ESPHome  2025.2.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "ble_client_base.h"
3 #include "esphome/core/helpers.h"
4 #include "esphome/core/log.h"
6 #ifdef USE_ESP32
8 namespace esphome {
9 namespace esp32_ble_client {
11 static const char *const TAG = "esp32_ble_client";
12 static const esp_bt_uuid_t NOTIFY_DESC_UUID = {
13  .len = ESP_UUID_LEN_16,
14  .uuid =
15  {
17  },
18 };
21  static uint8_t connection_index = 0;
22  this->connection_index_ = connection_index++;
23 }
26  if (!esp32_ble::global_ble->is_active()) {
28  return;
29  }
30  if (this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::INIT) {
31  auto ret = esp_ble_gattc_app_register(this->app_id);
32  if (ret) {
33  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "gattc app register failed. app_id=%d code=%d", this->app_id, ret);
34  this->mark_failed();
35  }
37  }
38  // READY_TO_CONNECT means we have discovered the device
39  // and the scanner has been stopped by the tracker.
40  if (this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::READY_TO_CONNECT) {
41  this->connect();
42  }
43 }
48  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Address: %s", this->address_str().c_str());
49  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Auto-Connect: %s", TRUEFALSE(this->auto_connect_));
50  std::string state_name;
51  switch (this->state()) {
53  state_name = "INIT";
54  break;
55  case espbt::ClientState::DISCONNECTING:
56  state_name = "DISCONNECTING";
57  break;
59  state_name = "IDLE";
60  break;
61  case espbt::ClientState::SEARCHING:
62  state_name = "SEARCHING";
63  break;
64  case espbt::ClientState::DISCOVERED:
65  state_name = "DISCOVERED";
66  break;
67  case espbt::ClientState::READY_TO_CONNECT:
68  state_name = "READY_TO_CONNECT";
69  break;
70  case espbt::ClientState::CONNECTING:
71  state_name = "CONNECTING";
72  break;
74  state_name = "CONNECTED";
75  break;
76  case espbt::ClientState::ESTABLISHED:
77  state_name = "ESTABLISHED";
78  break;
79  default:
80  state_name = "UNKNOWN_STATE";
81  break;
82  }
83  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " State: %s", state_name.c_str());
84  if (this->status_ == ESP_GATT_NO_RESOURCES) {
85  ESP_LOGE(TAG, " Failed due to no resources. Try to reduce number of BLE clients in config.");
86  } else if (this->status_ != ESP_GATT_OK) {
87  ESP_LOGW(TAG, " Failed due to error code %d", this->status_);
88  }
89 }
92  if (!this->auto_connect_)
93  return false;
94  if (this->address_ == 0 || device.address_uint64() != this->address_)
95  return false;
96  if (this->state_ != espbt::ClientState::IDLE && this->state_ != espbt::ClientState::SEARCHING)
97  return false;
99  this->log_event_("Found device");
103  this->set_state(espbt::ClientState::DISCOVERED);
104  this->set_address(device.address_uint64());
105  this->remote_addr_type_ = device.get_address_type();
106  return true;
107 }
110  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[%d] [%s] 0x%02x Attempting BLE connection", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(),
111  this->remote_addr_type_);
112  this->paired_ = false;
113  auto ret = esp_ble_gattc_open(this->gattc_if_, this->remote_bda_, this->remote_addr_type_, true);
114  if (ret) {
115  ESP_LOGW(TAG, "[%d] [%s] esp_ble_gattc_open error, status=%d", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(),
116  ret);
118  } else {
119  this->set_state(espbt::ClientState::CONNECTING);
120  }
121 }
123 esp_err_t BLEClientBase::pair() { return esp_ble_set_encryption(this->remote_bda_, ESP_BLE_SEC_ENCRYPT); }
126  if (this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::IDLE) {
127  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Disconnect requested, but already idle.", this->connection_index_,
128  this->address_str_.c_str());
129  return;
130  }
131  if (this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::DISCONNECTING) {
132  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Disconnect requested, but already disconnecting.", this->connection_index_,
133  this->address_str_.c_str());
134  return;
135  }
136  if (this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::CONNECTING || this->conn_id_ == UNSET_CONN_ID) {
137  ESP_LOGW(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Disconnecting before connected, disconnect scheduled.", this->connection_index_,
138  this->address_str_.c_str());
139  this->want_disconnect_ = true;
140  return;
141  }
142  this->unconditional_disconnect();
143 }
146  // Disconnect without checking the state.
147  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Disconnecting (conn_id: %d).", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(),
148  this->conn_id_);
149  if (this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::DISCONNECTING) {
150  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Tried to disconnect while already disconnecting.", this->connection_index_,
151  this->address_str_.c_str());
152  return;
153  }
154  if (this->conn_id_ == UNSET_CONN_ID) {
155  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "[%d] [%s] No connection ID set, cannot disconnect.", this->connection_index_,
156  this->address_str_.c_str());
157  return;
158  }
159  auto err = esp_ble_gattc_close(this->gattc_if_, this->conn_id_);
160  if (err != ESP_OK) {
161  //
162  // This is a fatal error, but we can't do anything about it
163  // and it likely means the BLE stack is in a bad state.
164  //
165  // In the future we might consider App.reboot() here since
166  // the BLE stack is in an indeterminate state.
167  //
168  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "[%d] [%s] esp_ble_gattc_close error, err=%d", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(),
169  err);
170  }
172  if (this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::SEARCHING || this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::READY_TO_CONNECT ||
173  this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::DISCOVERED) {
174  this->set_address(0);
176  } else {
177  this->set_state(espbt::ClientState::DISCONNECTING);
178  }
179 }
182  for (auto &svc : this->services_)
183  delete svc; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory)
184  this->services_.clear();
186  esp_ble_gattc_cache_clean(this->remote_bda_);
187 #endif
188 }
190 void BLEClientBase::log_event_(const char *name) {
191  ESP_LOGD(TAG, "[%d] [%s] %s", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(), name);
192 }
194 bool BLEClientBase::gattc_event_handler(esp_gattc_cb_event_t event, esp_gatt_if_t esp_gattc_if,
195  esp_ble_gattc_cb_param_t *param) {
196  if (event == ESP_GATTC_REG_EVT && this->app_id != param->reg.app_id)
197  return false;
198  if (event != ESP_GATTC_REG_EVT && esp_gattc_if != ESP_GATT_IF_NONE && esp_gattc_if != this->gattc_if_)
199  return false;
201  ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[%d] [%s] gattc_event_handler: event=%d gattc_if=%d", this->connection_index_,
202  this->address_str_.c_str(), event, esp_gattc_if);
204  switch (event) {
205  case ESP_GATTC_REG_EVT: {
206  if (param->reg.status == ESP_GATT_OK) {
207  ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[%d] [%s] gattc registered app id %d", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(),
208  this->app_id);
209  this->gattc_if_ = esp_gattc_if;
210  } else {
211  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "[%d] [%s] gattc app registration failed id=%d code=%d", this->connection_index_,
212  this->address_str_.c_str(), param->reg.app_id, param->reg.status);
213  this->status_ = param->reg.status;
214  this->mark_failed();
215  }
216  break;
217  }
218  case ESP_GATTC_OPEN_EVT: {
219  if (!this->check_addr(param->open.remote_bda))
220  return false;
221  this->log_event_("ESP_GATTC_OPEN_EVT");
222  this->conn_id_ = param->open.conn_id;
223  this->service_count_ = 0;
224  if (this->state_ != espbt::ClientState::CONNECTING) {
225  // This should not happen but lets log it in case it does
226  // because it means we have a bad assumption about how the
227  // ESP BT stack works.
228  if (this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::CONNECTED) {
229  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Got ESP_GATTC_OPEN_EVT while already connected, status=%d", this->connection_index_,
230  this->address_str_.c_str(), param->open.status);
231  } else if (this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::ESTABLISHED) {
232  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Got ESP_GATTC_OPEN_EVT while already established, status=%d",
233  this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(), param->open.status);
234  } else if (this->state_ == espbt::ClientState::DISCONNECTING) {
235  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Got ESP_GATTC_OPEN_EVT while disconnecting, status=%d", this->connection_index_,
236  this->address_str_.c_str(), param->open.status);
237  } else {
238  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Got ESP_GATTC_OPEN_EVT while not in connecting state, status=%d",
239  this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(), param->open.status);
240  }
241  }
242  if (param->open.status != ESP_GATT_OK && param->open.status != ESP_GATT_ALREADY_OPEN) {
243  ESP_LOGW(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Connection failed, status=%d", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(),
244  param->open.status);
246  break;
247  }
248  if (this->want_disconnect_) {
249  // Disconnect was requested after connecting started,
250  // but before the connection was established. Now that we have
251  // this->conn_id_ set, we can disconnect it.
252  this->unconditional_disconnect();
253  this->conn_id_ = UNSET_CONN_ID;
254  break;
255  }
256  auto ret = esp_ble_gattc_send_mtu_req(this->gattc_if_, param->open.conn_id);
257  if (ret) {
258  ESP_LOGW(TAG, "[%d] [%s] esp_ble_gattc_send_mtu_req failed, status=%x", this->connection_index_,
259  this->address_str_.c_str(), ret);
260  }
262  if (this->connection_type_ == espbt::ConnectionType::V3_WITH_CACHE) {
263  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Connected", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str());
264  // only set our state, subclients might have more stuff to do yet.
265  this->state_ = espbt::ClientState::ESTABLISHED;
266  break;
267  }
268  esp_ble_gattc_search_service(esp_gattc_if, param->cfg_mtu.conn_id, nullptr);
269  break;
270  }
272  if (!this->check_addr(param->connect.remote_bda))
273  return false;
274  this->log_event_("ESP_GATTC_CONNECT_EVT");
275  break;
276  }
278  if (!this->check_addr(param->disconnect.remote_bda))
279  return false;
280  ESP_LOGD(TAG, "[%d] [%s] ESP_GATTC_DISCONNECT_EVT, reason %d", this->connection_index_,
281  this->address_str_.c_str(), param->disconnect.reason);
282  this->release_services();
284  break;
285  }
287  case ESP_GATTC_CFG_MTU_EVT: {
288  if (this->conn_id_ != param->cfg_mtu.conn_id)
289  return false;
290  if (param->cfg_mtu.status != ESP_GATT_OK) {
291  ESP_LOGW(TAG, "[%d] [%s] cfg_mtu failed, mtu %d, status %d", this->connection_index_,
292  this->address_str_.c_str(), param->cfg_mtu.mtu, param->cfg_mtu.status);
293  // No state change required here - disconnect event will follow if needed.
294  break;
295  }
296  ESP_LOGD(TAG, "[%d] [%s] cfg_mtu status %d, mtu %d", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(),
297  param->cfg_mtu.status, param->cfg_mtu.mtu);
298  this->mtu_ = param->cfg_mtu.mtu;
299  break;
300  }
301  case ESP_GATTC_CLOSE_EVT: {
302  if (this->conn_id_ != param->close.conn_id)
303  return false;
304  this->log_event_("ESP_GATTC_CLOSE_EVT");
305  this->release_services();
307  this->conn_id_ = UNSET_CONN_ID;
308  break;
309  }
311  if (this->conn_id_ != param->search_res.conn_id)
312  return false;
313  this->service_count_++;
314  if (this->connection_type_ == espbt::ConnectionType::V3_WITHOUT_CACHE) {
315  // V3 clients don't need services initialized since
316  // they only request by handle after receiving the services.
