BLE Client Binary Output

The ble_client component is a output that can write a binary value to service characteristics of BLE devices.

For more information on BLE services and characteristics, see BLE Client.


The BLE software stack on the ESP32 consumes a significant amount of RAM on the device.

Crashes are likely to occur if you include too many additional components in your device’s configuration. Memory-intensive components such as Voice Assistant and other audio components are most likely to cause issues.


  - mac_address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    id: itag_black

  - platform: ble_client
    ble_client_id: itag_black
    service_uuid: "10110000-5354-4F52-5A26-4249434B454C"
    characteristic_uuid: "10110013-5354-4f52-5a26-4249434b454c"
    require_response: false

Configuration variables:

  • ble_client_id (Required, ID): ID of the associated BLE client.

  • service_uuid (Required, UUID): UUID of the service on the device.

  • characteristic_uuid (Required, UUID): UUID of the service’s characteristic to write to.

  • id (Optional, ID): The ID to use for code generation, and for reference by dependent components.

  • require_response (Optional, boolean): Control whether to require a remote response from the device when writing. Whether or not this is required will vary by device. Defaults to false

  • All other options from Output.

See Also