ESPHome  2025.2.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifdef USE_ESP_IDF
2 #include "qspi_dbi.h"
3 #include "esphome/core/log.h"
5 namespace esphome {
6 namespace qspi_dbi {
8 void QspiDbi::setup() {
10  this->spi_setup();
11  if (this->enable_pin_ != nullptr) {
12  this->enable_pin_->setup();
13  this->enable_pin_->digital_write(true);
14  }
15  if (this->reset_pin_ != nullptr) {
16  this->reset_pin_->setup();
17  this->reset_pin_->digital_write(true);
18  delay(5);
19  this->reset_pin_->digital_write(false);
20  delay(5);
21  this->reset_pin_->digital_write(true);
22  }
23  this->set_timeout(120, [this] { this->write_command_(SLEEP_OUT); });
24  this->set_timeout(240, [this] { this->write_init_sequence_(); });
25  if (this->draw_from_origin_)
26  check_buffer_();
27 }
30  if (!this->setup_complete_) {
31  return;
32  }
33  this->do_update_();
34  if (this->buffer_ == nullptr || this->x_low_ > this->x_high_ || this->y_low_ > this->y_high_)
35  return;
36  // Some chips require that the drawing window be aligned on certain boundaries
37  auto dr = this->draw_rounding_;
38  this->x_low_ = this->x_low_ / dr * dr;
39  this->y_low_ = this->y_low_ / dr * dr;
40  this->x_high_ = (this->x_high_ + dr) / dr * dr - 1;
41  this->y_high_ = (this->y_high_ + dr) / dr * dr - 1;
42  if (this->draw_from_origin_) {
43  this->x_low_ = 0;
44  this->y_low_ = 0;
45  this->x_high_ = this->width_ - 1;
46  }
47  int w = this->x_high_ - this->x_low_ + 1;
48  int h = this->y_high_ - this->y_low_ + 1;
49  this->write_to_display_(this->x_low_, this->y_low_, w, h, this->buffer_, this->x_low_, this->y_low_,
50  this->width_ - w - this->x_low_);
51  // invalidate watermarks
52  this->x_low_ = this->width_;
53  this->y_low_ = this->height_;
54  this->x_high_ = 0;
55  this->y_high_ = 0;
56 }
59  if (x >= this->get_width_internal() || x < 0 || y >= this->get_height_internal() || y < 0) {
60  return;
61  }
62  if (this->is_failed())
63  return;
64  check_buffer_();
65  uint32_t pos = (y * this->width_) + x;
66  bool updated = false;
67  pos = pos * 2;
69  if (this->buffer_[pos] != static_cast<uint8_t>(new_color >> 8)) {
70  this->buffer_[pos] = static_cast<uint8_t>(new_color >> 8);
71  updated = true;
72  }
73  pos = pos + 1;
74  new_color = new_color & 0xFF;
76  if (this->buffer_[pos] != new_color) {
77  this->buffer_[pos] = new_color;
78  updated = true;
79  }
80  if (updated) {
81  // low and high watermark may speed up drawing from buffer
82  if (x < this->x_low_)
83  this->x_low_ = x;
84  if (y < this->y_low_)
85  this->y_low_ = y;
86  if (x > this->x_high_)
87  this->x_high_ = x;
88  if (y > this->y_high_)
89  this->y_high_ = y;
90  }
91 }
93 void QspiDbi::reset_params_(bool ready) {
94  if (!ready && !this->is_ready())
95  return;
96  this->write_command_(this->invert_colors_ ? INVERT_ON : INVERT_OFF);
97  // custom x/y transform and color order
98  uint8_t mad = this->color_mode_ == display::COLOR_ORDER_BGR ? MADCTL_BGR : MADCTL_RGB;
99  if (this->swap_xy_)
100  mad |= MADCTL_MV;
101  if (this->mirror_x_)
102  mad |= MADCTL_MX;
103  if (this->mirror_y_)
104  mad |= MADCTL_MY;
105  this->write_command_(MADCTL_CMD, mad);
106  this->write_command_(BRIGHTNESS, this->brightness_);
107  this->write_command_(DISPLAY_ON);
108 }
111  for (const auto &seq : this->init_sequences_) {
112  this->write_sequence_(seq);
113  }
114  this->reset_params_(true);
115  this->setup_complete_ = true;
116  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "QSPI_DBI setup complete");
117 }
