M5Stack Unit 8 Angle


The m5stack_8angle platform allows to use the [m5angle](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/unit/UNIT%208Angle) input device with ESPHome. It has 8 knobs, a switch and can individually drive 9 RGB LEDs.


The m5stack_8angle unit.

The m5stack_8angle component communicates through an I²C bus and uses a default address of 0x43.

# Example configuration entry
    id: m5stack_8angle_base

Configuration variables:

  • id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID used for code generation.

  • i2c_id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID of the I²C Component if you need

  • address (Optional, int): Manually specify the I²C address of the device. Defaults to 0x43.

Knob’s position sensor

The position of the 8 knobs can be made available as sensors with values between 0-1 (with 0 being the leftmost position).

  - platform: m5stack_8angle
    m5stack_8angle_id: m5stack_8angle_base
    channel: 1
    name: "Knob 1"
    bit_depth: 12 bit
  - platform: m5stack_8angle
    m5stack_8angle_id: m5stack_8angle_base
    channel: 2
    name: "Knob 2"

Configuration variables:

  • update_interval (Optional, Time): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to 10s.

  • bit_depth (Optional, one of 12 bit or 8 bit) determines the precision of the analog readout, defaults to 8bit.

  • raw (Optional, boolean) if true, the sensor returns the raw readout value of the knob.

  • All other options from Sensor.

Input switch binary sensor

A binary sensor indicating the state of the switch on the device.

  - platform: m5stack_8angle
    m5stack_8angle_id: m5stack_8angle_base
    name: "Switch"

Configuration variables:

  • update_interval (Optional, Time): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to 10s.

  • All other options from Binary Sensor.


The 9 LEDs can be used a addressable light output.

  - platform: m5stack_8angle
    m5stack_8angle_id: m5stack_8angle_base
    id: m8_angle_leds
    name: "Lights"
        - addressable_rainbow:

Configuration variables:

  • All options from Light.

Read knob’s positions and switch state in Lambdas

You can trigger the readout of the position of an individual knob through float value = id(...)->read_knob_pos(index); and of the switch through int value = id(...)->read_switch();. A negative return value indicates a failure to read the state.

# Example configuration entry for having the LEDs indicate the knobs' position
  - platform: m5stack_8angle
    m5stack_8angle_id: m5stack_8angle_base
    id: m8_angle_leds
    name: "Lights"
        - addressable_lambda:
            name: "Indicate Values"
            update_interval: 200ms
            lambda: |-
                    ESPHSVColor hsv;
                    hsv.value = 255;
                    hsv.saturation = 240;
                    auto parent = id(m5stack_8angle_base);
                    for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) {
                      auto kpos = parent->read_knob_pos(i);
                      if (kpos >= 0){
                        hsv.hue = kpos * 200;
                        it[i] = hsv;
                    if (parent->read_switch() > 0)
                        hsv.hue = 200;
                        hsv.hue = 0;
                    it[8] = hsv;

See Also