BLE Server

The esp32_ble_server component in ESPHome sets up a BLE GATT server that exposes the device name, manufacturer and board. BLE GATT services and characteristics can be added to the server to expose data and control.


The BLE software stack on the ESP32 consumes a significant amount of RAM on the device.

Crashes are likely to occur if you include too many additional components in your device’s configuration. Memory-intensive components such as Voice Assistant and other audio components are most likely to cause issues.

# Example configuration

  manufacturer: "Orange"
  manufacturer_data: [0x4C, 0, 0x23, 77, 0xF0 ]
    - lambda: |-
        ESP_LOGD("BLE", "Connection from %d", id);
    - lambda: |-
        ESP_LOGD("BLE", "Disconnection from %d", id);

Configuration variables:

  • manufacturer (Optional, Value Configuration): The name of the manufacturer/firmware creator. Defaults to ESPHome.

  • model (Optional, Value Configuration): The model name of the device. Defaults to the project’s name defined in the core configuration if present, otherwise to the friendly name of the board chosen in the core configuration.

  • firmware_version (Optional, Value Configuration): The firmware version of the device. Defaults to the project’s version defined in the core configuration if present, otherwise to the ESPHome version.

  • manufacturer_data (Optional, list of bytes): The manufacturer-specific data to include in the advertising packet. Should be a list of bytes, where the first two are the little-endian representation of the 16-bit manufacturer ID as assigned by the Bluetooth SIG.

  • on_connect (Optional, Automation): An action to be performed when a client connects to the BLE server. It provides the id variable which contains the ID of the client that connected.

  • on_disconnect (Optional, Automation): An action to be performed when a client disconnects from the BLE server. It provides the id variable which contains the ID of the client that disconnected.

  • services (Optional, list of Service Configuration): A list of services to expose on the BLE GATT server.

Service Configuration

Services are the main way to expose data and control over BLE. Services communicate with the client through characteristics. Each service can have multiple characteristics.

    - uuid: 2a24b789-7aab-4535-af3e-ee76a35cc42d
      advertise: false
        - uuid: cad48e28-7fbe-41cf-bae9-d77a6c233423
          read: true
            value: "Hello, World!"

Configuration variables:

  • uuid (Required, string, int): The UUID of the service.

  • advertise (Optional, boolean): If the service should be advertised. Defaults to false.

  • characteristics (Optional, list of Characteristic Configuration): A list of characteristics to expose in this service.

Characteristic Configuration

Characteristics expose data and control for a BLE service. Each characteristic has a value that may be readable and or writable, and may permit a client to subscribe to notifications. Characteristics can also have multiple descriptors to provide additional information about the characteristic.

    # ...
      - id: test_characteristic
        uuid: cad48e28-7fbe-41cf-bae9-d77a6c233423
        advertise: true
        description: "Sample description"
        read: true
            data: "123.1"
            type: float
            endianness: BIG
          - uuid: cad48e28-7fbe-41cf-bae9-d77a6c211423
            value: "Hello, World Descriptor!"

Configuration variables:

  • id (Optional, string): An ID to refer to this characteristic in automations.

  • uuid (Required, string, int): The UUID of the characteristic.

  • description (Optional, Value Configuration): The description of the characteristic - not templatable. It will add a CUD descriptor (0x2901) to the characteristic with the value of the description.

  • read (Optional, boolean): If the characteristic should be readable. Defaults to false.

  • write (Optional, boolean): If the characteristic should be writable. Defaults to false.

  • broadcast (Optional, boolean): If the characteristic should be broadcast. Defaults to false.

  • notify (Optional, boolean): If the characteristic supports notifications. If true, a CCCD descriptor will be automatically added to the characteristic. Defaults to false.

  • indicate (Optional, boolean): If the characteristic supports indications. If true, a CCCD descriptor will be automatically added to the characteristic. Defaults to false.

  • write_no_response (Optional, boolean): If the characteristic should be writable without a response. Defaults to false.

  • value (Optional, Value Configuration): The value of the characteristic.