317  break;
318  }
319  BLEService *ble_service = new BLEService(); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory)
320  ble_service->uuid = espbt::ESPBTUUID::from_uuid(param->search_res.srvc_id.uuid);
321  ble_service->start_handle = param->search_res.start_handle;
322  ble_service->end_handle = param->search_res.end_handle;
323  ble_service->client = this;
324  this->services_.push_back(ble_service);
325  break;
326  }
328  if (this->conn_id_ != param->search_cmpl.conn_id)
329  return false;
330  this->log_event_("ESP_GATTC_SEARCH_CMPL_EVT");
331  for (auto &svc : this->services_) {
332  ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Service UUID: %s", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(),
333  svc->uuid.to_string().c_str());
334  ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[%d] [%s] start_handle: 0x%x end_handle: 0x%x", this->connection_index_,
335  this->address_str_.c_str(), svc->start_handle, svc->end_handle);
336  }
337  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Connected", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str());
338  this->state_ = espbt::ClientState::ESTABLISHED;
339  break;
340  }
342  if (this->conn_id_ != param->write.conn_id)
343  return false;
344  this->log_event_("ESP_GATTC_READ_DESCR_EVT");
345  break;
346  }
348  if (this->conn_id_ != param->write.conn_id)
349  return false;
350  this->log_event_("ESP_GATTC_WRITE_DESCR_EVT");
351  break;
352  }
354  if (this->conn_id_ != param->write.conn_id)
355  return false;
356  this->log_event_("ESP_GATTC_WRITE_CHAR_EVT");
357  break;
358  }
360  if (this->conn_id_ != param->read.conn_id)
361  return false;
362  this->log_event_("ESP_GATTC_READ_CHAR_EVT");
363  break;
364  }
366  if (this->conn_id_ != param->notify.conn_id)
367  return false;
368  this->log_event_("ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT");
369  break;
370  }
372  this->log_event_("ESP_GATTC_REG_FOR_NOTIFY_EVT");
373  if (this->connection_type_ == espbt::ConnectionType::V3_WITH_CACHE ||
374  this->connection_type_ == espbt::ConnectionType::V3_WITHOUT_CACHE) {
375  // Client is responsible for flipping the descriptor value
376  // when using the cache
377  break;
378  }
379  esp_gattc_descr_elem_t desc_result;
380  uint16_t count = 1;
381  esp_gatt_status_t descr_status = esp_ble_gattc_get_descr_by_char_handle(
382  this->gattc_if_, this->conn_id_, param->reg_for_notify.handle, NOTIFY_DESC_UUID, &desc_result, &count);
383  if (descr_status != ESP_GATT_OK) {
384  ESP_LOGW(TAG, "[%d] [%s] esp_ble_gattc_get_descr_by_char_handle error, status=%d", this->connection_index_,
385  this->address_str_.c_str(), descr_status);
386  break;
387  }
388  esp_gattc_char_elem_t char_result;
389  esp_gatt_status_t char_status =
390  esp_ble_gattc_get_all_char(this->gattc_if_, this->conn_id_, param->reg_for_notify.handle,
391  param->reg_for_notify.handle, &char_result, &count, 0);
392  if (char_status != ESP_GATT_OK) {
393  ESP_LOGW(TAG, "[%d] [%s] esp_ble_gattc_get_all_char error, status=%d", this->connection_index_,
394  this->address_str_.c_str(), char_status);
395  break;
396  }
398  /*
399  1 = notify
400  2 = indicate
401  */
402  uint16_t notify_en = & ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_NOTIFY ? 1 : 2;
403  esp_err_t status =
404  esp_ble_gattc_write_char_descr(this->gattc_if_, this->conn_id_, desc_result.handle, sizeof(notify_en),
405  (uint8_t *) &notify_en, ESP_GATT_WRITE_TYPE_RSP, ESP_GATT_AUTH_REQ_NONE);
406  ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Wrote notify descriptor %d, properties=%d", notify_en,;
407  if (status) {
408  ESP_LOGW(TAG, "[%d] [%s] esp_ble_gattc_write_char_descr error, status=%d", this->connection_index_,
409  this->address_str_.c_str(), status);
410  }
411  break;
412  }
414  default:
415  // ideally would check all other events for matching conn_id
416  ESP_LOGD(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Event %d", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(), event);
417  break;
418  }
419  return true;
420 }
422 // clients can't call defer() directly since it's protected.
423 void BLEClientBase::run_later(std::function<void()> &&f) { // NOLINT
424  this->defer(std::move(f));
425 }
427 void BLEClientBase::gap_event_handler(esp_gap_ble_cb_event_t event, esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t *param) {
428  switch (event) {
429  // This event is sent by the server when it requests security
431  if (!this->check_addr(param->ble_security.auth_cmpl.bd_addr))
432  return;
433  ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[%d] [%s] ESP_GAP_BLE_SEC_REQ_EVT %x", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(), event);
434  esp_ble_gap_security_rsp(param->ble_security.ble_req.bd_addr, true);
435  break;
436  // This event is sent once authentication has completed
438  if (!this->check_addr(param->ble_security.auth_cmpl.bd_addr))
439  return;
440  esp_bd_addr_t bd_addr;
441  memcpy(bd_addr, param->ble_security.auth_cmpl.bd_addr, sizeof(esp_bd_addr_t));
442  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[%d] [%s] auth complete. remote BD_ADDR: %s", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(),
443  format_hex(bd_addr, 6).c_str());
444  if (!param->ble_security.auth_cmpl.success) {
445  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "[%d] [%s] auth fail reason = 0x%x", this->connection_index_, this->address_str_.c_str(),
446  param->ble_security.auth_cmpl.fail_reason);
447  } else {
448  this->paired_ = true;
449  ESP_LOGD(TAG, "[%d] [%s] auth success. address type = %d auth mode = %d", this->connection_index_,
450  this->address_str_.c_str(), param->ble_security.auth_cmpl.addr_type,
451  param->ble_security.auth_cmpl.auth_mode);
452  }
453  break;
455  // There are other events we'll want to implement at some point to support things like pass key
456  //
457  default:
458  break;
459  }
460 }
462 // Parse GATT values into a float for a sensor.
463 // Ref:
464 float BLEClientBase::parse_char_value(uint8_t *value, uint16_t length) {
465  // A length of one means a single octet value.
466  if (length == 0)
467  return 0;
468  if (length == 1)
469  return (float) ((uint8_t) value[0]);
471  switch (value[0]) {
472  case 0x1: // boolean.
473  case 0x2: // 2bit.
474  case 0x3: // nibble.
475  case 0x4: // uint8.
476  return (float) ((uint8_t) value[1]);
477  case 0x5: // uint12.
478  case 0x6: // uint16.
479  if (length > 2) {
480  return (float) encode_uint16(value[1], value[2]);
481  }
482  // fall through
483  case 0x7: // uint24.
484  if (length > 3) {
485  return (float) encode_uint24(value[1], value[2], value[3]);
486  }
487  // fall through
488  case 0x8: // uint32.
489  if (length > 4) {
490  return (float) encode_uint32(value[1], value[2], value[3], value[4]);
491  }
492  // fall through
493  case 0xC: // int8.
494  return (float) ((int8_t) value[1]);
495  case 0xD: // int12.
496  case 0xE: // int16.
497  if (length > 2) {
498  return (float) ((int16_t) (value[1] << 8) + (int16_t) value[2]);
499  }
500  // fall through
501  case 0xF: // int24.
502  if (length > 3) {
503  return (float) ((int32_t) (value[1] << 16) + (int32_t) (value[2] << 8) + (int32_t) (value[3]));
504  }
505  // fall through
506  case 0x10: // int32.
507  if (length > 4) {
508  return (float) ((int32_t) (value[1] << 24) + (int32_t) (value[2] << 16) + (int32_t) (value[3] << 8) +
509  (int32_t) (value[4]));
510  }
511  }
512  ESP_LOGW(TAG, "[%d] [%s] Cannot parse characteristic value of type 0x%x length %d", this->connection_index_,
513  this->address_str_.c_str(), value[0], length);
514  return NAN;
515 }
518  for (auto *svc : this->services_) {
519  if (svc->uuid == uuid)
520  return svc;
521  }
522  return nullptr;
523 }
528  auto *svc = this->get_service(service);
529  if (svc == nullptr)
530  return nullptr;
531  return svc->get_characteristic(chr);
532 }
534 BLECharacteristic *BLEClientBase::get_characteristic(uint16_t service, uint16_t chr) {
536 }
539  for (auto *svc : this->services_) {
540  if (!svc->parsed)
541  svc->parse_characteristics();
542  for (auto *chr : svc->characteristics) {
543  if (chr->handle == handle)
544  return chr;
545  }
546  }
547  return nullptr;
548 }
551  auto *chr = this->get_characteristic(handle);
552  if (chr != nullptr) {
553  if (!chr->parsed)
554  chr->parse_descriptors();
555  for (auto &desc : chr->descriptors) {
556  if (desc->uuid.get_uuid().uuid.uuid16 == ESP_GATT_UUID_CHAR_CLIENT_CONFIG)
557  return desc;
558  }
559  }
560  return nullptr;
561 }
564  auto *svc = this->get_service(service);
565  if (svc == nullptr)
566  return nullptr;
567  auto *ch = svc->get_characteristic(chr);
568  if (ch == nullptr)
569  return nullptr;
570  return ch->get_descriptor(descr);
571 }
573 BLEDescriptor *BLEClientBase::get_descriptor(uint16_t service, uint16_t chr, uint16_t descr) {
576 }
579  for (auto *svc : this->services_) {
580  if (!svc->parsed)
581  svc->parse_characteristics();
582  for (auto *chr : svc->characteristics) {
583  if (!chr->parsed)
584  chr->parse_descriptors();
585  for (auto *desc : chr->descriptors) {
586  if (desc->handle == handle)
587  return desc;
588  }
589  }
590  }
591  return nullptr;
592 }
594 } // namespace esp32_ble_client
595 } // namespace esphome
597 #endif // USE_ESP32
BLEDescriptor * get_descriptor(espbt::ESPBTUUID service, espbt::ESPBTUUID chr, espbt::ESPBTUUID descr)
const char * name
Definition: stm32flash.h:78
BLEService * get_service(espbt::ESPBTUUID uuid)
ESP32BLE * global_ble
Definition: ble.cpp:438
std::string format_hex(const uint8_t *data, size_t length)
Format the byte array data of length len in lowercased hex.
Definition: helpers.cpp:361
std::vector< BLEService * > services_
void defer(const std::string &name, std::function< void()> &&f)
Defer a callback to the next loop() call.
Definition: component.cpp:130
constexpr uint32_t encode_uint32(uint8_t byte1, uint8_t byte2, uint8_t byte3, uint8_t byte4)
Encode a 32-bit value given four bytes in most to least significant byte order.
Definition: helpers.h:195
bool check_addr(esp_bd_addr_t &addr)
void run_later(std::function< void()> &&f)
Definition: component.cpp:22
BLEDescriptor * get_config_descriptor(uint16_t handle)
static ESPBTUUID from_uuid(esp_bt_uuid_t uuid)
Definition: ble_uuid.cpp:97
ESP32BLETracker * global_esp32_ble_tracker
virtual void set_state(ClientState st)
static ESPBTUUID from_uint16(uint16_t uuid)
Definition: ble_uuid.cpp:16
constexpr uint32_t encode_uint24(uint8_t byte1, uint8_t byte2, uint8_t byte3)
Encode a 24-bit value given three bytes in most to least significant byte order.
Definition: helpers.h:200
constexpr uint16_t encode_uint16(uint8_t msb, uint8_t lsb)
Encode a 16-bit value given the most and least significant byte.
Definition: helpers.h:191
esp_ble_addr_type_t get_address_type() const
uint8_t status
Definition: bl0942.h:74
void gap_event_handler(esp_gap_ble_cb_event_t event, esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t *param) override
BLECharacteristic * get_characteristic(espbt::ESPBTUUID service, espbt::ESPBTUUID chr)
virtual void mark_failed()
Mark this component as failed.
Definition: component.cpp:118
uint16_t length
Definition: tt21100.cpp:12
Implementation of SPI Controller mode.
Definition: a01nyub.cpp:7
bool parse_device(const espbt::ESPBTDevice &device) override
bool gattc_event_handler(esp_gattc_cb_event_t event, esp_gatt_if_t gattc_if, esp_ble_gattc_cb_param_t *param) override
void print_bt_device_info(const ESPBTDevice &device)
float parse_char_value(uint8_t *value, uint16_t length)