ESPHome  2025.2.2
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Variables
esphome::mqtt Namespace Reference

Data Structures

struct  Availability
 Simple data struct for Home Assistant component availability. More...
class  CustomMQTTDevice
 This class is a helper class for custom components that communicate using MQTT. More...
struct  Event
class  MQTTAlarmControlPanelComponent
class  MQTTBackend
class  MQTTBackendESP32
class  MQTTBackendESP8266
class  MQTTBackendLibreTiny
class  MQTTBinarySensorComponent
class  MQTTButtonComponent
class  MQTTClientComponent
class  MQTTClimateComponent
class  MQTTComponent
 MQTTComponent is the base class for all components that interact with MQTT to expose certain functionality or data from actuators or sensors to clients. More...
class  MQTTConnectedCondition
class  MQTTConnectTrigger
class  MQTTCoverComponent
struct  MQTTCredentials
 internal struct for MQTT credentials. More...
class  MQTTDateComponent
class  MQTTDateTimeComponent
class  MQTTDisableAction
class  MQTTDisconnectTrigger
struct  MQTTDiscoveryInfo
 Internal struct for MQTT Home Assistant discovery. More...
class  MQTTEnableAction
class  MQTTEventComponent
class  MQTTFanComponent
class  MQTTJSONLightComponent
class  MQTTJsonMessageTrigger
class  MQTTLockComponent
struct  MQTTMessage
 internal struct for MQTT messages. More...
class  MQTTMessageTrigger
class  MQTTNumberComponent
class  MQTTPublishAction
class  MQTTPublishJsonAction
class  MQTTSelectComponent
class  MQTTSensorComponent
struct  MQTTSubscription
 internal struct for MQTT subscriptions. More...
class  MQTTSwitchComponent
class  MQTTTextComponent
class  MQTTTextSensor
class  MQTTTimeComponent
class  MQTTUpdateComponent
class  MQTTValveComponent
struct  SendDiscoveryConfig
 Simple Helper struct used for Home Assistant MQTT send_discovery(). More...


using mqtt_on_connect_callback_t = std::function< MQTTBackend::on_connect_callback_t >
 Callback for MQTT events. More...
using mqtt_on_disconnect_callback_t = std::function< MQTTBackend::on_disconnect_callback_t >
using mqtt_callback_t = std::function< void(const std::string &, const std::string &)>
 Callback for MQTT subscriptions. More...
using mqtt_json_callback_t = std::function< void(const std::string &, JsonObject)>


enum  MQTTClientDisconnectReason : int8_t {
  MQTTClientDisconnectReason::TCP_DISCONNECTED = 0, MQTTClientDisconnectReason::MQTT_UNACCEPTABLE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1, MQTTClientDisconnectReason::MQTT_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED = 2, MQTTClientDisconnectReason::MQTT_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE = 3,
  MQTTClientDisconnectReason::MQTT_MALFORMED_CREDENTIALS = 4, MQTTClientDisconnectReason::MQTT_NOT_AUTHORIZED = 5, MQTTClientDisconnectReason::ESP8266_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE = 6, MQTTClientDisconnectReason::TLS_BAD_FINGERPRINT = 7
 available discovery unique_id generators More...
 available discovery object_id generators More...
enum  MQTTClientState {


constexpr const char *const MQTT_ACTION_TEMPLATE = "act_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_ACTION_TOPIC = "act_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_AUTOMATION_TYPE = "atype"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_AUX_COMMAND_TOPIC = "aux_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_AUX_STATE_TEMPLATE = "aux_stat_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_AUX_STATE_TOPIC = "aux_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_AVAILABILITY = "avty"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_AVAILABILITY_MODE = "avty_mode"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_AVAILABILITY_TOPIC = "avty_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_AWAY_MODE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "away_mode_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_AWAY_MODE_STATE_TEMPLATE = "away_mode_stat_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_AWAY_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "away_mode_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_BATTERY_LEVEL_TEMPLATE = "bat_lev_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_BATTERY_LEVEL_TOPIC = "bat_lev_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_BLUE_TEMPLATE = "b_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_BRIGHTNESS_COMMAND_TOPIC = "bri_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_BRIGHTNESS_SCALE = "bri_scl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_BRIGHTNESS_STATE_TOPIC = "bri_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_BRIGHTNESS_TEMPLATE = "bri_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_BRIGHTNESS_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "bri_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CHARGING_TEMPLATE = "chrg_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CHARGING_TOPIC = "chrg_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CLEANING_TEMPLATE = "cln_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CLEANING_TOPIC = "cln_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CODE_ARM_REQUIRED = "cod_arm_req"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CODE_DISARM_REQUIRED = "cod_dis_req"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COLOR_MODE = "clrm"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COLOR_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "clrm_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COLOR_MODE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "clrm_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COLOR_TEMP_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "clr_temp_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COLOR_TEMP_COMMAND_TOPIC = "clr_temp_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COLOR_TEMP_STATE_TOPIC = "clr_temp_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COLOR_TEMP_TEMPLATE = "clr_temp_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COLOR_TEMP_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "clr_temp_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COMMAND_OFF_TEMPLATE = "cmd_off_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COMMAND_ON_TEMPLATE = "cmd_on_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COMMAND_RETAIN = "ret"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_COMMAND_TOPIC = "cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CONFIGURATION_URL = "cu"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CURRENT_HUMIDITY_TEMPLATE = "curr_hum_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CURRENT_HUMIDITY_TOPIC = "curr_hum_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE_STEP = "precision"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE_TEMPLATE = "curr_temp_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE_TOPIC = "curr_temp_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DEVICE = "dev"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DEVICE_CLASS = "dev_cla"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DEVICE_CONNECTIONS = "cns"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DEVICE_IDENTIFIERS = "ids"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER = "mf"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DEVICE_MODEL = "mdl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DEVICE_NAME = "name"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DEVICE_SUGGESTED_AREA = "sa"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DEVICE_SW_VERSION = "sw"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DEVICE_HW_VERSION = "hw"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DOCKED_TEMPLATE = "dock_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_DOCKED_TOPIC = "dock_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_EFFECT_COMMAND_TOPIC = "fx_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_EFFECT_LIST = "fx_list"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_EFFECT_STATE_TOPIC = "fx_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_EFFECT_TEMPLATE = "fx_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_EFFECT_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "fx_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = "en"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_ENTITY_CATEGORY = "ent_cat"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_ERROR_TEMPLATE = "err_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_ERROR_TOPIC = "err_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_EVENT_TYPE = "event_type"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_EVENT_TYPES = "evt_typ"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_EXPIRE_AFTER = "exp_aft"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_FAN_MODE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "fan_mode_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_FAN_MODE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "fan_mode_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_FAN_MODE_STATE_TEMPLATE = "fan_mode_stat_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_FAN_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "fan_mode_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_FAN_SPEED_LIST = "fanspd_lst"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_FAN_SPEED_TEMPLATE = "fanspd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_FAN_SPEED_TOPIC = "fanspd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_FLASH_TIME_LONG = "flsh_tlng"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_FLASH_TIME_SHORT = "flsh_tsht"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_FORCE_UPDATE = "frc_upd"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_GREEN_TEMPLATE = "g_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_HOLD_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "hold_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_HOLD_COMMAND_TOPIC = "hold_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_HOLD_STATE_TEMPLATE = "hold_stat_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_HOLD_STATE_TOPIC = "hold_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_HS_COMMAND_TOPIC = "hs_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_HS_STATE_TOPIC = "hs_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_HS_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "hs_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_ICON = "ic"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_INITIAL = "init"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_JSON_ATTRIBUTES = "json_attr"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_JSON_ATTRIBUTES_TEMPLATE = "json_attr_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_JSON_ATTRIBUTES_TOPIC = "json_attr_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_LAST_RESET_TOPIC = "lrst_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_LAST_RESET_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "lrst_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MAX = "max"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MAX_HUMIDITY = "max_hum"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MAX_MIREDS = "max_mirs"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MAX_TEMP = "max_temp"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MIN = "min"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MIN_HUMIDITY = "min_hum"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MIN_MIREDS = "min_mirs"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MIN_TEMP = "min_temp"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MODE = "mode"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MODE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "mode_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MODE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "mode_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MODE_STATE_TEMPLATE = "mode_stat_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "mode_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_MODES = "modes"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_NAME = "name"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_OBJECT_ID = "obj_id"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_OFF_DELAY = "off_dly"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_ON_COMMAND_TYPE = "on_cmd_type"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_OPTIMISTIC = "opt"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_OPTIONS = "ops"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_OSCILLATION_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "osc_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_OSCILLATION_COMMAND_TOPIC = "osc_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_OSCILLATION_STATE_TOPIC = "osc_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_OSCILLATION_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "osc_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD = "pl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_ARM_AWAY = "pl_arm_away"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_ARM_CUSTOM_BYPASS = "pl_arm_custom_b"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_ARM_HOME = "pl_arm_home"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_ARM_NIGHT = "pl_arm_nite"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_ARM_VACATION = "pl_arm_vacation"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_AVAILABLE = "pl_avail"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_CLEAN_SPOT = "pl_cln_sp"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_CLOSE = "pl_cls"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_DISARM = "pl_disarm"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_HIGH_SPEED = "pl_hi_spd"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_HOME = "pl_home"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_INSTALL = "pl_inst"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_LOCATE = "pl_loc"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_LOCK = "pl_lock"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_LOW_SPEED = "pl_lo_spd"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_MEDIUM_SPEED = "pl_med_spd"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_NOT_AVAILABLE = "pl_not_avail"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_NOT_HOME = "pl_not_home"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_OFF = "pl_off"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_OFF_SPEED = "pl_off_spd"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_ON = "pl_on"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_OPEN = "pl_open"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_OSCILLATION_OFF = "pl_osc_off"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_OSCILLATION_ON = "pl_osc_on"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_PAUSE = "pl_paus"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_RESET = "pl_rst"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_RESET_HUMIDITY = "pl_rst_hum"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_RESET_MODE = "pl_rst_mode"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_RESET_PERCENTAGE = "pl_rst_pct"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_RESET_PRESET_MODE = "pl_rst_pr_mode"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_RETURN_TO_BASE = "pl_ret"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_START = "pl_strt"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_START_PAUSE = "pl_stpa"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_STOP = "pl_stop"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_TURN_OFF = "pl_toff"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_TURN_ON = "pl_ton"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PAYLOAD_UNLOCK = "pl_unlk"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PERCENTAGE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "pct_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PERCENTAGE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "pct_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PERCENTAGE_STATE_TOPIC = "pct_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "pct_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_POSITION_CLOSED = "pos_clsd"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_POSITION_OPEN = "pos_open"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_POSITION_TEMPLATE = "pos_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_POSITION_TOPIC = "pos_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_POWER_COMMAND_TOPIC = "pow_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_POWER_STATE_TEMPLATE = "pow_stat_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_POWER_STATE_TOPIC = "pow_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PRESET_MODE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "pr_mode_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PRESET_MODE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "pr_mode_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PRESET_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "pr_mode_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PRESET_MODE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "pr_mode_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_PRESET_MODES = "pr_modes"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_QOS = "qos"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RED_TEMPLATE = "r_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RETAIN = "ret"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGB_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "rgb_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGB_COMMAND_TOPIC = "rgb_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGB_STATE_TOPIC = "rgb_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGB_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "rgb_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGBW_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "rgbw_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGBW_COMMAND_TOPIC = "rgbw_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGBW_STATE_TOPIC = "rgbw_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGBW_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "rgbw_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGBWW_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "rgbww_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGBWW_COMMAND_TOPIC = "rgbww_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGBWW_STATE_TOPIC = "rgbww_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_RGBWW_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "rgbww_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SEND_COMMAND_TOPIC = "send_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SEND_IF_OFF = "send_if_off"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SET_FAN_SPEED_TOPIC = "set_fan_spd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SET_POSITION_TEMPLATE = "set_pos_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SET_POSITION_TOPIC = "set_pos_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SOURCE_TYPE = "src_type"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SPEED_COMMAND_TOPIC = "spd_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SPEED_RANGE_MAX = "spd_rng_max"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SPEED_RANGE_MIN = "spd_rng_min"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SPEED_STATE_TOPIC = "spd_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SPEED_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "spd_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SPEEDS = "spds"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_CLASS = "stat_cla"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_CLOSED = "stat_clsd"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_CLOSING = "stat_closing"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_LOCKED = "stat_locked"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_OFF = "stat_off"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_ON = "stat_on"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_OPEN = "stat_open"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_OPENING = "stat_opening"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_STOPPED = "stat_stopped"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_TEMPLATE = "stat_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_TOPIC = "stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_UNLOCKED = "stat_unlocked"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STATE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "stat_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_STEP = "step"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SUBTYPE = "stype"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SUPPORTED_COLOR_MODES = "sup_clrm"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = "sup_feat"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SWING_MODE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "swing_mode_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SWING_MODE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "swing_mode_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SWING_MODE_STATE_TEMPLATE = "swing_mode_stat_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_SWING_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "swing_mode_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TARGET_HUMIDITY_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "hum_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TARGET_HUMIDITY_COMMAND_TOPIC = "hum_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TARGET_HUMIDITY_STATE_TEMPLATE = "hum_state_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TARGET_HUMIDITY_STATE_TOPIC = "hum_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE_STEP = "temp_step"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "temp_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "temp_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_HIGH_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "temp_hi_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_HIGH_COMMAND_TOPIC = "temp_hi_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_HIGH_STATE_TEMPLATE = "temp_hi_stat_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_HIGH_STATE_TOPIC = "temp_hi_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_LOW_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "temp_lo_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_LOW_COMMAND_TOPIC = "temp_lo_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_LOW_STATE_TEMPLATE = "temp_lo_stat_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_LOW_STATE_TOPIC = "temp_lo_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_STATE_TEMPLATE = "temp_stat_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_STATE_TOPIC = "temp_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = "temp_unit"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TILT_CLOSED_VALUE = "tilt_clsd_val"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TILT_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "tilt_cmd_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TILT_COMMAND_TOPIC = "tilt_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TILT_INVERT_STATE = "tilt_inv_stat"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TILT_MAX = "tilt_max"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TILT_MIN = "tilt_min"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TILT_OPENED_VALUE = "tilt_opnd_val"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TILT_OPTIMISTIC = "tilt_opt"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TILT_STATUS_TEMPLATE = "tilt_status_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TILT_STATUS_TOPIC = "tilt_status_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_TOPIC = "t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_UNIQUE_ID = "uniq_id"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT = "unit_of_meas"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_WHITE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "whit_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_WHITE_SCALE = "whit_scl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_WHITE_VALUE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "whit_val_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_WHITE_VALUE_SCALE = "whit_val_scl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_WHITE_VALUE_STATE_TOPIC = "whit_val_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_WHITE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "whit_val_tpl"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_XY_COMMAND_TOPIC = "xy_cmd_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_XY_STATE_TOPIC = "xy_stat_t"
constexpr const char *const MQTT_XY_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "xy_val_tpl"

