LibreTiny Platform

This component contains platform-specific options for the LibreTiny platform. It provides support for the following microcontrollers, commonly used in Tuya devices, amongst others:

  • BK72xx: BK7231T, BK7231N

  • RTL87xx: RTL8710BN, RTL8710BX

Since different microcontrollers are supported, you need to include the appropriate ESPHome component, depending on which processor your device has.

Refer to LibreTiny/Boards to find your board type.

# Example configuration entry for BK72xx
  board: generic-bk7231n-qfn32-tuya

# Example configuration entry for RTL87xx
  board: generic-rtl8710bn-2mb-788k

Configuration variables:

  • board (Required, string): The PlatformIO board ID that should be used. Choose the appropriate board from this list (the icon next to the name can be used to copy the board ID).

    This affects CPU selection and some internal settings - make sure to choose the right CPU. If unsure about the choice of a particular board, choose a generic board such as generic-bk7231n-qfn32-tuya.

  • framework (Optional): Options for the underlying framework used by ESPHome.

  • family (Optional, string): The family of LibreTiny-supported microcontrollers that is used on this board. One of bk7231n, bk7231t, rtl8710b, rtl8720c, bk7251, bk7231q. Defaults to the variant that is detected from the board, if a board that’s unknown to ESPHome is used, this option is mandatory. It’s recommended not to include this option.


Support for the LibreTiny platform is still in development and there could be issues or missing components.

Please report any issues on LibreTiny GitHub.

Getting Started

Since BK72xx and RTL87xx chips are relatively new on the IoT Open Source development stage, there aren’t many resources on flashing and configuring them.

Here are a few useful links:

GPIO Pin Numbering

Chips supported by LibreTiny use the internal GPIO pin numbering of the boards, this means that you don’t have to worry about other kinds of pin numberings, yay!

Additionally, you can use pin function macros to quickly access a GPIO tied to a particular peripheral, such as UART1 TX/RX or PWM0. See LibreTiny/GPIO Access to learn more.

Most of the popular boards (often incorrectly called “chips”), that are usually shipped with Smart Home devices, are supported by LibreTiny, which means that a pinout drawing is available, with all GPIOs described. Visit LibreTiny/Boards to find all supported boards.

The Pin functions table outlines all GPIOs available on the chosen board. You can use any of the visible names to access a particular GPIO.

Some notes about the pins on BK72xx:

Some notes about the pins on RTL8710BN/BX:

  • TX2 (PA30) and RX2 (PA29) are used for flashing the firmware, as well as the default Logger Component UART port.

  • TX2 (PA30) is additionally used to determine the boot mode on startup (similar to ESP32). Pulling it LOW on startup will enter “download mode”.

Example configuration entries using various naming styles:

# GPIO switch on P26/GPIO26 (BK72xx example)
  - platform: gpio
    name: Relay 1
    pin: P26

# GPIO binary sensor on PA12 (RTL87xx example)
  - platform: gpio
    name: "Pin PA12"
    pin: PA12

# ADC reading (BK72xx example)
  - platform: adc
    pin: ADC3
    name: "Battery Level"

# PWM component
  - platform: libretiny_pwm
    pin: PWM2
    frequency: 1000 Hz
    id: pwm_output
# using light with the PWM
  - platform: monochromatic
    output: pwm_output
    name: "Kitchen Light"

# Tuya MCU on UART1 (BK72xx example)
  rx_pin: RX1
  tx_pin: TX1
  baud_rate: 9600

Advanced options

These are some advanced configuration options of LibreTiny platform.

# Example configuration entry
  board: cb2s
    version: dev
    loglevel: debug
      - wifi
      - ota
    sdk_silent: auto
    uart_port: 2
    gpio_recover: false
      LT_LOG_HEAP: 1
  • loglevel (Optional, string): Logging level for LibreTiny core. Controls the output of logging messages from the core (doesn’t affect ESPHome logger!). These messages are only visible on the physical UART. One of verbose, trace (same as verbose), debug, info, warn (default), error, fatal, none.

  • debug (Optional, string or string list): Modules to enable LibreTiny debugging for. Refer to LibreTiny/Configuration for more information - some modules are enabled by default. One or more of wifi, client, server, ssl, ota, fdb, mdns, lwip, lwip_assert. Specifying none will disable all modules. You can also combine none with one or more of the modules.

  • sdk_silent (Optional, string): Define the SDK logging “silent mode”. This disables messages from vendor SDKs, which makes UART output more readable, but can hide some error messages. This affects the physical UART port only. Refer to LibreTiny/Configuration for more information.

    • all: Disable all messages (default).

    • auto: Disable selectively, i.e. during Wi-Fi activation.

    • none: Keep all logging messages, don’t disable anything.

  • uart_port (Optional, int): Choose the default UART port of the framework. This affects LibreTiny logging messages, as well as the default port for ESPHome logger (e.g. if you don’t specify any other). One of 0, 1, 2. The default value is chip-specific and is chosen by LibreTiny appropriately.

  • gpio_recover (Optional, boolean): Disable JTAG/SWD debugging peripherals. This may be needed to free GPIOs that should be used for other functions. Defaults to true.

  • options (Optional, mapping): Custom options passed to LibreTiny platform. Refer to LibreTiny/Configuration to see all options. This takes precedence (overrides) all options described above.

See Also