ {false}
bool disabled_by_default_ {false}
EntityCategory entity_category_ {ENTITY_CATEGORY_NONE}
- Protected Attributes inherited from esphome::remote_base::RemoteTransmittable

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from esphome::climate::Climate
ClimateMode mode {CLIMATE_MODE_OFF}
 The active mode of the climate device. More...
ClimateAction action {CLIMATE_ACTION_OFF}
 The active state of the climate device. More...
float current_temperature {NAN}
 The current temperature of the climate device, as reported from the integration. More...
float current_humidity {NAN}
 The current humidity of the climate device, as reported from the integration. More...
union {
   float   target_temperature
 The target temperature of the climate device. More...
   struct {
      float   target_temperature_low {NAN}
 The minimum target temperature of the climate device, for climate devices with split target temperature. More...
      float   target_temperature_high {NAN}
 The maximum target temperature of the climate device, for climate devices with split target temperature. More...
float target_humidity
 The target humidity of the climate device. More...
optional< ClimateFanModefan_mode
 The active fan mode of the climate device. More...
ClimateSwingMode swing_mode
 The active swing mode of the climate device. More...
optional< std::string > custom_fan_mode
 The active custom fan mode of the climate device. More...
optional< ClimatePresetpreset
 The active preset of the climate device. More...
optional< std::string > custom_preset
 The active custom preset mode of the climate device. More...

Detailed Description

``` turn on temp mode fan swing

temperatures 1 1248 124 124 1 auto auto 18 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 10000100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 11110001 auto auto 19 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 10001100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 11111110 auto auto 30 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 10000111 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 11110011

on flag: on at 16 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 10000000 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 11010101 down to 16 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 00000000 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 00110101

mode options: auto auto 30 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 10000111 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 11110011 cool auto 30 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 10000111 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 01110011 dry auto 30 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 10000111 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 10110011 fan (auto) (30) 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 10000111 11000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 00110011 heat auto 30 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 10000111 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 11010011

fan options: heat 30 high 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 10000111 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 01010011 heat 30 med 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 00000111 00100000 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 01010011 heat 30 low 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 00000111 00100000 11000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 10010011 heat 30 quiet 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 00000111 00100000 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 00010011

swing options: heat 30 swing vert 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 00000111 00100000 00101000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 00011101 heat 30 noswing 00101000 11000110 00000000 00001000 00001000 01111111 10010000 00001100 00000111 00100000 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 00010011 ```

Definition at line 50 of file fujitsu_general.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FujitsuGeneralClimate()

esphome::fujitsu_general::FujitsuGeneralClimate::FujitsuGeneralClimate ( )

Definition at line 52 of file fujitsu_general.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ checksum_state_()

uint8_t esphome::fujitsu_general::FujitsuGeneralClimate::checksum_state_ ( uint8_t const *  message)

Calculate checksum for a state message.

Definition at line 237 of file fujitsu_general.cpp.

◆ checksum_util_()

uint8_t esphome::fujitsu_general::FujitsuGeneralClimate::checksum_util_ ( uint8_t const *  message)

Calculate cecksum for a util message.

Definition at line 245 of file fujitsu_general.cpp.

◆ on_receive()

bool esphome::fujitsu_general::FujitsuGeneralClimate::on_receive ( remote_base::RemoteReceiveData  data)

Parse incoming message.

Reimplemented from esphome::climate_ir::ClimateIR.

Definition at line 247 of file fujitsu_general.cpp.

◆ transmit_()

void esphome::fujitsu_general::FujitsuGeneralClimate::transmit_ ( uint8_t const *  message,
uint8_t  length 

Transmit message as IR pulses.

Definition at line 208 of file fujitsu_general.cpp.

◆ transmit_off_()

void esphome::fujitsu_general::FujitsuGeneralClimate::transmit_off_ ( )

Transmit via IR power off command.

Definition at line 190 of file fujitsu_general.cpp.

◆ transmit_state()

void esphome::fujitsu_general::FujitsuGeneralClimate::transmit_state ( )

Transmit via IR the state of this climate controller.

Implements esphome::climate_ir::ClimateIR.

Definition at line 88 of file fujitsu_general.cpp.

Field Documentation

◆ power_

bool esphome::fujitsu_general::FujitsuGeneralClimate::power_ {false}

Definition at line 78 of file fujitsu_general.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: