ESPHome  2024.10.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifdef USE_ARDUINO
3 #include "i2c_bus_arduino.h"
4 #include "esphome/core/log.h"
5 #include "esphome/core/helpers.h"
7 #include <Arduino.h>
8 #include <cstring>
10 namespace esphome {
11 namespace i2c {
13 static const char *const TAG = "i2c.arduino";
16  recover_();
18 #if defined(USE_ESP32)
19  static uint8_t next_bus_num = 0;
20  if (next_bus_num == 0) {
21  wire_ = &Wire;
22  } else {
23  wire_ = new TwoWire(next_bus_num); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory)
24  }
25  next_bus_num++;
26 #elif defined(USE_ESP8266)
27  wire_ = new TwoWire(); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory)
28 #elif defined(USE_RP2040)
29  static bool first = true;
30  if (first) {
31  wire_ = &Wire;
32  first = false;
33  } else {
34  wire_ = &Wire1; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory)
35  }
36 #endif
38  this->set_pins_and_clock_();
40  this->initialized_ = true;
41  if (this->scan_) {
42  ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Scanning i2c bus for active devices...");
43  this->i2c_scan_();
44  }
45 }
47 void ArduinoI2CBus::set_pins_and_clock_() {
48 #ifdef USE_RP2040
49  wire_->setSDA(this->sda_pin_);
50  wire_->setSCL(this->scl_pin_);
51  wire_->begin();
52 #else
53  wire_->begin(static_cast<int>(sda_pin_), static_cast<int>(scl_pin_));
54 #endif
55  if (timeout_ > 0) { // if timeout specified in yaml
56 #if defined(USE_ESP32)
57  //
58  wire_->setTimeOut(timeout_ / 1000); // unit: ms
59 #elif defined(USE_ESP8266)
60  //
61  wire_->setClockStretchLimit(timeout_); // unit: us
62 #elif defined(USE_RP2040)
63  //
64  wire_->setTimeout(timeout_ / 1000); // unit: ms
65 #endif
66  }
67  wire_->setClock(frequency_);
68 }
72  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " SDA Pin: GPIO%u", this->sda_pin_);
73  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " SCL Pin: GPIO%u", this->scl_pin_);
74  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Frequency: %u Hz", this->frequency_);
75  if (timeout_ > 0) {
76 #if defined(USE_ESP32)
77  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Timeout: %u ms", this->timeout_ / 1000);
78 #elif defined(USE_ESP8266)
79  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Timeout: %u us", this->timeout_);
80 #elif defined(USE_RP2040)
81  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Timeout: %u ms", this->timeout_ / 1000);
82 #endif
83  }
84  switch (this->recovery_result_) {
86  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Recovery: bus successfully recovered");
87  break;
89  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Recovery: failed, SCL is held low on the bus");
90  break;
92  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Recovery: failed, SDA is held low on the bus");
93  break;
94  }
95  if (this->scan_) {
96  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Results from i2c bus scan:");
97  if (scan_results_.empty()) {
98  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found no i2c devices!");
99  } else {
100  for (const auto &s : scan_results_) {
101  if (s.second) {
102  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found i2c device at address 0x%02X", s.first);
103  } else {
104  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Unknown error at address 0x%02X", s.first);
105  }
106  }
107  }
108  }
109 }
111 ErrorCode ArduinoI2CBus::readv(uint8_t address, ReadBuffer *buffers, size_t cnt) {
112 #if defined(USE_ESP8266)
113  this->set_pins_and_clock_(); // reconfigure Wire global state in case there are multiple instances
114 #endif
116  // logging is only enabled with vv level, if warnings are shown the caller
117  // should log them
118  if (!initialized_) {
119  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "i2c bus not initialized!");
121  }
122  size_t to_request = 0;
123  for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
124  to_request += buffers[i].len;
125  size_t ret = wire_->requestFrom((int) address, (int) to_request, 1);
126  if (ret != to_request) {
127  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "RX %u from %02X failed with error %u", to_request, address, ret);
128  return ERROR_TIMEOUT;
129  }
131  for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
132  const auto &buf = buffers[i];
133  for (size_t j = 0; j < buf.len; j++)
134[j] = wire_->read();
135  }
138  char debug_buf[4];
139  std::string debug_hex;
141  for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
142  const auto &buf = buffers[i];
143  for (size_t j = 0; j < buf.len; j++) {
144  snprintf(debug_buf, sizeof(debug_buf), "%02X",[j]);
145  debug_hex += debug_buf;
146  }
147  }
148  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "0x%02X RX %s", address, debug_hex.c_str());
149 #endif
151  return ERROR_OK;
152 }
153 ErrorCode ArduinoI2CBus::writev(uint8_t address, WriteBuffer *buffers, size_t cnt, bool stop) {
154 #if defined(USE_ESP8266)
155  this->set_pins_and_clock_(); // reconfigure Wire global state in case there are multiple instances
156 #endif
158  // logging is only enabled with vv level, if warnings are shown the caller
159  // should log them
160  if (!initialized_) {
161  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "i2c bus not initialized!");
163  }
166  char debug_buf[4];
167  std::string debug_hex;
169  for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
170  const auto &buf = buffers[i];
171  for (size_t j = 0; j < buf.len; j++) {
172  snprintf(debug_buf, sizeof(debug_buf), "%02X",[j]);
173  debug_hex += debug_buf;
174  }
175  }
176  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "0x%02X TX %s", address, debug_hex.c_str());
177 #endif
179  wire_->beginTransmission(address);
180  size_t written = 0;
181  for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
182  const auto &buf = buffers[i];
183  if (buf.len == 0)
184  continue;
185  size_t ret = wire_->write(, buf.len);
186  written += ret;
187  if (ret != buf.len) {
188  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "TX failed at %u", written);
189  return ERROR_UNKNOWN;
190  }
191  }
192  uint8_t status = wire_->endTransmission(stop);
193  switch (status) {
194  case 0:
195  return ERROR_OK;
196  case 1:
197  // transmit buffer not large enough
198  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "TX failed: buffer not large enough");
199  return ERROR_UNKNOWN;
200  case 2:
201  case 3:
202  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "TX failed: not acknowledged: %d", status);
204  case 5:
205  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "TX failed: timeout");
206  return ERROR_UNKNOWN;
207  case 4:
208  default:
209  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "TX failed: unknown error %u", status);
210  return ERROR_UNKNOWN;
211  }
212 }
217 void ArduinoI2CBus::recover_() {
218  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Performing I2C bus recovery");
220  // For the upcoming operations, target for a 100kHz toggle frequency.
221  // This is the maximum frequency for I2C running in standard-mode.
222  // The actual frequency will be lower, because of the additional
223  // function calls that are done, but that is no problem.
224  const auto half_period_usec = 1000000 / 100000 / 2;
226  // Activate input and pull up resistor for the SCL pin.
227  pinMode(scl_pin_, INPUT_PULLUP); // NOLINT
229  // This should make the signal on the line HIGH. If SCL is pulled low
230  // on the I2C bus however, then some device is interfering with the SCL
231  // line. In that case, the I2C bus cannot be recovered.
232  delayMicroseconds(half_period_usec);
233  if (digitalRead(scl_pin_) == LOW) { // NOLINT
234  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Recovery failed: SCL is held LOW on the I2C bus");
235  recovery_result_ = RECOVERY_FAILED_SCL_LOW;
236  return;
237  }
239  // From the specification:
240  // "If the data line (SDA) is stuck LOW, send nine clock pulses. The
241  // device that held the bus LOW should release it sometime within
242  // those nine clocks."
243  // We don't really have to detect if SDA is stuck low. We'll simply send
244  // nine clock pulses here, just in case SDA is stuck. Actual checks on
245  // the SDA line status will be done after the clock pulses.
247  // Make sure that switching to output mode will make SCL low, just in
248  // case other code has setup the pin for a HIGH signal.
249  digitalWrite(scl_pin_, LOW); // NOLINT
251  delayMicroseconds(half_period_usec);
252  for (auto i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
253  // Release pull up resistor and switch to output to make the signal LOW.
254  pinMode(scl_pin_, INPUT); // NOLINT
255  pinMode(scl_pin_, OUTPUT); // NOLINT
256  delayMicroseconds(half_period_usec);
258  // Release output and activate pull up resistor to make the signal HIGH.
259  pinMode(scl_pin_, INPUT); // NOLINT
260  pinMode(scl_pin_, INPUT_PULLUP); // NOLINT
261  delayMicroseconds(half_period_usec);
263  // When SCL is kept LOW at this point, we might be looking at a device
264  // that applies clock stretching. Wait for the release of the SCL line,
265  // but not forever. There is no specification for the maximum allowed
266  // time. We yield and reset the WDT, so as to avoid triggering reset.
267  // No point in trying to recover the bus by forcing a uC reset. Bus
268  // should recover in a few ms or less else not likely to recovery at
269  // all.
270  auto wait = 250;
271  while (wait-- && digitalRead(scl_pin_) == LOW) { // NOLINT
272  App.feed_wdt();
273  delayMicroseconds(half_period_usec * 2);
274  }
275  if (digitalRead(scl_pin_) == LOW) { // NOLINT
276  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Recovery failed: SCL is held LOW during clock pulse cycle");
277  recovery_result_ = RECOVERY_FAILED_SCL_LOW;
278  return;
279  }
280  }
282  // Activate input and pull resistor for the SDA pin, so we can verify
283  // that SDA is pulled HIGH in the following step.
284  pinMode(sda_pin_, INPUT_PULLUP); // NOLINT
285  digitalWrite(sda_pin_, LOW); // NOLINT
287  // By now, any stuck device ought to have sent all remaining bits of its
288  // transaction, meaning that it should have freed up the SDA line, resulting
289  // in SDA being pulled up.
290  if (digitalRead(sda_pin_) == LOW) { // NOLINT
291  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Recovery failed: SDA is held LOW after clock pulse cycle");
292  recovery_result_ = RECOVERY_FAILED_SDA_LOW;
293  return;
294  }
296  // From the specification:
297  // "I2C-bus compatible devices must reset their bus logic on receipt of
298  // a START or repeated START condition such that they all anticipate
299  // the sending of a target address, even if these START conditions are
300  // not positioned according to the proper format."
301  // While the 9 clock pulses from above might have drained all bits of a
302  // single byte within a transaction, a device might have more bytes to
303  // transmit. So here we'll generate a START condition to snap the device
304  // out of this state.
305  // SCL and SDA are already high at this point, so we can generate a START
306  // condition by making the SDA signal LOW.
307  delayMicroseconds(half_period_usec);
308  pinMode(sda_pin_, INPUT); // NOLINT
309  pinMode(sda_pin_, OUTPUT); // NOLINT
311  // From the specification:
312  // "A START condition immediately followed by a STOP condition (void
313  // message) is an illegal format. Many devices however are designed to
314  // operate properly under this condition."
315  // Finally, we'll bring the I2C bus into a starting state by generating
316  // a STOP condition.
317  delayMicroseconds(half_period_usec);
318  pinMode(sda_pin_, INPUT); // NOLINT
319  pinMode(sda_pin_, INPUT_PULLUP); // NOLINT
321  recovery_result_ = RECOVERY_COMPLETED;
322 }
323 } // namespace i2c
324 } // namespace esphome
326 #endif // USE_ESP_IDF
the WriteBuffer structure stores a pointer to a write buffer and its length
Definition: i2c_bus.h:30
void i2c_scan_()
Scans the I2C bus for devices.
Definition: i2c_bus.h:97
std::vector< std::pair< uint8_t, bool > > scan_results_
array containing scan results
Definition: i2c_bus.h:107
the ReadBuffer structure stores a pointer to a read buffer and its length
Definition: i2c_bus.h:24
uint8_t * data
pointer to the read buffer
Definition: i2c_bus.h:25
timeout while waiting to receive bytes
Definition: i2c_bus.h:16
No error found during execution of method.
Definition: i2c_bus.h:13
I2C bus acknowledgment not received.
Definition: i2c_bus.h:15
Application App
Global storage of Application pointer - only one Application can exist.
ErrorCode writev(uint8_t address, WriteBuffer *buffers, size_t cnt, bool stop) override
bool scan_
Should we scan ? Can be set in the yaml.
Definition: i2c_bus.h:108
uint8_t status
Definition: bl0942.h:74
std::string size_t len
Definition: helpers.h:292
ErrorCode readv(uint8_t address, ReadBuffer *buffers, size_t cnt) override
Implementation of SPI Controller mode.
Definition: a01nyub.cpp:7
uint8_t address
Definition: bl0906.h:211
void IRAM_ATTR HOT delayMicroseconds(uint32_t us)
Definition: core.cpp:28
Error codes returned by I2CBus and I2CDevice methods.
Definition: i2c_bus.h:11
miscellaneous I2C error during execution
Definition: i2c_bus.h:19
call method to a not initialized bus
Definition: i2c_bus.h:17