Typedef Documentation

◆ mqtt_callback_t

using esphome::mqtt::mqtt_callback_t = typedef std::function<void(const std::string &, const std::string &)>

Callback for MQTT subscriptions.

First parameter is the topic, the second one is the payload.

Definition at line 35 of file mqtt_client.h.

◆ mqtt_json_callback_t

using esphome::mqtt::mqtt_json_callback_t = typedef std::function<void(const std::string &, JsonObject)>

Definition at line 36 of file mqtt_client.h.

◆ mqtt_on_connect_callback_t

Callback for MQTT events.

Definition at line 28 of file mqtt_client.h.

◆ mqtt_on_disconnect_callback_t

Definition at line 29 of file mqtt_client.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MQTTClientDisconnectReason


Definition at line 12 of file mqtt_backend.h.

◆ MQTTClientState


Definition at line 89 of file mqtt_client.h.

◆ MQTTDiscoveryObjectIdGenerator

available discovery object_id generators


Definition at line 71 of file mqtt_client.h.

◆ MQTTDiscoveryUniqueIdGenerator

available discovery unique_id generators


Definition at line 65 of file mqtt_client.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ global_mqtt_client

MQTTClientComponent* esphome::mqtt::global_mqtt_client


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_ACTION_TEMPLATE = "act_tpl"

Definition at line 12 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_ACTION_TOPIC = "act_t"

Definition at line 13 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_AUTOMATION_TYPE = "atype"

Definition at line 14 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_AUX_COMMAND_TOPIC = "aux_cmd_t"

Definition at line 15 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_AUX_STATE_TEMPLATE = "aux_stat_tpl"

Definition at line 16 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_AUX_STATE_TOPIC = "aux_stat_t"

Definition at line 17 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_AVAILABILITY = "avty"

Definition at line 18 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_AVAILABILITY_MODE = "avty_mode"

Definition at line 19 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_AVAILABILITY_TOPIC = "avty_t"

Definition at line 20 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_AWAY_MODE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "away_mode_cmd_t"

Definition at line 21 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_AWAY_MODE_STATE_TEMPLATE = "away_mode_stat_tpl"

Definition at line 22 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_AWAY_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "away_mode_stat_t"

Definition at line 23 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_BATTERY_LEVEL_TEMPLATE = "bat_lev_tpl"

Definition at line 24 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_BATTERY_LEVEL_TOPIC = "bat_lev_t"

Definition at line 25 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_BLUE_TEMPLATE = "b_tpl"

Definition at line 26 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_BRIGHTNESS_COMMAND_TOPIC = "bri_cmd_t"

Definition at line 27 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_BRIGHTNESS_SCALE = "bri_scl"

