ESPHome 2023.3.0 - 15th March 2023

Internal Temperature

Mopeka Standard Check LP

Person Sensor (SEN21231)

Haier Climate

Internal Temperature

Mopeka Standard Check LP

Person Sensor (SEN21231)

Haier Climate


Absolute Humidity



Absolute Humidity


Spectral Color Sensor

Sprinkler updates

The sprinkler component has had a big update thanks to @kbx81. The method time_remaining() has been renamed to time_remaining_active_valve() for clarity. If you use this to display time remaining, simply update the name of the method in your code/lambda(s).

Tuya lights

Tuya Lights have had a configuration change and replaced rgb_datapoint and hsv_datapoint with a new combination of color_datapoint and color_type. See the updated documentation (Tuya Dimmer) for more information.


The pin/bit order has been reversed per shift register so that pin 0 is now input A.

Release 2023.3.1 - March 22

Release 2023.3.2 - March 27

Full list of changes

New Components

Breaking Changes

Beta Changes

All changes

Past Changelogs