BME68x Temperature, Humidity, Pressure & Gas Sensor via BSEC2


The bme68x_bsec2_i2c sensor platform allows you to use your BME680 and BME688 (Adafruit, Pimoroni) temperature, humidity, pressure and gas sensors with ESPHome via the Bosch Sensortec Environmental Cluster 2 (BSEC2) software library. The use of Bosch’s proprietary algorithms provide an Index for Air Quality (IAQ) measurement derived from the gas resistance sensor’s response to specific Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). The BSEC software also provides estimated values for CO₂ and Breath Volatile Organic Compounds (b-VOC) using a correlation between VOC and CO₂ in a human’s exhaled breath.

The I²C is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work.


The BSEC2 library is only available for use after accepting its software license agreement. By enabling this component in your configuration, you are explicitly agreeing to the terms of the BSEC license agreement. Note that the license forbids distribution of any compiled firmware binaries that include this component.


BME680 Temperature, Pressure, Humidity & Gas Sensor.


Example UI

# Minimal example configuration with common sensors
  address: 0x76
  model: bme680
  operating_age: 28d
  sample_rate: LP
  supply_voltage: 3.3V

Configuration variables:

  • address (Optional, int): Manually specify the I²C address of the sensor. Defaults to 0x76. The sensor can also be configured to use 0x77.

  • model (Optional, string): The model of the connected sensor; either BME680 or BME688.

  • algorithm_output (Optional, string): The output of the BSEC2 algorithm. Either classification (default) or regression. Only valid when model is BME688.

  • operating_age (Optional, string): The history BSEC2 considers for the automatic background calibration of the IAQ in days. That means changes in this time period will influence the IAQ value. Either 4d or 28d.

  • sample_rate (Optional, string): Sample rate. Default is LP for low power consumption, sampling every 3 seconds. Can be ULP for ultra-low power, sampling every 5 minutes. This controls the sampling rate for gas-dependent sensors and will govern the interval at which the sensor heater is operated. By default, this rate will also be used for temperature, humidity and pressure sensors but can be overridden per-sensor if required.

  • supply_voltage (Optional, string): Supply voltage of the sensor. Default is 3.3V. Can be set to 1.8V if your sensor is powerd with 1.8 volts (for example, the Pimoroni PIM357 BME680 breakout module).

  • temperature_offset (Optional, float): Temperature offset if device is in enclosure and reads too high. This value is subtracted from the reading (for example, if the sensor reads 5°C higher than expected, set this to 5) and also corrects the relative humidity readings. Defaults to 0.

  • state_save_interval (Optional, Time): The minimum interval at which to save the calibrated BSEC2 algorithm state to flash so that calibration doesn’t have to start from scratch on device restart. Defaults to 6h.

  • id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. Use this ID in the sensor section to refer to the correct BME68x sensor if you have more than one device. This will also be used to refer to the calibrated BSEC2 algorithm state saved to flash.


  - platform: bme68x_bsec2
      name: "BME68x Temperature"
      name: "BME68x Pressure"
      name: "BME68x Humidity"
      name: "BME68x IAQ"
      id: iaq
      name: "BME68x CO2 Equivalent"
      name: "BME68x Breath VOC Equivalent"

Configuration variables:

  • bme68x_bsec2_id (Optional, ID): The ID of the bme68x_bsec2_i2c component sensors will refer to. Useful when multiple devices are present in your configuration.

  • temperature (Optional): Configuration for the temperature sensor.

    • sample_rate (Optional, string): Optional sample rate override for this sensor. Can be LP for low power consumption, sampling every 3 seconds or ULP for ultra-low power, sampling every 5 minutes.

    • All other options from Sensor.

  • pressure (Optional): Configuration for the pressure sensor.

    • sample_rate (Optional, string): Optional sample rate override for this sensor. Can be LP for low power consumption, sampling every 3 seconds or ULP for ultra-low power, sampling every 5 minutes.

    • All other options from Sensor.

  • humidity (Optional): Configuration for the humidity sensor.

    • sample_rate (Optional, string): Optional sample rate override for this sensor. Can be LP for low power consumption, sampling every 3 seconds or ULP for ultra-low power, sampling every 5 minutes.

    • All other options from Sensor.

  • gas_resistance (Optional): Configuration for the gas sensor.

  • iaq (Optional): Configuration for the IAQ sensor.

  • iaq_static (Optional): Configuration for the IAQ static sensor.

  • iaq_accuracy (Optional): Configuration for the numeric IAQ accuracy sensor.

  • co2_equivalent (Optional): Configuration for the CO₂ equivalent sensor.

  • breath_voc_equivalent (Optional): Configuration for the Breath VOC equivalent humidity sensor.

Text Sensor

The sensor’s accuracy can be reported in text format.

  - platform: bme68x_bsec2
      name: "BME68x IAQ Accuracy"

Configuration variables:

  • bme68x_bsec2_id (Optional, ID): The ID of the bme68x_bsec2_i2c component the text sensor will refer to. Useful when multiple devices are present in your configuration.

  • iaq_accuracy (Optional): Configuration for the IAQ accuracy sensor. Shows: Stabilizing, Uncertain, Calibrating, Calibrated.

Index for Air Quality (IAQ) Measurement

The measurements are expressed with an index scale ranging from 0 to 500. The index itself is deduced from tests using ethanol gas, as well as important VOC in the exhaled breath of healthy humans. The VOC values themselves are derived from several publications on breath analysis studies. The BSEC2 software library defines the levels as follows:

IAQ Index

Air Quality

0 - 50


51 - 100


101 - 150

Lightly polluted

151 - 200

Moderately polluted

201 - 250

Heavily polluted

251 - 350

Severely polluted

> 351

Extremely polluted

This can be represented by a template text sensor such as below

  - platform: template
    name: "BME68x IAQ Classification"
    lambda: |-
      if ( int(id(iaq).state) <= 50) {
        return {"Excellent"};
      else if (int(id(iaq).state) >= 51 && int(id(iaq).state) <= 100) {
        return {"Good"};
      else if (int(id(iaq).state) >= 101 && int(id(iaq).state) <= 150) {
        return {"Lightly polluted"};
      else if (int(id(iaq).state) >= 151 && int(id(iaq).state) <= 200) {
        return {"Moderately polluted"};
      else if (int(id(iaq).state) >= 201 && int(id(iaq).state) <= 250) {
        return {"Heavily polluted"};
      else if (int(id(iaq).state) >= 251 && int(id(iaq).state) <= 350) {
        return {"Severely polluted"};
      else if (int(id(iaq).state) >= 351) {
        return {"Extremely polluted"};
      else {
        return {"error"};

The selected b-VOC gasses are as follows:


Molar fraction


5 ppm


10 ppm


10 ppm


50 ppm

Carbon Monoxide

15 ppm

IAQ Accuracy and Calibration

The BSEC2 software automatically calibrates in the background to provide consistent IAQ performance. The calibration process considers the recent measurement history so that a value of 50 corresponds to a “typical good” level and a value of 200 to a “typical polluted” level. The IAQ Accuracy sensor will indicate one of the following values:

  • Stabilizing: The device has just started, and the sensor is stabilizing (this typically lasts 5 minutes)

  • Uncertain: The background history of BSEC2 is uncertain. This typically means the gas sensor data was too stable for BSEC2 to clearly define its reference.

  • Calibrating: BSEC2 found new calibration data and is currently calibrating.

  • Calibrated: BSEC2 calibrated successfully.

Every state_save_interval, or as soon thereafter when full calibration is reached, the current algorithm state is saved to flash so that the process does not have to start from scratch on device restart.

See Also