LCD Menu

The component provides an infrastructure for setting up a hierarchical menu on character based LCD displays. This offers the user an interactive method to display labels, control entities like switch, select, number available locally on the ESPHome node, without the requirement of a network connection.



The component implements the Display Menu component providing a hierarchical menu primarily intended to be controlled either by a rotary encoder with a button or a five-button joystick controller.

The component needs to be connected to an instance of a character based LCD display, which like lcd_pcf8574 Component or lcd_gpio Component. For the best results the GPIO connection is recommended; the I²C one running at the speed according to the datasheet (usually 100 kHz) or even ESPHome default (50 kHz) will create perceptible delays especially when changing a numeric value using the rotary encoder. Most PCF8574 adapters used with these displays will happily run at 200 or even 400 kHz though so if you are comfortable accepting risks from running your hardware out of spec, you might want to try that in your I²C Bus configuration.

# Example configuration entry
  - platform: lcd_pcf8574
    id: my_lcd
    dimensions: 20x4
      - position: 0
        data:  # mark_back symbol
          - 0b00100
          - 0b01000
          - 0b11110
          - 0b01001
          - 0b00101
          - 0b00001
          - 0b11110
          - 0b00000
    lambda: |-
      if (!id(my_lcd_menu).is_active())
        it.print("Menu is not active");

# Declare a LCD menu
  id: my_lcd_menu
  display_id: my_lcd
  active: true
  mode: rotary
  mark_back: 0x08
  mark_selected: 0x3e
  mark_editing: 0x2a
  mark_submenu: 0x7e

# Rotary encoder to provide navigation
  - platform: rotary_encoder
      debounce: 30ms
      - display_menu.up:
      - display_menu.down:

# A debounced GPIO push button is used to 'click'
  - platform: gpio
      - delayed_on: 30ms
      - delayed_off: 30ms
      - display_menu.enter:

Configuration variables:

  • id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID used for code generation.

  • display_id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID of the LCD display.

  • mark_back (Optional, 0-255): Code of the character used to mark menu items going back one level. As the character set lacks a good looking back arrow, using a user defined character is advisable (use 8 to reference one at position 0 to avoid problems with zeros in a string). Defaults to 0x5e (^).

  • mark_selected (Optional, 0-255): Code of the character used to mark menu item selected. Defaults to 0x3e (>).

  • mark_editing (Optional, 0-255): Code of the character used to mark menu item editing mode. Defaults to 0x2a (*).

  • mark_submenu (Optional, 0-255): Code of the character used to mark menu item leading to a submenu. Defaults to 0x7e (a right arrow).

The rest of the configuration is described in the Display Menu component. The menu inherits the dimensions of the connected LCD display and uses the entire area.

See Also