ESPHome 2024.8.0 - 21st August 2024

LVGL Graphics

Online Image


LVGL Graphics

Online Image


Home Assistant Number

Home Assistant Switch

BME68x via BSEC2

Home Assistant Number

Home Assistant Switch

BME68x via BSEC2

M5Stack Unit 8 Angle


M5Stack Unit 8 Angle


Light and Versatile Embedded Graphics Library

Or LVGL for short, has been worked on by @clydebarrow (and multiple other users doing testing and documentation etc) for quite some time now and is finally ready for releasing this month. It is a very powerful graphics library that is able to be configured almost completely in YAML (There are some places that will require lambdas/c++). The documentation is very extensive and hopefully we see some awesome dashboards being made with it.

Online Image

@guillempages created a new online_image component that allows your ESPHome device to download images from the internet while it is running and show them on your display. This can also be combined with the new LVGL component to show dynamic images for your dashboard.

Home Assistant Switch & Number

New platforms have been added for switch and number to allow importing of state and controlling of switches and numbers that exist in Home Assistant (or another device via Home Assistant). This greatly simplifies controlling remote entities and will hopefully be extended to other platforms.

Thank you for your support

We would like to thank all Home Assistant Cloud subscribers for their support. It allows Nabu Casa to employ two developers to maintain and further develop the ESPHome project.

Release 2024.8.1 - August 28

Release 2024.8.2 - September 3

Release 2024.8.3 - September 3

Full list of changes

New Features

  • [update] Implement update.perform action and update.is_available condition esphome#7165 by @jesserockz (new-feature)

New Components

New Platforms

Breaking Changes

Beta Changes

All changes

Past Changelogs