Definition at line 28 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_BRIGHTNESS_STATE_TOPIC = "bri_stat_t"

Definition at line 29 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_BRIGHTNESS_TEMPLATE = "bri_tpl"

Definition at line 30 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_BRIGHTNESS_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "bri_val_tpl"

Definition at line 31 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CHARGING_TEMPLATE = "chrg_tpl"

Definition at line 32 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CHARGING_TOPIC = "chrg_t"

Definition at line 33 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CLEANING_TEMPLATE = "cln_tpl"

Definition at line 34 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CLEANING_TOPIC = "cln_t"

Definition at line 35 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CODE_ARM_REQUIRED = "cod_arm_req"

Definition at line 36 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CODE_DISARM_REQUIRED = "cod_dis_req"

Definition at line 37 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COLOR_MODE = "clrm"

Definition at line 38 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COLOR_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "clrm_stat_t"

Definition at line 39 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COLOR_MODE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "clrm_val_tpl"

Definition at line 40 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COLOR_TEMP_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "clr_temp_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 41 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COLOR_TEMP_COMMAND_TOPIC = "clr_temp_cmd_t"

Definition at line 42 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COLOR_TEMP_STATE_TOPIC = "clr_temp_stat_t"

Definition at line 43 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COLOR_TEMP_TEMPLATE = "clr_temp_tpl"

Definition at line 44 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COLOR_TEMP_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "clr_temp_val_tpl"

Definition at line 45 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COMMAND_OFF_TEMPLATE = "cmd_off_tpl"

Definition at line 46 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COMMAND_ON_TEMPLATE = "cmd_on_tpl"

Definition at line 47 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COMMAND_RETAIN = "ret"

Definition at line 48 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 49 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_COMMAND_TOPIC = "cmd_t"

Definition at line 50 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CONFIGURATION_URL = "cu"

Definition at line 51 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CURRENT_HUMIDITY_TEMPLATE = "curr_hum_tpl"

Definition at line 52 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CURRENT_HUMIDITY_TOPIC = "curr_hum_t"

Definition at line 53 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE_STEP = "precision"

Definition at line 54 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE_TEMPLATE = "curr_temp_tpl"

Definition at line 55 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_CURRENT_TEMPERATURE_TOPIC = "curr_temp_t"

Definition at line 56 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DEVICE = "dev"

Definition at line 57 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DEVICE_CLASS = "dev_cla"

Definition at line 58 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DEVICE_CONNECTIONS = "cns"

Definition at line 59 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DEVICE_HW_VERSION = "hw"

Definition at line 66 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DEVICE_IDENTIFIERS = "ids"

Definition at line 60 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER = "mf"

Definition at line 61 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DEVICE_MODEL = "mdl"

Definition at line 62 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DEVICE_NAME = "name"

Definition at line 63 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DEVICE_SUGGESTED_AREA = "sa"

Definition at line 64 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DEVICE_SW_VERSION = "sw"

Definition at line 65 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DOCKED_TEMPLATE = "dock_tpl"

Definition at line 67 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_DOCKED_TOPIC = "dock_t"

Definition at line 68 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_EFFECT_COMMAND_TOPIC = "fx_cmd_t"

Definition at line 69 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_EFFECT_LIST = "fx_list"

Definition at line 70 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_EFFECT_STATE_TOPIC = "fx_stat_t"

Definition at line 71 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_EFFECT_TEMPLATE = "fx_tpl"

Definition at line 72 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_EFFECT_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "fx_val_tpl"

Definition at line 73 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = "en"

Definition at line 74 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_ENTITY_CATEGORY = "ent_cat"

Definition at line 75 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_ERROR_TEMPLATE = "err_tpl"

Definition at line 76 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_ERROR_TOPIC = "err_t"

Definition at line 77 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_EVENT_TYPE = "event_type"

Definition at line 78 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_EVENT_TYPES = "evt_typ"

Definition at line 79 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_EXPIRE_AFTER = "exp_aft"

Definition at line 80 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_FAN_MODE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "fan_mode_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 81 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_FAN_MODE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "fan_mode_cmd_t"

Definition at line 82 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_FAN_MODE_STATE_TEMPLATE = "fan_mode_stat_tpl"

Definition at line 83 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_FAN_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "fan_mode_stat_t"

Definition at line 84 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_FAN_SPEED_LIST = "fanspd_lst"

Definition at line 85 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_FAN_SPEED_TEMPLATE = "fanspd_tpl"

