Template Alarm Control Panel

The template alarm control panel platform allows you to turn your binary sensors into a state machine managed alarm control panel.

# Example configuration entry
  - platform: template
    name: Alarm Panel
      - "1234"
      - input: zone_1
      - input: zone_2
        bypass_armed_home: true

Configuration variables:

  • codes (Optional, list of string): A list of codes for disarming the alarm, if requires_code_to_arm set to true then for arming the alarm too.

  • requires_code_to_arm (Optional, boolean): Code required for arming the alarm, codes must be provided.

  • arming_away_time (Optional, Time): The exit delay before the alarm is armed to away mode. Defaults to 0s.

  • arming_home_time (Optional, Time): The exit delay before the alarm is armed to home mode.

  • arming_night_time (Optional, Time): The exit delay before the alarm is armed to night mode.

  • pending_time (Optional, Time): The entry delay before the alarm is triggered. Defaults to 0s.

  • trigger_time (Optional, Time): The time after a triggered alarm before resetting to previous state if the sensors are cleared/off. Defaults to 0s.

  • binary_sensors (Optional, list): A list of binary sensors the panel should use. Each consists of:

    • input (Required, string): The id of the binary sensor component

    • bypass_armed_home (Optional, boolean): This binary sensor will not trigger the alarm when in armed_home state.

    • bypass_armed_night (Optional, boolean): This binary sensor will not trigger the alarm when in armed_night state.

    • trigger_mode (Optional, string): Sets the trigger mode for this sensor. One of delayed, instant, or delayed_follower. (delayed is the default if not specified)

    • chime (Optional, boolean): When set true, the chime callback will be called whenever the sensor goes from closed to open. (false is the default if not specified)

  • restore_mode (Optional, enum):

    • ALWAYS_DISARMED (Default): Always start in disarmed state.

    • RESTORE_DEFAULT_DISARMED: Restore state or default to disarmed state if no saved state was found.

  • All other options from Alarm Control Panel


If binary_sensors is omitted then you’re expected to trigger the alarm using pending Action or triggered Action.

Trigger Modes

Each binary sensor “zone” supports 3 trigger modes. The 3 trigger modes are:

  • delayed

  • instant

  • delayed_follower

The delayed trigger mode is typically specified for exterior doors where entry is required to access an alarm keypad or other arm/disarm method. If the alarm panel is armed, and a zone set to delayed is “faulted” (i.e. the zone state is true) the alarm state will change from the armed state to the pending state. During the pending state, the user has a preset time to disarm the alarm before it changes to the triggered state. This is the default trigger mode if not specified.

The instant trigger mode is typically used for exterior zones (e.g. windows, and glass break detectors). If the alarm control panel is armed, a fault on this type of zone will cause the alarm to go from the armed state directly to the triggered state.

The delayed_follower trigger mode is typically specifed for interior passive infared (PIR) or microwave sensors. One of two things happen when a delayed_follower zone is faulted:

  1. When the alarm panel is in the armed state, a fault on a zone with delayed_follower specified will cause the alarm control panel to go directly to the triggered state.

  2. When the alarm panel is in the pending state, a fault on a zone with delayed_follower specified will remain in the pending state.

The delayed_follower trigger mode offers better protection if someone enters a premises via an unprotected window or door. If there is a PIR guarding the main hallway, it will cause an instant trigger of the alarm panel as someone entered the premises in a unusual manner. Likewise, if someone enters the premises though a door set to the delayed trigger mode, and then triggers the PIR, the alarm will stay in the pending state until either they disarm the alarm, or the pending timer expires.

State Flow:

  1. The alarm starts in DISARMED state

  2. When the arm_... method is invoked

  1. arming_..._time is greater than 0 the state is ARMING

  2. arming_..._time is 0 or after the delay the state is ARMED_...

  1. When the alarm is tripped by a sensor state changing to on or alarm_control_panel_pending_action invoked

  1. If trigger_mode is set to delayed:

  1. pending_time greater than 0 the state is PENDING

  2. pending_time is 0 or after the pending_time delay the state is TRIGGERED

  1. If trigger_mode is set to instant:

  1. The state is set to TRIGGERED

  1. If the trigger_mode is set to interior_follower:

  1. If the current state is ARMED_... the state will be set to TRIGGERED

  2. If the current state is PENDING then nothing will happen and it will stay in the PENDING state.

  1. If trigger_time greater than 0 and no sensors are on after trigger_time delay the state returns to ARM_...


Although the interface supports all arming modes only away, home and night have been implemented for now. arm_... is for either arm_away or arm_home arming_..._time is for either arming_away_time, arming_home_time, or arming_night_time ARMED_... is for either ARMED_AWAY, ARMED_HOME, or ARMED_NIGHT


  platform: template
  name: Alarm Panel
  id: acp1
    - "1234"
  requires_code_to_arm: true
  arming_away_time: 30s
  arming_home_time: 5s
  pending_time: 30s
  trigger_time: 5min
    - input: zone_1
      chime: true
      trigger_mode: delayed
    - input: zone_2
      chime: true
      trigger_mode: delayed
    - input: zone_3
      bypass_armed_home: true
      trigger_mode: delayed_follower
    - input: zone_4
      trigger_mode: instant
    - input: ha_test
      - lambda: !lambda |-
          ESP_LOGD("TEST", "State change %s", alarm_control_panel_state_to_string(id(acp1)->get_state()));
      - switch.turn_on: siren
      - switch.turn_off: siren
     - lambda: !lambda |-
         ESP_LOGD("TEST", "Sensor ready change to: %s",
           (id(acp1).get_all_sensors_ready())) ? (const char *) "True" : (const char *) "False");
     - lambda: !lambda |-
         ESP_LOGD("TEST", "Zone with chime mode set opened");

  - platform: gpio
    id: zone_1
    name: Zone 1
    device_class: door
      number: GPIOXX
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
  - platform: gpio
    id: zone_2
    name: Zone 2
    device_class: door
      number: GPIOXX
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
  - platform: gpio
    id: zone_3
    name: Zone 3
    device_class: motion
      number: GPIOXX
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
  - platform: gpio
    id: zone_4
    name: Zone 4
    device_class: door
      number: GPIOXX
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: ha_test
    name: HA Test
    entity_id: input_boolean.test_switch

  - platform: gpio
    id: siren
    name: Siren
    icon: mdi:alarm-bell
    pin: GPIOXX

See Also