119 void QspiDbi::set_addr_window_(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2) {
120  ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "Set addr %d/%d, %d/%d", x1, y1, x2, y2);
121  uint8_t buf[4];
122  x1 += this->offset_x_;
123  x2 += this->offset_x_;
124  y1 += this->offset_y_;
125  y2 += this->offset_y_;
126  put16_be(buf, y1);
127  put16_be(buf + 2, y2);
128  this->write_command_(RASET, buf, sizeof buf);
129  put16_be(buf, x1);
130  put16_be(buf + 2, x2);
131  this->write_command_(CASET, buf, sizeof buf);
132 }
134 void QspiDbi::draw_pixels_at(int x_start, int y_start, int w, int h, const uint8_t *ptr, display::ColorOrder order,
135  display::ColorBitness bitness, bool big_endian, int x_offset, int y_offset, int x_pad) {
136  if (!this->setup_complete_ || this->is_failed())
137  return;
138  if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)
139  return;
140  if (bitness != display::COLOR_BITNESS_565 || order != this->color_mode_ ||
141  big_endian != (this->bit_order_ == spi::BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST)) {
142  Display::draw_pixels_at(x_start, y_start, w, h, ptr, order, bitness, big_endian, x_offset, y_offset, x_pad);
143  return;
144  } else if (this->draw_from_origin_) {
145  auto stride = x_offset + w + x_pad;
146  for (int y = 0; y != h; y++) {
147  memcpy(this->buffer_ + ((y + y_start) * this->width_ + x_start) * 2,
148  ptr + ((y + y_offset) * stride + x_offset) * 2, w * 2);
149  }
150  ptr = this->buffer_;
151  w = this->width_;
152  h += y_start;
153  x_start = 0;
154  y_start = 0;
155  x_offset = 0;
156  y_offset = 0;
157  }
158  this->write_to_display_(x_start, y_start, w, h, ptr, x_offset, y_offset, x_pad);
159 }
161 void QspiDbi::write_to_display_(int x_start, int y_start, int w, int h, const uint8_t *ptr, int x_offset, int y_offset,
162  int x_pad) {
163  this->set_addr_window_(x_start, y_start, x_start + w - 1, y_start + h - 1);
164  this->enable();
165  // x_ and y_offset are offsets into the source buffer, unrelated to our own offsets into the display.
166  if (x_offset == 0 && x_pad == 0 && y_offset == 0) {
167  // we could deal here with a non-zero y_offset, but if x_offset is zero, y_offset probably will be so don't bother
168  this->write_cmd_addr_data(8, 0x32, 24, 0x2C00, ptr, w * h * 2, 4);
169  } else {
170  auto stride = x_offset + w + x_pad;
171  this->write_cmd_addr_data(8, 0x32, 24, 0x2C00, nullptr, 0, 4);
172  for (int y = 0; y != h; y++) {
173  this->write_cmd_addr_data(0, 0, 0, 0, ptr + ((y + y_offset) * stride + x_offset) * 2, w * 2, 4);
174  }
175  }
176  this->disable();
177 }
178 void QspiDbi::write_command_(uint8_t cmd, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len) {
179  ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Command %02X, length %d, bytes %s", cmd, len, format_hex_pretty(bytes, len).c_str());
180  this->enable();
181  this->write_cmd_addr_data(8, 0x02, 24, cmd << 8, bytes, len);
182  this->disable();
183 }
185 void QspiDbi::write_sequence_(const std::vector<uint8_t> &vec) {
186  size_t index = 0;
187  while (index != vec.size()) {
188  if (vec.size() - index < 2) {
189  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Malformed init sequence");
190  return;
191  }
192  uint8_t cmd = vec[index++];
193  uint8_t x = vec[index++];
194  if (x == DELAY_FLAG) {
195  ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Delay %dms", cmd);
196  delay(cmd);
197  } else {
198  uint8_t num_args = x & 0x7F;
199  if (vec.size() - index < num_args) {
200  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Malformed init sequence");