Definition at line 86 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_FAN_SPEED_TOPIC = "fanspd_t"

Definition at line 87 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_FLASH_TIME_LONG = "flsh_tlng"

Definition at line 88 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_FLASH_TIME_SHORT = "flsh_tsht"

Definition at line 89 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_FORCE_UPDATE = "frc_upd"

Definition at line 90 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_GREEN_TEMPLATE = "g_tpl"

Definition at line 91 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_HOLD_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "hold_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 92 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_HOLD_COMMAND_TOPIC = "hold_cmd_t"

Definition at line 93 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_HOLD_STATE_TEMPLATE = "hold_stat_tpl"

Definition at line 94 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_HOLD_STATE_TOPIC = "hold_stat_t"

Definition at line 95 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_HS_COMMAND_TOPIC = "hs_cmd_t"

Definition at line 96 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_HS_STATE_TOPIC = "hs_stat_t"

Definition at line 97 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_HS_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "hs_val_tpl"

Definition at line 98 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_ICON = "ic"

Definition at line 99 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_INITIAL = "init"

Definition at line 100 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_JSON_ATTRIBUTES = "json_attr"

Definition at line 101 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_JSON_ATTRIBUTES_TEMPLATE = "json_attr_tpl"

Definition at line 102 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_JSON_ATTRIBUTES_TOPIC = "json_attr_t"

Definition at line 103 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_LAST_RESET_TOPIC = "lrst_t"

Definition at line 104 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_LAST_RESET_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "lrst_val_tpl"

Definition at line 105 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MAX = "max"

Definition at line 106 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MAX_HUMIDITY = "max_hum"

Definition at line 107 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MAX_MIREDS = "max_mirs"

Definition at line 108 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MAX_TEMP = "max_temp"

Definition at line 109 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MIN = "min"

Definition at line 110 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MIN_HUMIDITY = "min_hum"

Definition at line 111 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MIN_MIREDS = "min_mirs"

Definition at line 112 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MIN_TEMP = "min_temp"

Definition at line 113 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MODE = "mode"

Definition at line 114 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MODE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "mode_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 115 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MODE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "mode_cmd_t"

Definition at line 116 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MODE_STATE_TEMPLATE = "mode_stat_tpl"

Definition at line 117 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "mode_stat_t"

Definition at line 118 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_MODES = "modes"

Definition at line 119 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_NAME = "name"

Definition at line 120 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_OBJECT_ID = "obj_id"

Definition at line 121 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_OFF_DELAY = "off_dly"

Definition at line 122 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_ON_COMMAND_TYPE = "on_cmd_type"

Definition at line 123 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_OPTIMISTIC = "opt"

Definition at line 124 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_OPTIONS = "ops"

Definition at line 125 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_OSCILLATION_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "osc_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 126 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_OSCILLATION_COMMAND_TOPIC = "osc_cmd_t"

Definition at line 127 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_OSCILLATION_STATE_TOPIC = "osc_stat_t"

Definition at line 128 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_OSCILLATION_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "osc_val_tpl"

Definition at line 129 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD = "pl"

Definition at line 130 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_ARM_AWAY = "pl_arm_away"

Definition at line 131 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_ARM_CUSTOM_BYPASS = "pl_arm_custom_b"

Definition at line 132 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_ARM_HOME = "pl_arm_home"

Definition at line 133 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_ARM_NIGHT = "pl_arm_nite"

Definition at line 134 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_ARM_VACATION = "pl_arm_vacation"

Definition at line 135 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_AVAILABLE = "pl_avail"

Definition at line 136 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_CLEAN_SPOT = "pl_cln_sp"

Definition at line 137 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_CLOSE = "pl_cls"

Definition at line 138 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_DISARM = "pl_disarm"

Definition at line 139 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_HIGH_SPEED = "pl_hi_spd"

Definition at line 140 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_HOME = "pl_home"

Definition at line 141 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_INSTALL = "pl_inst"

Definition at line 142 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_LOCATE = "pl_loc"

Definition at line 143 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_LOCK = "pl_lock"

Definition at line 144 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_LOW_SPEED = "pl_lo_spd"

Definition at line 145 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_MEDIUM_SPEED = "pl_med_spd"

Definition at line 146 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_NOT_AVAILABLE = "pl_not_avail"

Definition at line 147 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_NOT_HOME = "pl_not_home"

Definition at line 148 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_OFF = "pl_off"

Definition at line 149 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_OFF_SPEED = "pl_off_spd"

Definition at line 150 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_ON = "pl_on"

