ESPHome 2022.2.0 - 16th February 2022

Lock Core

Generic Output Lock

Template Lock

QR Code

Lock Core

Generic Output Lock

Template Lock

QR Code

Touchscreen Core


Lilygo T5 4.7"


Touchscreen Core


Lilygo T5 4.7”


Wake-on-LAN Button

Generic Output Button

Xiaomi MHOC303

RadonEye BLE

Wake-on-LAN Button

Generic Output Button

Xiaomi MHOC303

RadonEye BLE

Modbus Select


Inkplate 6 Plus

Modbus Select


Inkplate 6 Plus

Home Assistant Addon Repo

In a future Supervisor version, the ESPHome Home Assistant addon repository will be added by default to new Home Assistant installations. We have decided that we will deprecate the ESPHome addon inside the Community Addons and everyone should move to the ESPHome repo. It is safe to delete the ESPHome addon as your configuration YAML files are stored in the Home Assistant configuration folder.

You can add the ESPHome addon here:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the dashboard of the ESPHome add-on.


Lock Entities have been added to ESPHome. These will be available after Home Assistant 2022.3 is released. Thanks @kbickar.


Due to the Arduino bump, the FastLED library suffers issues when running on ESP8266 on Arduino 3+. Because of this there is now a restriction on the fastled_clockless and fastled_spi components to only allow using them if you change the arduino version back to 2.7.4 or lower. This will be in place until the library can update and fix the issues. See the documentation for information on how to continue using the lights.

Improv serial Wi-Fi scan

Improv serial has been updated to be able to start a Wi-Fi scan and send the results back to the improv client so the user can select the network SSID instead of having to type it in.

Tuya Multi multi-datapoint

Some work was done on the tuya component to support devices that send all of their datapoints in a single message. This allows for more devices to be supported and should not cause issues with existing devices but please create an issue if it does.

Debug Sensors Breaking change

The sub-sensors of the debug have been moved to their respective component platforms. Please see the documentation page for the new way to configure them.

Release 2022.2.1 - February 17

Release 2022.2.2 - February 18

Release 2022.2.3 - February 18

Release 2022.2.4 - February 21

Release 2022.2.5 - February 23

Release 2022.2.6 - March 2

Full list of changes

New Features

New Components

Breaking Changes

Notable Changes

Beta Changes

All changes

Past Changelogs