201  return;
202  }
203  const auto *ptr = + index;
204  this->write_command_(cmd, ptr, num_args);
205  index += num_args;
206  }
207  }
208 }
211  ESP_LOGCONFIG("", "QSPI_DBI Display");
212  ESP_LOGCONFIG("", "Model: %s", this->model_);
213  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Height: %u", this->height_);
214  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Width: %u", this->width_);
215  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Draw rounding: %u", this->draw_rounding_);
216  LOG_PIN(" CS Pin: ", this->cs_);
217  LOG_PIN(" Reset Pin: ", this->reset_pin_);
218  ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " SPI Data rate: %dMHz", (unsigned) (this->data_rate_ / 1000000));
219 }
221 } // namespace qspi_dbi
222 } // namespace esphome
223 #endif
virtual void digital_write(bool value)=0
int get_width_internal() override
Definition: qspi_dbi.h:102
std::string format_hex_pretty(const uint8_t *data, size_t length)
Format the byte array data of length len in pretty-printed, human-readable hex.
Definition: helpers.cpp:373
static uint16_t color_to_565(Color color, ColorOrder color_order=ColorOrder::COLOR_ORDER_RGB)
void set_addr_window_(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2)
Definition: qspi_dbi.cpp:119
bool is_failed() const
Definition: component.cpp:143
uint16_t x
Definition: tt21100.cpp:17
std::vector< std::vector< uint8_t > > init_sequences_
Definition: qspi_dbi.h:166
void set_timeout(const std::string &name, uint32_t timeout, std::function< void()> &&f)
Set a timeout function with a unique name.
Definition: component.cpp:69
display::ColorOrder color_mode_
Definition: qspi_dbi.h:154
The most significant bit is transmitted/received first.
Definition: spi.h:42
void write_sequence_(const std::vector< uint8_t > &vec)
Definition: qspi_dbi.cpp:185
GPIOPin * cs_
Definition: spi.h:397
virtual void setup()=0
uint8_t h
Definition: bl0906.h:209
uint16_t y
Definition: tt21100.cpp:18
void write_command_(uint8_t cmd, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len)
the RM67162 in quad SPI mode seems to work like this (not in the datasheet, this is deduced from the ...
Definition: qspi_dbi.cpp:178
void write_cmd_addr_data(size_t cmd_bits, uint32_t cmd, size_t addr_bits, uint32_t address, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, uint8_t bus_width=1)
Definition: spi.h:454
bool is_ready() const
Definition: component.cpp:144
void setup() override
Definition: qspi_dbi.cpp:8
void dump_config() override
Definition: qspi_dbi.cpp:210
void write_to_display_(int x_start, int y_start, int w, int h, const uint8_t *ptr, int x_offset, int y_offset, int x_pad)
Definition: qspi_dbi.cpp:161
int get_height_internal() override
Definition: qspi_dbi.h:103
void update() override
Definition: qspi_dbi.cpp:29
void draw_absolute_pixel_internal(int x, int y, Color color) override
Definition: qspi_dbi.cpp:58
void draw_pixels_at(int x_start, int y_start, int w, int h, const uint8_t *ptr, display::ColorOrder order, display::ColorBitness bitness, bool big_endian, int x_offset, int y_offset, int x_pad) override
Definition: qspi_dbi.cpp:134
SPIBitOrder bit_order_
Definition: spi.h:393
uint32_t data_rate_
Definition: spi.h:395
std::string size_t len
Definition: helpers.h:301
void reset_params_(bool ready=false)
Definition: qspi_dbi.cpp:93
Implementation of SPI Controller mode.
Definition: a01nyub.cpp:7
std::vector< uint8_t > bytes
Definition: sml_parser.h:12
stm32_cmd_t * cmd
Definition: stm32flash.h:96
void IRAM_ATTR HOT delay(uint32_t ms)
Definition: core.cpp:26