Definition at line 151 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_OPEN = "pl_open"

Definition at line 152 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_OSCILLATION_OFF = "pl_osc_off"

Definition at line 153 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_OSCILLATION_ON = "pl_osc_on"

Definition at line 154 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_PAUSE = "pl_paus"

Definition at line 155 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_RESET = "pl_rst"

Definition at line 156 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_RESET_HUMIDITY = "pl_rst_hum"

Definition at line 157 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_RESET_MODE = "pl_rst_mode"

Definition at line 158 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_RESET_PERCENTAGE = "pl_rst_pct"

Definition at line 159 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_RESET_PRESET_MODE = "pl_rst_pr_mode"

Definition at line 160 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_RETURN_TO_BASE = "pl_ret"

Definition at line 161 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_START = "pl_strt"

Definition at line 162 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_START_PAUSE = "pl_stpa"

Definition at line 163 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_STOP = "pl_stop"

Definition at line 164 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_TURN_OFF = "pl_toff"

Definition at line 165 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_TURN_ON = "pl_ton"

Definition at line 166 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PAYLOAD_UNLOCK = "pl_unlk"

Definition at line 167 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PERCENTAGE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "pct_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 168 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PERCENTAGE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "pct_cmd_t"

Definition at line 169 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PERCENTAGE_STATE_TOPIC = "pct_stat_t"

Definition at line 170 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "pct_val_tpl"

Definition at line 171 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_POSITION_CLOSED = "pos_clsd"

Definition at line 172 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_POSITION_OPEN = "pos_open"

Definition at line 173 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_POSITION_TEMPLATE = "pos_tpl"

Definition at line 174 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_POSITION_TOPIC = "pos_t"

Definition at line 175 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_POWER_COMMAND_TOPIC = "pow_cmd_t"

Definition at line 176 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_POWER_STATE_TEMPLATE = "pow_stat_tpl"

Definition at line 177 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_POWER_STATE_TOPIC = "pow_stat_t"

Definition at line 178 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PRESET_MODE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "pr_mode_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 179 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PRESET_MODE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "pr_mode_cmd_t"

Definition at line 180 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PRESET_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "pr_mode_stat_t"

Definition at line 181 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PRESET_MODE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "pr_mode_val_tpl"

Definition at line 182 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_PRESET_MODES = "pr_modes"

Definition at line 183 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_QOS = "qos"

Definition at line 184 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RED_TEMPLATE = "r_tpl"

Definition at line 185 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RETAIN = "ret"

Definition at line 186 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGB_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "rgb_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 187 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGB_COMMAND_TOPIC = "rgb_cmd_t"

Definition at line 188 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGB_STATE_TOPIC = "rgb_stat_t"

Definition at line 189 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGB_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "rgb_val_tpl"

Definition at line 190 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGBW_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "rgbw_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 191 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGBW_COMMAND_TOPIC = "rgbw_cmd_t"

Definition at line 192 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGBW_STATE_TOPIC = "rgbw_stat_t"

Definition at line 193 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGBW_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "rgbw_val_tpl"

Definition at line 194 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGBWW_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "rgbww_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 195 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGBWW_COMMAND_TOPIC = "rgbww_cmd_t"

Definition at line 196 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGBWW_STATE_TOPIC = "rgbww_stat_t"

Definition at line 197 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_RGBWW_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "rgbww_val_tpl"

Definition at line 198 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SEND_COMMAND_TOPIC = "send_cmd_t"

Definition at line 199 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SEND_IF_OFF = "send_if_off"

Definition at line 200 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SET_FAN_SPEED_TOPIC = "set_fan_spd_t"

Definition at line 201 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SET_POSITION_TEMPLATE = "set_pos_tpl"

Definition at line 202 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SET_POSITION_TOPIC = "set_pos_t"

Definition at line 203 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SOURCE_TYPE = "src_type"

Definition at line 204 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SPEED_COMMAND_TOPIC = "spd_cmd_t"

Definition at line 205 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SPEED_RANGE_MAX = "spd_rng_max"

Definition at line 206 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SPEED_RANGE_MIN = "spd_rng_min"

Definition at line 207 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SPEED_STATE_TOPIC = "spd_stat_t"

Definition at line 208 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SPEED_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "spd_val_tpl"

Definition at line 209 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SPEEDS = "spds"

Definition at line 210 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_CLASS = "stat_cla"

Definition at line 211 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_CLOSED = "stat_clsd"

Definition at line 212 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_CLOSING = "stat_closing"

