Key collector component

The key_collector component collects key presses from components like Matrix keypad, Wiegand keypad or LVGL Button Matrix, Keyboard widgets. It allows you to process key sequences and treat them as one, for example to allow inputting of a PIN code or a passkey. The component outputs the result of the keypress sequence as a variable usable in automations.


# Example configuration entry
  - id: pincode_reader
    source_id: mykeypad
    min_length: 4
    max_length: 4
    end_keys: "#"
    end_key_required: true
    back_keys: "*"
    clear_keys: "C"
    allowed_keys: "0123456789"
    timeout: 5s
      - logger.log:
          format: "input progress: '%s', started by '%c'"
          args: [ 'x.c_str()', "(start == 0 ? '~' : start)" ]
      - logger.log:
          format: "input result: '%s', started by '%c', ended by '%c'"
          args: [ 'x.c_str()', "(start == 0 ? '~' : start)", "(end == 0 ? '~' : end)" ]
      - logger.log:
          format: "input timeout: '%s', started by '%c'"
          args: [ 'x.c_str()', "(start == 0 ? '~' : start)" ]

Configuration variables:

  • id (Optional, ID): Set the ID of this entry for use in lambdas.

  • source_id (Optional, ID): The ID of the key input device.

  • min_length (Optional, integer): The minimal length of the desired key sequence. Below this, on_result automation will not trigger even if any of the end_keys was pressed.

  • max_length (Optional, integer): The maximum length of the desired key sequence, after which the sequence will trigger the on_result automation witout having to press any of the end_keys

  • end_keys (Optional, string): Keys used to enter the sequence.

  • end_key_required (Optional, boolean): Only trigger on_result automation when one of the end_keys was pressed. Defaults to false.

  • back_keys (Optional, string): Keys used to delete the last pressed key. Like Backspace on a keyboard.

  • clear_keys (Optional, string): Keys used to entirely clear the sequence, all the pressed keys.

  • allowed_keys (Optional, string): Keys allowed to be used. If not specified, then any otherwise unused keys will be allowed.

  • timeout (Optional, Time): Timeout after which to cancel building the sequence and delete all the keys.

At least one of end_keys or max_length have to be specified. The rest are optional. If both end_keys and max_length are specified, then once max_length keys are collected, no more will be accepted until an end key is pressed.


  • on_progress (Optional, Automation): An automation to perform when keys are pressed. The current sequence of pressed keys is placed in a vector<uint8_t> variable x and start holds the start key that activated this sequence or else 0. Useful if you want to have a display showing the current value or number of key presses, or a speaker beeping when keys are being pressed.

  • on_result (Optional, Automation): An automation to perform when the sequence has been finished (eg. max_length has been reached or one of the end_keys was pressed). The finalized key sequence is placed in a vector<uint8_t> variable x, start holds the start key that activated this sequence or else 0, and end holds the end key that terminated this sequence or else 0.

  • on_timeout (Optional, Automation): An automation to perform if the timeout happens. The current sequence of pressed keys is placed in a vector<uint8_t> variable x and start holds the start key that activated this sequence or else 0.


  • send_key(uint8_t key): Send a key to the collector directly.

See Also