  • descriptors (Optional, list of Descriptor Configuration): A list of descriptors to expose in this characteristic.

  • on_write (Optional, Automation): An action to be performed when the characteristic is written to. The characteristic must have the write property. See on_write Trigger.

Descriptor Configuration

Descriptors are optional and are used to provide additional information (metadata) about a characteristic.

    - uuid: # ...
        - uuid: # ...
            - uuid: 2901
                value: "Hello, World Descriptor!"

Configuration variables:

  • id (Optional, string): An ID to refer to this descriptor in automations.

  • uuid (Required, string, int): The UUID of the descriptor.

  • value (Required, Value Configuration): The value of the descriptor. templatable values are not allowed. In order to set the value of a descriptor dynamically, use the ble_server.descriptor.set_value Action action.

Value Configuration

Values can be of different types and are used to define the value of a characteristic or descriptor. The value of a characteristic is templatable. If the value is templated, the template will be evaluated each time the characteristic is read, or a notification is triggered. The value of a descriptor is not templatable as it is expected to be static.

    - uuid: # ...
        - uuid: # ...
          # Simple value (auto-detect type)
          value: "Hello, World!"
        - uuid: # ...
          # String value
            data: "Hello, World!"
            type: string
            string_encoding: utf-8
        - uuid: # ...
          # Integer value
            data: "123"
            type: uint16_t
            endianness: LITTLE
        - uuid: # ...
          # Array of bytes value
            data: [9, 9, 9]
        - uuid: # ...
          # Lambda value
            data: !lambda 'return std::vector<uint8_t>({9, 9, 9});'
        - uuid: # ...
          # Lambda value using ByteBuffer
            data: !lambda 'return bytebuffer::ByteBuffer::wrap(0.182).get_data();'

Configuration variables:

  • data (Required, string, int, float, boolean, list of bytes, templatable): The value of the characteristic or descriptor. For templatable values, the lambda function must return a std::vector<uint8_t> (you may use the bytebuffer::ByteBuffer helper class to transform different data types into a byte array). The value is computed each time the characteristic is read.

  • type (Optional, string): The C++ type of the value. The available values are uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, float, double and string. It must be defined if the value is not templatable.

  • endianness (Optional, string): The endianness of the value. Can be BIG or LITTLE. Defaults to LITTLE.

  • string_encoding (Optional, string): The encoding of the string. Only applicable if the type is string. The conversion is done in Python before compilation, so the encoding must be a valid [Python encoding]( Defaults to utf-8.

on_write Trigger

With this configuration option you can write complex automations that are triggered when a characteristic is written to. It provides the x variable which contains the new value of the characteristic as a std::vector<uint8_t> and the id variable which contains the ID of the client that wrote to the characteristic.

    - uuid: # ...
        # ...
        write: true
            - lambda: |-
                ESP_LOGD("BLE", "Descriptor received: %s from %d", std::string(x.begin(), x.end()).c_str(), id);

ble_server.characteristic.set_value Action

This action sets the value of a characteristic. A characteristic may not have a set_value action if it also has a templated value in its configuration.

    - ble_server.characteristic_set_value:
        id: test_write_characteristic
        value: [0, 1, 2]

Configuration variables:

  • id (Required, string): The ID of the characteristic to set the value of.

  • value (Required, Value Configuration): The new value of the characteristic.

ble_server.characteristic.notify Action

This action triggers a notification to the client. The value sent will be the current value of the characteristic, or the value from evaluation of the template, if present.

    - ble_server.characteristic_notify:
        id: test_notify_characteristic

Configuration variables: - id (Required, string): The ID of the characteristic to notify the client about (must have the notify property).

ble_server.descriptor.set_value Action

This action sets the value of a descriptor.

    - ble_server.descriptor:
        id: test_write_descriptor
        value: [0, 1, 2]

Configuration variables:

  • id (Required, string): The ID of the descriptor to set the value of.

  • value (Required, Value Configuration): The new value of the descriptor.

See Also