Definition at line 213 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_LOCKED = "stat_locked"

Definition at line 214 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_OFF = "stat_off"

Definition at line 215 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_ON = "stat_on"

Definition at line 216 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_OPEN = "stat_open"

Definition at line 217 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_OPENING = "stat_opening"

Definition at line 218 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_STOPPED = "stat_stopped"

Definition at line 219 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_TEMPLATE = "stat_tpl"

Definition at line 220 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_TOPIC = "stat_t"

Definition at line 221 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_UNLOCKED = "stat_unlocked"

Definition at line 222 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STATE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "stat_val_tpl"

Definition at line 223 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_STEP = "step"

Definition at line 224 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SUBTYPE = "stype"

Definition at line 225 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SUPPORTED_COLOR_MODES = "sup_clrm"

Definition at line 226 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SUPPORTED_FEATURES = "sup_feat"

Definition at line 227 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SWING_MODE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "swing_mode_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 228 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SWING_MODE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "swing_mode_cmd_t"

Definition at line 229 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SWING_MODE_STATE_TEMPLATE = "swing_mode_stat_tpl"

Definition at line 230 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_SWING_MODE_STATE_TOPIC = "swing_mode_stat_t"

Definition at line 231 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TARGET_HUMIDITY_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "hum_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 232 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TARGET_HUMIDITY_COMMAND_TOPIC = "hum_cmd_t"

Definition at line 233 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TARGET_HUMIDITY_STATE_TEMPLATE = "hum_state_tpl"

Definition at line 234 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TARGET_HUMIDITY_STATE_TOPIC = "hum_stat_t"

Definition at line 235 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE_STEP = "temp_step"

Definition at line 236 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "temp_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 237 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "temp_cmd_t"

Definition at line 238 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_HIGH_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "temp_hi_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 239 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_HIGH_COMMAND_TOPIC = "temp_hi_cmd_t"

Definition at line 240 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_HIGH_STATE_TEMPLATE = "temp_hi_stat_tpl"

Definition at line 241 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_HIGH_STATE_TOPIC = "temp_hi_stat_t"

Definition at line 242 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_LOW_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "temp_lo_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 243 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_LOW_COMMAND_TOPIC = "temp_lo_cmd_t"

Definition at line 244 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_LOW_STATE_TEMPLATE = "temp_lo_stat_tpl"

Definition at line 245 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_LOW_STATE_TOPIC = "temp_lo_stat_t"

Definition at line 246 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_STATE_TEMPLATE = "temp_stat_tpl"

Definition at line 247 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_STATE_TOPIC = "temp_stat_t"

Definition at line 248 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = "temp_unit"

Definition at line 249 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TILT_CLOSED_VALUE = "tilt_clsd_val"

Definition at line 250 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TILT_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "tilt_cmd_tpl"

Definition at line 251 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TILT_COMMAND_TOPIC = "tilt_cmd_t"

Definition at line 252 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TILT_INVERT_STATE = "tilt_inv_stat"

Definition at line 253 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TILT_MAX = "tilt_max"

Definition at line 254 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TILT_MIN = "tilt_min"

Definition at line 255 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TILT_OPENED_VALUE = "tilt_opnd_val"

Definition at line 256 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TILT_OPTIMISTIC = "tilt_opt"

Definition at line 257 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TILT_STATUS_TEMPLATE = "tilt_status_tpl"

Definition at line 258 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TILT_STATUS_TOPIC = "tilt_status_t"

Definition at line 259 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_TOPIC = "t"

Definition at line 260 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_UNIQUE_ID = "uniq_id"

Definition at line 261 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT = "unit_of_meas"

Definition at line 262 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "val_tpl"

Definition at line 263 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_WHITE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "whit_cmd_t"

Definition at line 264 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_WHITE_SCALE = "whit_scl"

Definition at line 265 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_WHITE_VALUE_COMMAND_TOPIC = "whit_val_cmd_t"

Definition at line 266 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_WHITE_VALUE_SCALE = "whit_val_scl"

Definition at line 267 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_WHITE_VALUE_STATE_TOPIC = "whit_val_stat_t"

Definition at line 268 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_WHITE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "whit_val_tpl"

Definition at line 269 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_XY_COMMAND_TOPIC = "xy_cmd_t"

Definition at line 270 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_XY_STATE_TOPIC = "xy_stat_t"

Definition at line 271 of file mqtt_const.h.


constexpr const char *const esphome::mqtt::MQTT_XY_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "xy_val_tpl"

Definition at line 272 of file mqtt_const.h.